2 The-Teacher-and-WPS-Office
2 The-Teacher-and-WPS-Office
2 The-Teacher-and-WPS-Office
1. During the insurgence of the pandemic, the world seemed to have turned upside down. What
aspect of school curriculum was drastically modified? ORI
A. Written Curriculum
B. Delivery of Curriculum
C. Assessment of Learning
D. Content of Curriculum
2. Which of the following terminologies that relate curriculum in recent times does NOT belong
to the group?
A. Blended Learning Delivery
B. Bichronous Learning Delivery SHING
C. Hybrid Learning Delivery
D. None of the above
3. The PISA examination results in 2019 revealed that the Philippine performance ranked at the
bottom of all the participating countries. This is very alarming and dismal. Some observations for
this results implies that
A. the Enhanced BEC Curriculum was not correctly implemented
B. the teachers support to implement the curriculum was not enough
C. the strategies used were not aligned to the content of the lesson
D. All of the above
4. Curriculum experts recognize that to develop the whole child, teachers should teaching-
learning methods that allow
A. cooperation and individualism
B. competition and individualism
C. competition, individualism, collaboration
D. cooperation, collaboration
5. The most acceptable time-tested curriculum design places the learner at the center the learning
process. Which design follows the opposite of this model?
A. Mastery of the subject matter is the end goal of curriculum.
B. Curriculum must be anchored on the needs and interest of learners.
C. Prior learning should be considered in planning a lesson.
D. Self-development is the ultimate objective of learning.
6. Direct instruction, Guided instruction, Mastery Learning and Systematic Instructi all belong to
the Behaviorist Cluster of teaching methods. The most compelling action is to
A. make the learners actively involved in collaborative work
B. compel the teacher to take the lead role in learning
C. encourage teacher's control of learners behavior
D. provide free choice for learners to learn or not
7. Which of the following standards for teacher quality in the Philippines is being used to design,
implement and evaluate outcomes of learning for beginning and experienced teachers of DepEd?
C. CMO 74-82
8. Kurt Lewin's Force Field Theory in Curriculum Change, describes that change wil occur if one
of these conditions is present. Which condition?
A. Driving force is greater than the restraining force.
B. Driving force is equal to restraining force.
C. Driving force is less than the restraining force.
D. Restraining force is equal to other forces.
9. As a teacher, which of the following clusters of teaching-learning strategies will you use to
achieve the highest level to maximize learning potential of students?
A. Reading, Hearing. Seeing
B. Reading, Listening, Looking
D. I, II, IV
14. The global pandemic has drastically changed the lives of all human beings m the school of
What aspect of the school curriculum was drastically changed?
A. Planning
B. Evaluating
C. Implementing
D. Reviewing
15. In Education 4.0 which statement most appropriately apply?
A. Learning can be done anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
B. Learning can only happen with the teacher.
C. Young learners cannot benefit from technological advances.
D. Schools should be free to traditional support materials.
16. Which is considered as the turning point in Philippine Education in 2013?
A. Republic Act 10533
B. Republic Act 7836
C. Republic Act 10968
D. Republic Act 7722
17. What was the major reason for the additional two years of basic education a senior high
school? as the
A. To provide global comparability of the Philippine education
B. To enable basic education learners to mature before college
22. The Covid 19 pandemic has taught curricularists alternative ways of delivering education to
assure that the rights of every child will be upheld. Which was NOT an appropriate response to
the pandemic?
A. Remote learning
B. In-person learning
C. Flexible learning
D. Hybrid learning
23. The world has shrunk because of the modern inventions that even attempt to replace human
beings. What is the best evidence to prove this observation?
A: The internet of things
B. The people's mind set
C. The global landscape
D. The global schools
24. What situation calls for the replacement of teachers in the classroom in modern times?
A. When teachers are unable to use technology in teaching and learning
B. When teachers are enthusiastic with the changes in teaching
C. When teachers keep abreast with the use of social-media and networking
D. When teachers combine work with pleasure, maintain health and well being
25. Who among the curricularist has a progressive view of the curriculum?
A. Robert M. Hutchins
B. Arthur Bestor
C.John Dewey
D. Joseph Schwab
26. When Covid 19 swept the whole world, one of the most affected sectors of society was the
learner. How do most educators describe this effect?
A Learning loss
B. Learning disability
C. Learning reward
D. Learning chaos
27. The keys to learning are assimilation, accommodation and equilibrium. Who espoused this
A. Lev Vygostky
B. Jean Piaget
C. Howard Gardner
D. Robert Gagne
28. Who among the great names in education predicted the shocking future and fore the idea of
A. Ivan Pavlov
B. Robert Gagne
C. Edward Thorndike
D. Alvin Toffler
29.A teacher's lesson plan should always contain the following components which should be
aligned (1) Intended Learning Outcomes (II) Subject Matter/ Contem (III) Teaching Learning
Strategies (IV) Assessment of Learning. Which of the 34- RIM components will determine if the
learners have learned?
A. Subject Matter Content
B. Teaching Learning Strategy
C. Intended Learning Outcomes
D. Assessment of Learning
30. There has been a clamor to review the K to 12 Curriculum of the Department of 35
Education. The most controversial issue that surrounds the K to 12 is the
A additional of two years in the senior high school
B use of the mother tongue in the early years
C. lack of internet connection in schools
D. overcrowded classrooms due to enrolment
31. The Tyler curriculum design approach focuses on the following core principles except one.
Which is the exception?
I. Determining learners and community needs
II. Determining objectives
III. Identifying experiences
IV. Organizing experiences
V. Evaluating effectiveness
32. How can curriculum be made relevant to student's lives according to John Dewey
I. Practice learning by doing
II. Make students do the teaching.
III. Develop students' practical life skills
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. 1, II and III
33. To which does a hidden curriculum refer?
A. The formal subjects taught to students
B. The elective subjects offered to students
C. The course requirements asked of students
D. The unwritten rules and implicit cultural messages
34. Hilda Tuba's model of curriculum development is inductive. How does an inductive
curriculum development process begin?
A. By diagnosing the learners' needs
B. By planning the learning experiences based on given on curriculum goals
C. By organizing curriculum content
D. By selecting learning experiences
35. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?
A. Tyler's curriculum development model is inductive.
B. Taba's curriculum development model is deductive.
C. Taba's curriculum development model is inductive.
D. Tyler's and Taba's curriculum models are deductive.
36. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?
A Tyler's curriculum development model is deductive.
B. Taba's curriculum development model is deductive.
C. Tyler's curriculum development model is inductive.
D. Tyler's and Taba's curriculum models are inductive.
37. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?
1 Tyler's curriculum development model is inductive.
II. Taba's curriculum development model is inductive.-
III. Both Taba's and Tyler's curriculum models are deductive.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. II and III
38. Who developed the cyclic model of curriculum development?
A. D. K Wheeler
B. Hilda Taba
C. Ralph Tyler
D. John Dewey
39. What is meant by a cyclic model of curriculum development?
A. The objective formulation phase leads to identification of learning experiences
B. Curriculum development ends with the evaluation process.
C. Curriculum development starts with identification of learning experiences.
D. The evaluation phase leads once more to the identification of new objectives.
40. Why is Hilda Taba's approach to curriculum development described as the grassroots
A Curriculum development should be a top-down process,
B. Curriculum development should be a bottom-up process.
C. Curriculum development is the root of subject/topic identification.
D. Curriculum development is the concern of top management.
41. If we employ "designing backwards" in curriculum development, which do we do first?
A First determine the outcomes
B. Determine authentic assessments to assess attainment of learning
C. Choose relevant learning experiences
D. Select appropriate content
42. Which is the second step when we follow a backward design in curriculum development?
A. Determine the outcomes.
B.Determine authentic assessments to assess attainment of learning outcomes.
C. Choose relevant learning experiences.
D. Select appropriate content.
52. What does RA 11476, otherwise known as the "GMRC and Values Education Act require in
the DepEd curriculum?
I. Teach GMRC from Grades 1 to 6 as a separate subject with the same time allotment as the
other core subjects
II. Integrate GMRC in the daily learning activities in the Kindergarten level
III. Teach Values Education from Grades 7 to 10 as a separate subject with the same time
allotment as the other core subjects
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
B. I, II and III
53. Which is TRUE of the GMRC and Values Education Act?
A. It requires the integration of Values Education in Grades 11 and 12.
B. It requires the teaching of Values Education as a separate subject in Grades 11 and 12.
C. It requires only the integration of Values Education from Grades 7 to 10.
D. It requires the teaching of Values Education in Grades 1 to 6.
54. One key principle of curriculum design is it should be balanced. What does balanced mean?
The curriculum:
A. promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as
equally important.
B. avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to pupil's current level
of maturity. a
C. makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects.
D. develops intra-disciplinary habits of mind; the subject matter is taught in a way that is faithful
to its discipline.
55. A curriculum design should be coherent. What does coherent mean?
A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as
equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil's current
level of maturity
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and experiences
D. Focuses on progression by carefully sequencing knowledge
56. A curriculum design should be appropriate. What does appropriate mean?
A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as
equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil's current
level of maturity
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and experiences
D. Focuses on progression by carefully sequencing knowledge
57. A curriculum design should be relevant What does relevant mean?
A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as
equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and pupil's current level
of maturity experiences encountered
D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum to the learners being
58. A curriculum design should be focused. What does a focused curriculum design mean?
A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical development as
equally important
B. Manageable because only the most important key concepts are taught
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and
D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum to the learners being taugh experiences
59. In which type of curriculum model are students encouraged to seek answers to real world
A Problem-centered
B Learner-centered
C. Subject-centered
D. Community-centered
60. In which type of curriculum model are students' needs and interests given extensive
A. Problem-centered
B. Learner-centered
C. Subject-centered
D. Community-centered
61. Which type of curriculum design is focused on review of facts, ideas, skills that are critical to
a subject area?
A. Problem-centered
B. Learner-centered
C. Subject-centered
D. Community-centered