PORTFOLIO - Learning Delivery Modalities - Happy Lagata
PORTFOLIO - Learning Delivery Modalities - Happy Lagata
PORTFOLIO - Learning Delivery Modalities - Happy Lagata
Division of Sorsogon
Bagong Sirang, Castilla, Sorsogon
This pandemonium has created the largest
disruption of education systems in human history,
affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200
countries. Closures of schools, institutions and other
learning spaces have impacted more than 94% of the
world’s student population. This has brought far-
reaching changes in all aspects of our lives. Social
distancing and restrictive movement policies have
significantly disturbed traditional educational
practices. Reopening of schools after relaxation of
restriction is another challenge with many new
standard operating procedures put in place.
To supplement the support they receive from coaches, provide teachers with
instructional videos. For instance, teachers receive video lessons that exemplify
the teaching of culturally relevant, curricula-aligned content using student-
centered pedagogy. This gives teachers a model lesson to follow – similar efforts
have been replicated throughout the developing world using interactive radio
instruction. The support is interactive; using conference calls or social media,
coaches facilitate group reflection and dialogue about the teachers’ pedagogical
practices observed in the videos.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a stress test for education systems all over the
country, but it is also an opportunity to share lessons continually. Our Country
have responded in innovative ways, whether by rapidly mobilizing existing digital
resources or by developing these resources from scratch.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the way we work and learn in the
unprecedented way. Training providers and policy makers are looking for quick,
practical and innovative solutions. The purpose of this survey prepared by the
International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Bank Group (WBG)
is to gather good practices and share knowledge to help countries around the
world to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the areas of
education and training. The survey targets providers of initial and continuing
technical and vocational education and training, policy makers and social
partners. Your answers will contribute to stocktaking and sharing knowledge
about experiences and good practices, strategies and tools, that can help
learners and trainers, policy makers, social partners and other stakeholders to
mitigate impacts, manage the learning and training process effectively and
increase resilience in the difficult time of the pandemic
As we say in our report, we cannot emphasize enough the degree to which
disparities in learning factors and opportunity gaps associated with uneven
access to food, shelter, health insurance, and financial relief can substantially
widen and deepen learning gaps between worse-off and better-off students.
And we are well aware of the fierce competition for resources that is ahead,
with state budgets at historic crisis levels and the economy continuing to
struggle. But this is not the time to wring our hands and give up. This moment
provides a unique opportunity to rebuild our public education system better,
through investing with renewed vigor in relief, recovery, and rebuilding. And
the amassed evidence about what works also demonstrates that failing to do
so will cost far more, and deliver far less, in the long run. What’s needed now
is to look at all that evidence, and to listen to changes and adapt, because all
of them are telling us loudly and clearly what must be done, and the
consequences if we do not.
Heading into next semester, I’m hoping it goes a little bit smoother, and if you
have tips that have worked well for you and your classroom, please share!
Progress monitoring can give you and your child's teacher information that
can help your child learn more and learn faster, and help your child's teachers
teach more effectively and make better decisions about the type of
instruction that will work best with your child. Monitoring enables: the
teacher to understand what it is that a student is actually learning. the
student to receive feedback that can enhance their learning. Assessment for
the purpose of improving student learning is best understood as an ongoing
process that arises out of the interaction between teaching and learning. It
involves the focused and timely gathering, analysis, interpretation, and use of
information that can provide evidence of student progress.
Feedback is something that every student can benefit from, whether it is
offered digitally, verbally, or through the traditional written annotations on
an assignment. This variety of feedback styles makes it easy to incorporate
the feedback-model of student performance and assessment into the
contemporary classroom.
Even “A” students benefit from feedback. Those students are typically not
challenged as much as they ought to be and may become complacent. While
they still may earn an “A” it is helpful to know what they could be doing to
improve their work even further - another learning challenge to excite,
engage, and push them forward.
Rarely does a student complete an assignment that shows no room for growth
or change. Taking the time to provide valuable feedback and to question
students on their underlying assumptions can help prevent even the most
successful students from falling victim to an outcome-oriented approach to
Often times, working hard isn’t enough to attain successful
advancement in your career life. It is fundamental to produce
outstanding outputs and to become the best-performing employee
Often times, working hard isn’t enough to attain successful advancement in your career life. It is fundamental
you could be. But, while doing that, you should also invest your
to produce outstanding outputs and to become the best-performing employee you could be. But, while doing
time in
that, you should alsobuilding
invest yourgood
time inprofessional relationships
building good professional in your
relationships workplace.
in your workplace. You would
go a long way if you successfully establish a healthy professional relationship with your colleagues and most
You would go a long way if you successfully establish a healthy
especially your boss. Often times, working hard isn’t enough to attain successful advancement in your career
life. It is fundamental to producerelationship with
outstanding outputs andyour colleagues
to become and most
the best-performing to
employee you could
be. But, while doing that, you should also invest your time in building good professional relationships in your
everyone around regardless of cases.
workplace. You would go a long way if you successfully establish a healthy professional relationship with your
colleagues and most especially your boss.
Maintaining parent-teacher communication throughout the school
year is the key to student success. Research & Experience has
shown that students do better in school when their parent or
guardian is involved.