Constitution For Malayalee Students Association at York
Constitution For Malayalee Students Association at York
Constitution For Malayalee Students Association at York
The Secretary will interpret all the laws/rules that will be passed in the future.
He/She will explain all the laws/rules during meetings. The method of
interpretation shall be by presentations to the members of this organization. Any
aids (such as power point presentation or overheads etc) can be used only for
the enhancement of the clarity of the law(s) being presented. The Secretary is
subject to answer any concern regarding laws that are passed or to be passed.
Membership is open to all students, staff and faculty members. There are two
types of membership.
Member: Members, who are registered, will be able to attend and help out in
events hosted by Malayalee Students Association at York University,
and they are allowed to vote.
Executives: Members who are elected to hold a position in the committee. They
are able to vote along with their duties.
There will be a meeting every two months of the school year (September – April).
The dates of these meeting will be decided by the President and Vice-President.
If any concerns or regards which affect the club as a whole, a meeting will be
called within 2 weeks of the day the issue was brought up. If any members want
to setup a meeting, they must contact the secretary first through email. The main
medium of communication and notifications of upcoming meeting will be through
email to the members. During the meeting, everyone has equal speaking
privileges, however, the Secretary and any other member(s) who brought up the
issue, if any, will guide the discussion of that particular issue. If any emergency
issues regarding the club arise, you may contact the President or Vice-President
directly through any medium available, which then the President or Vice
President will set up the emergency meeting. Members and Executives have the
privilege to vote on (an) issue(s). If there is a tie vote, the President, Vice-
President and the Treasurer will vote on that particular issue and the result will
be used.
Article V. QUORUM
In order for the voting procedure to place during a meeting, there must be at least
55% of the Members and Executives combined.
Section A. The officers of the organization shall be the following: President, Vice-
President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Section A. The term of office for each executive council member is for one year
beginning on May 1st and will end one year later on April 30th.
Section B. Nominations of positions will take place during the first week in
March, and Elections will be held during the third week of March.
Section C. The senior most outgoing executive takes the role of Chief returning
Officer for the Elections. The second most senior outgoing officer will
be the Deputy Returning Officer. The CRO/DRO does not vote and
will count votes with both present.
Section D. Installation of new officers shall take place the first day of May
Any Member is able to vote in these elections. All advertising shall be done
through email, and doesn’t need the approval of the President and Vice-
President. Note that the expense of advertising, if any, will be at the nominee’s
own cost and NOT of the club’s finance. If a tie is the result, another vote will
take place immediately, and if it is a tie again, then the Executives will only vote
and the majority result will be the official result.
Should any dispute/conflict arise, all the Executives shall come together to
decide and vote on a resolution that would benefit the club.
Any member involved in wrongdoing will be dealt with by the President and Vice-
President, unless they are the ones at wrong in which the executive council will
decide on a resolution. The accused will be given a chance to defend his/her
case before suspension.
The President(s) and Treasurer are the sole signing authorities for any and all
financial aspects and they are responsible for maintaining financial records and
reports. The budget for any event is decided by the Executive Council with the
approval from the Treasurer and/or President.
This club/organization will not own and/or operate any small business. An
advisory board may be instituted at the discretion of the Executive Council to
promote the goals of YUMSA. The role of such a board is limited to advising the
Executive Council on issues and is for one (1) year terms.
The President, Vice-President can review the constitution at any point in time.
The passing of the amendments are subject to the popular preference through a
voting in which 2/3rds of the executive council should vote on that amendment.
The Executive council shall ratify any amendments through votes. 2/3rds majority
is required.
The Primary Signing Officer and the Secretary will be in charge of holding onto
the most updated constitution for the year. The Constitution and Amendment
Meeting Minutes will be available in .pdf form online on the website with a date
stamp, and will be updated every time an amendment is made within a week of