Methodist Social Principles
Methodist Social Principles
Methodist Social Principles
Matthew 25:31-46 contains the Parable of the Sheep and Goats. In this parable,
Jesus uses the example of a shepherd who separates his sheep from his goats to assist his
disciples understand what will happen if they don’t follow his lead and follow his
example. However, the Methodist Social Principles provide a resource for mission and
ministry. All United Methodists are called by the Social Principles to not only make a
difference in the world and live differently in it, but also to urgently establish a better
kind of world than the one we have now.
In addition, the Scripture mentions the Day of Judgment. The final judgment
marks the conclusion of history of mankind and the start of the spiritual state. There will
come a day when the Messiah will collect all of humanity and separate who would be
blessed in paradise and who will be punished in hell. While we are here on earth, we need
to do our best to fulfill our purpose to God, which is to be a good and caring brother or
sister to our brothers and sisters. Being God's creation, He wants us to aid those around
us, particularly the poor, for in our Lord's sight, we are all equal, rich or poor. Our Lord
also asks us all to be humble and generous to everyone, including those who have
wronged us. We should be patient, compassionate, and learn to forgive such people. In
the end, all people will die, and we must remember that what we do here on earth should
be done not simply for the sake of entering paradise, but also for the sake of the
individuals around us and God.