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A singing whale?!"
"What do ya know?"
"Imagine that!"
"Humph, I don't believe it!"
"I don't believe it!"
"For whoever heard of an operatic whale?"
"I don't believe it!"
"I don't believe it!
―People reading newspaper of a whale that sings opera[src]

Willie is an opera-singing sperm whale and the main protagonist of Disney's 1946 short, The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met, a segment of the 1946 animated feature, Make Mine Music.


Willie was generally a normal whale except for the fact that he simply adored opera, and would sing for any sailors in earshot, leading to the investigations of just how this was possible. Most notably, Tetti-Tatti the Opera Director, who couldn't believe that a whale could actually sing Opera and decided that Willie must have swallowed an opera singer, taking a trio of tough sailors with him to try and rescue the Opera singers so they could perform for him.

Whitey, the seagull, took a newspaper to Willie, all the sea creatures excited for their talented friend as they believe he's going to be discovered and finally have his dream come true. Willie rushed out to meet the ship with Tetti-Tatti and sailors, singing for them and showing the true extents of his talents. The three sailors had no more interest in killing him, wanting to simply listen to him sing, while Tetti-Tatti became more and more frantic, believing that Willie had eaten three Opera singers due to Willie's ability to sing with multiple voices at once. The Sailors repeatedly wrestled Tetti-Tatti away from the harpoon and pin him to listen to Willie.

At first, it seemed that Tetti-Tatti was finally convinced, having become his manager (at one point playing the princess in Aida), but later it was revealed he shot Willie with the harpoon, causing him to leap away in the distance, causing the harpoon gun to break off the ship, until he finally died. Whitey mourned his friend, as Willie's spirit enters heaven. However, he was now able to sing with even more voices, performing for what was implied to be a packed audience, as the golden gates were closed with a sign which read "Sold Out", having realized his dream after all.


He appears to be very friendly, singing for not only sailors but for his ocean friends, the seals, and a seagull. He dreams of singing at the Met and becoming a famous opera star, showcasing his unmatched talent for the world to hear, performing all sorts of operas. He doesn't seem particularly interested in monetary compensation-he just wants to sing his whale-sized heart out for all to hear.


He's a whale-with all that comes with it! He has a huge squishy-looking body, massive head with comparatively small eyes and mouth, boasting a rather unique attribute-having three uvulas in his throat, which allows him to sing with three different voices, even forming different words and notes with each one, leading the Opera director to believe he has swallowed not one, but three opera singers.


Make Mine Music[]

Nelson Eddy narrates and performs all the voices in this segment. As Willie the Whale, Eddy sings all three male voices in the first part of the Sextet from Donizetti's opera, Lucia di Lammermoor. In the end, Willie is harpooned and leaps away in pain until he dies, but the narrator softens the blow by telling the viewers that he sings on in heaven.

Mickey Mouse Works[]

In the short "Relaxing with Von Drake" Willie makes a cameo when Von Drake helps Donald relax his ears with whale songs, with Willie singing "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain", "I've Been Working on the Railroad', and "Oh Susanna" (followed by a banjo solo), although the volume of Willie's voice left Donald anything but relaxed.

House of Mouse[]

Willie made a few appearances among the audience in the series.

One of them was in "Donald Wants to Fly", where he appeared with Whitey, another seagull, and Big Toot and Little Toot from the Little Toot segment of Melody Time during the episode's version of You Can Fly.

He also appeared in "Humphrey in the House", when Humphrey landed on his pile of fish and tried to make a sandwich out of his flipper.

Another notable appearance was in "Halloween With Hades" when he was sitting with Willie the Giant when Hades walked by and greeted them. This confused the two, where the giant noted to the whale that Hades gives him "the willies".

Mickey Mouse[]

Willie made a cameo appearance in the episode "O Sole Minnie".

Disney Parks[]

Willie has only appeared on a poster in the queue for Mickey's Philharmagic as one of the previous shows to have been performed at the Fantasyland Concert Hall.

Development memos for Walt Disney World dated to Fall of 1971 show a loose outline for a never built "Willie the Whale Complex", an aquarium and marine mammal park which would incorporate animation into their shows in some capacity. [1]



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Make Mine Music Logo
Make Mine MusicCasey Bats AgainHouse of MouseVideo

Segments: The Martins and the CoysBlue BayouAll the Cats Join InWithout YouCasey at the Bat Two SilhouettesPeter and the WolfAfter You've GoneJohnny Fedora and Alice Blue BonnetWillie the Operatic Whale

Disney Parks
Games of the BoardwalkLe Pays des Contes de FéesWonderful World of Animation

Restaurants: Casey's Corner

Henry CoyGrace MartinEgret CoupleCaseyLadies from the StandTeenagersPeterSashaSoniaIvanPeter's GrandfatherMisha, Yasha, and VladimirWolfClarinetJohnny FedoraAlice Blue BonnetWillie the WhaleWhiteyTetti-TattiTetti-Tatti's SailorsWillie the Whale's Friends
Ocean • New York CityRussia
Make Mine MusicThe Martins and the CoysBlue BayouAll the Cats Join InWithout YouCasey (The Pride of Them All)Two SilhouettesJohnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet

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Mickey mouse works logo
TV series: Mickey Mouse Works
Main Characters: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPlutoPeteHuey, Dewey, and LouieClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarJosé CariocaMortimer MouseLudwig Von DrakeScrooge McDuckChip and DaleBaby ShelbyMrs. TurtlePhantom BlotMr. JollylandLouie the Mountain LionSalty the SealDinah the DachshundButch the BulldogTiki
How to Be a WaiterDonald's Failed FourthRoller Coaster PaintersMickey's New CarPluto's Penthouse SweetDonald's Shell ShotsMickey's Airplane KitTurkey CatchersDance of the GoofysDonald's Rocket RuckusOrgan DonorsMickey's MistakeHow to Be a SpyDonald's Valentine DollarPluto's KittensPluto vs. the WatchdogAround the World in Eighty DaysPurple PlutoSandwich MakersPluto's Arrow ErrorPluto Runs AwayDaisy Visits MinnieHow to Ride a BicycleHansel and GretelDonald on IceMickey's Mechanical HouseDonald's Dinner DateHydro-SquirterMickey's Piano LessonMickey's RemedyMidsummer Night's DreamMickey Tries to CookDonald and the Big NutTopsy Turvy TownHow to Haunt a HouseThe NutcrackerDonald's Grizzly GuestMickey Foils the Phantom BlotDaisy's Road TripGoofy's Big KittyRelaxing with Von DrakeHow to Be a Baseball FanLocksmithsMinnie Takes Care of PlutoSurvival of the WoodchucksMickey's Rival Returns Mickey and the SeagullGoofy's RadioCar WashersPluto's Seal DealMickey's Mixed NutsMickey's MountainComputer.donDonald's Halloween ScareDonald's LighthouseHow to Take Care of Your YardMinnie Visits DaisyHow to Wash DishesDomesticated DonaldMickey's Mix-UpWhitewater DonaldMickey's Christmas ChaosDonald's Fish FryPresto PlutoMickey's CabinMickey's Answering ServicePluto's Magic PawsMickey's Big BreakBird Brained DonaldHow to Be a GentlemanDonald's PoolHickory Dickory MickeyDonald's Charmed DateHow to Be Groovy, Cool, and FlyHow to Be SmartGolf Nut DonaldMusic Store DonaldPit CrewDonald's Goofy WorldBig House MickeyMickey's April FoolsDaisy's Big SaleDouble Date DonMickey and the Color CaperMickey and the Goat ManPinball MickeyHousesittersHow to Be a Rock StarHot Tub HumphreyBabysittersLi'l Bad WolfHow to CampFuturemania

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Disney's Mickey Mouse - 2013 TV Series Logo
Mickey Mouse (soundtrack) • The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse
Other media: Where's My Mickey?Comic book
Disney Parks
The AnnexMickey and Minnie's Runaway RailwayMove It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street PartyVacation FunWorld of Color: CelebrateWe Love Mickey!
Fireworks: Wonderful World of Animation
Disney Cruises: AquaMouse
Main: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPluto

Supporting: YetiMickey's ScooterHorace HorsecollarGubblesCatBaby PandaClara CluckGhoulyPeteLudwig Von DrakeScrooge McDuckClarabelle CowMr. JohnsonGrandma GoofyMinnie's ScooterJosé CariocaPanchito PistolesChip 'n' DaleSleepyDocBashfulHappyGrumpyDopeySneezyForest AnimalsHuey, Dewey, and LouieThe OrphansPiñatas BandidasPamplona BullsRoad HogsGiant SquidMortimer MouseThe Three Little PigsBig Bad WolfThe Evil QueenFlamingo Maitre'dGus GooseSanta ClausChernabog and his minionsBeagle BoysSpike the BeeEricaMartian RobotMorty and Ferdie FieldmousePluto's AngelPluto's DevilMuscular KangarooPiggyWeaselsHouse of TomorrowButch the BulldogMerlinUrsulaParrotLonesome GhostsFairy GodmotherBlue FairyJiminy CricketThe Magic MirrorMelvin, Buff, and Max
Cameos: Prince CharmingCinderellaCasey JuniorWalt DisneyOswald the Lucky RabbitWillie the WhaleLadyTrampPeter PigPaddy Pig • Unnamed Dog • BelleBeastGyro GearlooseGlut the SharkKing LouieFlunkeyBandar-logBuzzy, Flaps, Ziggy, and DizzySnow WhiteGeppettoPinocchioTeenagersPhantom BlotThe Headless HorsemanDirty BillHumphrey the BearMary PoppinsThumperBambiJafarRajaMartian MastermindDumboThe CrowsSkeletonsThree Little WolvesElmer ElephantTillie TigerMax HareToby TortoiseBambi's motherOrtensiaYen SidTimothy Q. MouseRhino GuardsMaleficent’s GoonsLady KluckMadam MimAlan-A-DaleMother RabbitSkippyFriar TuckOttoSir HissTriggerFlounderAracuan BirdFlitMadame UpanovaDapper DansFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherJ. Thaddeus ToadCheshire CatVulturesJoeJennyFriend OwlBucky BugFlowers of WonderlandAliceTiggerWillie the GiantClopinGroguR2-D2Kermit the FrogChuubySusie the Little Blue CoupeIchabod CraneTilda

Mickey Mouse

Season One: "No Service" • "Yodelberg" • "Croissant de Triomphe" • "New York Weenie" • "Tokyo Go" • "Stayin' Cool" • "Gasp!" • "Panda-monium" • "Bad Ear Day" • "Ghoul Friend" • "Dog Show" • "O Sole Minnie" • "Potatoland" • "Sleepwalkin'" • "Flipperboobootosis" • "Tapped Out" • "Third Wheel" • "The Adorable Couple"
Season Two: "Cable Car Chaos" • "Fire Escape" • "Eau de Minnie" • "O Futebol Clássico" • "Down the Hatch" • "Goofy's Grandma" • "Captain Donald" • "Mumbai Madness" • "The Boiler Room" • "Space Walkies" • "Mickey Monkey" • "Clogged" • "Goofy's First Love" • "Doggone Biscuits" • "Workin' Stiff" • "Al Rojo Vivo" • "Bottle Shocked" • "A Flower for Minnie" • "Bronco Busted"
Season Three: "Coned!" • "One Man Band" • "Wish Upon a Coin" • "Movie Time" • "Shifting Gears" • "Black and White" • "­­¡Feliz Cumpleaños!" • "Wonders of the Deep" • "Road Hogs" • "No" • "Roughin' It" • "Dancevidaniya" • "Couple Sweaters" • "Turkish Delights" • "Sock Burglar" • "Ku'u Lei Melody" • "Entombed" • "No Reservations" • "Split Decision" • "Good Sports"
Season Four: "Swimmin' Hole" • "Canned" • "Touchdown and Out" • "Locked in Love" • "Bee Inspired" • "Shipped Out" • "Three-Legged Race" • "Nature's Wonderland" • "The Birthday Song" • "The Perfect Dream" • "Feed the Birds" • "Carnaval" • "Year of the Dog" • "The Fancy Gentleman" • "New Shoes" • "Springtime" • "Dumb Luck" • "Flushed!" • "Roll 'em"
Season Five: "Amore Motore" • "A Pete Scorned" • "House Painters" • "Surprise!" • "Hats Enough" • "Safari, So Good" • "For Whom the Booth Tolls" • "Outta Time" • "My Little Garden" • "You, Me and Fifi" • "Outback at Ya!" • "Our Homespun Melody" • "Over the Moon" • "Easy Street" • "Two Can't Play" • "Our Floating Dreams" • "Gone to Pieces" • "Carried Away"
Specials: "Duck the Halls: A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special" • "The Scariest Story Ever: A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular"
The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse
Season One: "Cheese Wranglers" • "House of Tomorrow" • "Hard to Swallow" • "School of Fish" • "Keep on Rollin'" • "The Big Good Wolf" • "The Brave Little Squire" • "An Ordinary Date" • "Supermarket Scramble" • "Just the Four of Us" • "Houseghosts" • "The Enchanting Hut" • "Duet for Two" • "Birdwatching" • "Bellboys" • "I Heart Mickey" • "Untold Treasures" • "Disappearing Act" • "Once Upon an Apple" • "Game Night"
Season Two: "The Wonderful Winter of Mickey Mouse" • "The Wonderful Spring of Mickey Mouse" • "The Wonderful Summer of Mickey Mouse" • "The Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse" • "Steamboat Silly"

Snack ShackCafe MinniePatisserie Daisy

Places in the World: Paris, FranceNew York City, New YorkTokyo, JapanBeijing, ChinaVenice, ItalyIdahoSan Francisco, CaliforniaBrazilIndiaPamplona, SpainMonacoLondon, EnglandMexicoMoscow, RussiaTurkeyHawaiiEgyptKorea
Allusions to Disneyland: Matterhorn BobsledsIt's a Small WorldMain Street Electrical ParadeKing Arthur CarrouselThe Haunted MansionGreat Moments with Mr. LincolnSpace MountainRocket to the MoonMine Train Through Nature's WonderlandRivers of America Mark Twain RiverboatSplash Mountain

The Adorable Couple • Happy Birthday, Mickey Mouse • Jing-A-Ling-A-LingI'm AliveSwimmin' HoleOur Homespun MelodyCarried AwayNothing Can Stop Us NowBubblegum Days and Cotton Candy NightsDuet for Two • Yodelberg • Pua Nani ĒTop of the WorldMumbai MadnessSpringtime SymphonyIsland RhythmFeelin' the Love • Summer Vacation • Sweet Summer Jams • The Fall Song • A Shooting Star • Hilltop Hootenanny