Learning Activity Sheet TLE-ICT Contact Center Services Grade 9 First Quarter - Week 8

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Learning Activity Sheet

TLE-ICT Contact Center Services Grade 9

First Quarter - Week 8
Name of Learner: _______________________________________________ Date:_______
Section: ________________


LO1: Spreadsheet for Data Analysis
1.8 Creating a project Workbook with data analysis

Title of the Lesson: Project/ Output Making

Learning Task - Group Activity

Direction: Answer the questions as your guide in presenting your group output in
creating a project workbook/ report with data analysis.

Pretest Scores of the Section A

Post Test Scores of the Section A

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1. Create your own title for your project report.
2. Identify the scores of Section A in Pretest and Post Test. Show
the scores in a table form.
3. Get the mean, mode, and median of the both Pretest and Post
Test scores.
4. From the data you have collected (scores of Section A in both
tests) create a chart that displays the trend of Pretest and Post
Test scores.
5. Write a short interpretation of analysis of the result based on
the data gathered.

Tasks Poor(2) Fair(3) Good (4) Excellent(5) Score

Titles, 1. Does not 1. Title is 1. Contains a 1. Contains a

Labels and contain a present at title that creative title
Headings title. the top of somewhat that clearly
2. Does not the graph. relates to the relates to the
contain any 2. Does not data data displayed.
labels for contain displayed. 2. Contains
columns labels for 2. Contains clearly labeled
and rows. some of the clearly rows and
rows or labeled rows columns.
columns, and
and columns, but
spreadsheet the row-
shows some column
signs of organization
disorganizat was not
ion completely
thought out.

Formulas The The The The

spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet
has no formula(s) formula(s) formula(s) are
formula(s) cannot be will correctly well-developed
used to determine and will
correctly the needed correctly
determine information. determine the
the needed needed
information. information.

Content Spreadshee Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Spreadsheet

t fails to includes includes and meets all
include and and makes makes clear requirements
make clear clear all but all but 1 or 2 necessary to
more than 3 or 4 minor details the project
4 of the details that that are report.
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details that are necessary to

are needed necessary to the project
in the the project report.
project report.

Critical and Uses Uses critical Uses critical Uses critical

creative critical and and creative and creative and creative
thinking creative thinking thinking thinking skills
skills thinking skills with skills with with a high
skills with moderate considerable degree of
limited effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness

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