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Zart the Remnant 「
Right after the events of the previous chapter, Frieren manages to land without using flight magic. With her support, the Hero Party back Zart against a cliff. Zart touches the cliff and teleports a chunk of mountain above the Hero Party, who all trust that Frieren is holding back a spell to get them out of their pinch. Frieren releases her mana and destroys the mountain, before using flight magic and Zoltraak to defeat Zart and revealing to her party that she is capable of feats beyond their era.
Plot Details[]
Right after the events of the previous chapter, Frieren decides that she can't use flight magic lest she reveal information about the future to the Demon King's Army.
On the ground, Zart tells Himmel that there is around 60 seconds before Frieren hits the ground; rather than a method to kill, he's using Frieren as his hostage. He then tells the Hero Party to drop their weapons; if they do, he will make an exception and spare Frieren's life. Himmel doesn't take the bait, as he knows Zart is lying. However, there is no other option for the Hero Party, so they all lay down their weapons. However, while the party initially acquiesces, Frieren then blasts Zart with hellfire from the sky. This causes Himmel and the rest of the Hero Party to draw their weapons again, as Frieren's returning fire is their party's answer to Zart's proposal.
Meanwhile, Frieren laments that she cannot use Zoltraak, as the spells of the era are strong but slow, and Zart is capable of dodging quickly. Zart wonders how Frieren is so precise at aerial casting without any training, but his distraction allows the Hero Party to surround him.
In the sky, Frieren uses her precise mana control in order to slow her fall and land. She then rejoins the fight from the ground, once again supporting the rest of the party with her hellfire.
Zart begins to feel pressed, and wonders how Himmel is willing to approach him with no hesitation when he likely knows that direct touch is how the teleportation magic activates.
On Himmel's end, he wonders how he's having no trouble fighting Zart when a single direct touch could end him, and realizes that Frieren is providing the perfect support in the fight, almost as if she's reading his mind, which isn't like herself.
Himmel and Eisen then both simultaneously slash Zart across the chest. They back him against a cliff, and as a last resort, Zart touches the cliff and sends the entire chunk of mountain into the sky above the Hero Party.
The Hero Party all calmly assess the sky. Heiter and Himmel nonchalantly comment that the situation seems pretty bad. Frieren then asks why they are all so strangely calm, and Himmel tells her she can stop putting on an act, as she's definitely holding back a spell that can get them out of this situation.
He takes her silence as an admission, and then tells Frieren that though he doubts that she knows this, the entire party trusts her, and that she should trust them in return sometimes.
With no other choice, Frieren tells them to take the spell she is about to use to the grave. While Eisen tells her that's extreme, Himmel agrees for the party and tells her to go ahead. Frieren then releases her mana and shatters the chunk of mountain above them. Zart, shocked, thinks that the power Frieren has exhibited is unreal, and is beyond any magic that humanity possesses. However, before he can escape to report to Grausam, Frieren flies up behind him and defeats him with Zoltraak. This confirms to a dying Zart that Frieren came from the future.
Meanwhile, from a distance, the Hero Party watch on. Eisen says that he didn't think Frieren's last resort would be so extreme, while Heiter marvels that Frieren really is flying. Meanwhile, a more nonchalant Himmel remarks that now the situation is getting interesting.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
Battles and Events[]
- Hero Party vs. Zart
- Vollzanbel
- Teleportation spell
- Mana release
- Flight magic
- Zoltraak