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Shadow Warrior (かげ) なる (せん) () Kagenaru senshi? is the one hundred and twenty-fourth chapter of Kanehito Yamada and Abe Tsukasa's Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.


Thirty-one years after the death of the Hero Himmel, Frieren's Party trek through a mountain pass to reach a village in the Aufgabe Federation. They are informed that not many adventurers have stopped in the village since the big main road to the Imperial Capital was built thirty years ago. The mayor of the village, an elderly and beloved man by the name of Radaal, welcomes them to the village and asks them to share stories of their adventures with the other villagers. Frieren shakes his hand and begins to feel suspicious, as he has the hands of a warrior in active service. Meanwhile, Frieren's Party share stories with the village while Radaal helps with small tasks around the village. Radaal sits down with his wife later and she tells him he missed out on hearing the adventurers' stories. They briefly reminisce about their lives together, before Radaal says something uncharacteristically kind. She asks him what's wrong, but he tells her it's nothing and he has one more task he needs to complete. That night, Frieren asks Stark to take first watch outside their accommodations. She explains why Radaal makes her feel uneasy, despite the kind things the villagers have said about him. Radaal recalls his top secret mission, given to him when he was young, to kill everyone on a list before they can reach the Imperial Capital. The mission only ends once everyone on the list is dead. Frieren is the last of the list. Radaal then approaches the cabin the party are staying at, where he confronts Stark outside. Though Stark attempts to talk Radaal down, he knocks Stark out with a single blow and prepares to head inside to kill Frieren.

Plot Details[]

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


  • Aufgabe Federation
    • Village in the Aufgabe Federation

Battles and Events[]



  • Radaal attempts to kill Frieren

Objects of Interest[]

Chapter Notes[]

Site Navigation[]
