Teaching Strategies in Social Science
Teaching Strategies in Social Science
Teaching Strategies in Social Science
Graphic organisers
This section has a wide variety of graphic organisers such as charts, webs, diagrams, maps, templates,
grids, and wheels to help students organise and display information and their findings.
Cooperative learning
Explore these group and team activities in which students have opportunities to work together to
achieve shared learning goals.
Writing and presenting information
This section includes links to suggestions for written activities, such as essay and paragraph writing,
questionnaires, surveys, graphic organisers, and descriptions.
Using oral and visual activities
These links to information about oral or visual forms of literacy are useful for teaching and learning in
social studies. This includes the use of pictures, photos, drawings, audio conferences, booklets,
biographies, and interviews.
Collaborative Processes
Collaboration means working together. This is an important work place skill identified by the U.S.
Department of Labor as one of the keys to successful adult employment. It is also an essential skill for
citizens in a democracy. Two heads are better than one, especially in the classroom. Students enjoy
working in groups on shared goals. They learn to depend upon and use each others’ strengths to solve
problems and complete tasks. Research shows that collaborative work supports greater retention of
subject matter, improved attitudes toward learning, and teaches kids how to get along with each other.
There are many different types of collaborative work. The graphic “Collaborative Learning Techniques”
summarizes a number of different uses of this technique.
Collaborative Learning Techniques
Each student in turn shares something with his or her teammates,this works well for expressing ideas
and opinions, e.g., developingconsensus on the civic responsibilities of Texas citizens.
Each student moves to a corner of the room representing a teacher-determined alternative. Students
discuss within corners, then listen to and Paraphrase ideas from other corners, e.g., to evaluate and
Numbered Heads Together
The teacher asks a question, students consult to make sure everyone knows the answer, then one
student is called upon to answer, e.g., a group of students discuss how scientific discoveries and
technological innovations benefit U.S. citizens, making sure everyone knows a variety of reasons. Then,
the teacher calls upon individual group members to assess progress.
Pairs Check
Students work in pairs within groups of four. Within pairs, students alternate. One answers a
question/completes a task while the other coaches. After every two questions, the pair checks to see if
they have the same answers as the other pair.
Three Step Interview
Students interview each other in pairs, first one way, then the other.Students each share with the group
information they learned in the interview, e.g., at the conclusion of a unit on why people have adapted
to and modified the Texas environment, students interview each other to discover how they use natural
resources to meet basic needs.
Think Pair Share
Students think to themselves on a topic provided by the teacher; they pair up with another student to
discuss it; then they share their thoughts with the class, e.g., students are asked to give examples of the
processes used by individuals, political parties, interest groups or the media to affect public policy. After
quiet thought, they share with a neighbor, then the entire class.
Team Word Webbing
Students write simultaneously on a piece of butcher paper, drawing main concepts, supporting
elements, and bridges representing the relation of concepts in a generalization. This helps students to
analyze and to see relationships in complex systems, e.g., to compare the historical origins, central
ideas, and the spread of major religious and philosophical traditions.
Inside Outside Circle
Students stand in pairs in two concentric circles. The inside circle faces out, the outside circle in.
Students use flash cards or respond to teacher questions as they rotate to each new partner. This can
help to check for understanding, review and process information.
Students work in groups to produce a particular group product to share with the whole class; each
student makes a particular contribution to the group.
Many of the other strategies listed in this site use some aspect of collaboration. Here are two additional
types. · Peer of Cross Age or Cross Ability Tutoring In this technique students provide “tutoring” to peers
or younger students. The best way to learn it to teach. Make pairs of students experts in different topics
and have them teach each other their expertise. The Jigsaw Method is an elaboration of this. “Home
groups” are established, then one member from each “home” joins a new, “expert group.” They develop
expertise, then return to the home to teach other group members and to learn their expertise. ·
Jigsaw: An Example. Goal: to learn more about the political, economic, social, and personal
background of framers of the US Constitution. Method: Form home groups. Assign each member of
the home groups a framer to research, e.g., James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Mason. The
framer expert groups meet, research, teach each other, rehearse how they will share their expertise
with the home group, then return to “home” to teach about their framer.
Reciprocal Teaching Reciprocal teaching, developed by Palincsar and Brown, is like an interactive
dialogue between teacher and students. It helps students to become involved in the content they are
discussing by helping them to read and better understand. There are four steps. Step 1: Summarizing.
Students restate what they have read in their own words. They work to find the most significant
information in the text. Begin with summaries of sentences or paragraphs; later, stretch students to
large units of text. Step 2: Generating Questions. Students ask questions about the material. In order to
do this, they must identify significant information, pose questions related to this information and check
to make sure they can answer their own questions. Step 3: Clarifying. Students focus on reasons why the
text is difficult to understand. For example, the vocabulary may be challenging or they may not have the
prerequisite knowledge required to make sense of what they have read. Students may answer each
other’s questions or the teacher may fill in the gaps required to make sense of the text. Step 4:
Predicting. Students speculate on what will be discussed next in the text. To be successful, students
must recall relevant background knowledge so they can connect what they are reading and thinking
about with what they already know.