School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Plan
Divisional Representatives, Literacy Resource Teacher, Numeracy Resource Teacher, SERT, Principal and Administrative Representatives
Comprehensive Needs Assessment SEF School Self Assessment and School Data
Research Based Strategies Resources Professional Learning Parental/Community Measure of Success Timelines Responsibility Evaluation
Required Strategies Engagement
Guided Reading Groups daily in Guided Reading DRA refresher training Parent meetings Regular DRA Continuous Classroom Teacher September DRA
class to focus on skills tested in sets from Book for all primary teachers. monthly to: DRA LRT Primary meeting with
assessment as SERT
DRA fluency, wide reading, Barn assessment administration, LRT &
comprehension strategies Teacher moderation Model strategies for deemed necessary. with SERT to review results
using recent student parents to engage baseline in ACES Committee
and set targets for
Guided Reading could include DRAs. Follow up with readers at Review of reader September, Members ongoing assessment.
readers theatre, repeated meetings to discuss home re: fluency, response to midyear in
readings, big books, word work issues and concerns comprehension determine growth January
for fluency, timed readings etc strategies etc and year Principal and
Divisional meetings to end in Administration
Self Selected Reading time daily for Access to a wide track progress through Provide parents Conferencing June. representatives January review of
students with built in reader variety of assessment cycles. with appropriate anecdotals (teacher progress plan for
response. resources from materials to support and peer) Follow up
library. Additional PD on Focus literacy learning and meetings adjustments to
Regular use of reading logs Leveled and for Instruction and reading at home. with program as needed re:
genre based Bump it Up Strategies,
Regular check in adminis- professional learning,
classroom library using exemplars, etc Share exemplars of with parents to tration in capacity building,
level 3 & 4 level support learning at September, teaching strategies.
Refresher on teacher answers re: DRA home. January,
Anecdotal student conferencing, and June to
records, peer and guided reading plot results
self assessment strategies.
recording Final
sheets/devices Professional Learning update in June Final
Student Conferencing Community meetings June to
independent learning, determine evaluation and
With Teacher regular weekly self & peer assessment. efficacy of comparison of DRA
conferences to discuss reading project and results in relation to
and check in on comprehension whether previous years data
goal was
With Peers to encourage met.
reflection, collaboration, and Further June - Review parent
group assessment planning engagement strategy
for follow
up goal for
for efficacy and
school planning for next
improve- school year.
ment plan