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The Titan Fortress Ruins 「ティタン
Thirty-one years after the death of the Hero Himmel, Frieren's Party come across the Titan Fortress Ruins. Frieren tells them that the ruler of the lands around the fortress was once the Armée family, a warrior family unlike a typical noble family. In times of conflict, nobles did not need grace, as military might was enough to give them authority, but it seems the Armée family has not been able to withstand time's flow. They then come across Count Armée, who is wrestling with monsters in the wilderness. He asks them to help him recover the hidden treasures in a secret chamber under the fortress and offers the spell to keep your body nice and warm as a reward. They then fight through the hordes of monsters that have taken over the fortress. They encounter a particularly strong monster, and Count Armée tells the party to flee and not risk their lives over a trivial spell, but Frieren tells him that it isn't trivial to her. In a flashback, Frieren asks an old Flamme why humans bother to study magic. Flamme tells her that though she may not be able to reach the pinnacle of magic, she will leave a gift for the world - more spells than Frieren could ever learn, even if she spent her whole life trying. After defeating the monster, Frieren tests the spell on Stark. The party then continue their travels.
Plot Details[]
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Titan Fortress Ruins
Battles and Events[]
- Frieren's Party & Count Armée vs. horde of monsters
- The hidden treasures in the Titan Fortress Ruins are recovered.
Objects of Interest[]
- Spell to keep your body nice and warm
Chapter Notes[]
- "Armée" in French means "army".