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Computer.don is an animated short starring Donald Duck from Mickey Mouse Works. The short reappeared in the House of Mouse episode "Dining Goofy".


Donald Duck receives a call from Daisy Duck stating that she wants to send a digital photo to him and that she wants to know Donald's email. As Donald is confused, Daisy wants to know if Donald has a computer, which Donald responds he doesn't. Daisy explains how much of a "dweeb" Donald is for being technologically behind-the-time, such as using a lantern for a lamp, a sundial for a clock, and a small compartment as a refrigerator. She threatens to break up with Donald if he doesn't get a computer. As Donald daydreams about Daisy finding a robotic boyfriend, Goofy comes by with a large block of ice stating that Donald is the last person on earth with the compartment fridge and calls Donald a "dweeb" as well. Having enough, Donald calls AJAX Computers on his rotary phone, still being called a "dweeb" for not being able to press a button to purchase a computer.

Arriving back with a computer, the intercom inside the box requests Donald to state his name for voice recognition, which the computer mistakes as "Doald" much to Donald's dismay. The intercom starts throwing out "computer parts" towards Donald, such as a cinder block hard drive, a pizza floppy drive, a keyboard (which is a wooden board with a key on it), a surfboard, an ironing board, a "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah-D" (which is basically Mr. Bluebird and other animals from Song of the South), and Mickey Mouse in a large box, who states that AJAX got the wrong mouse and he's in the wrong cartoon. Having difficulty setting up the computer (with the intercom not helping due to its tedious instructions), Donald throws out the computer only to receive another call from Daisy telling him to send her an email. Donald dumps back out the computer, causing it to automatically set itself up. However, the computer takes too long to boot and Donald receives another call from Daisy. Donald then scans an old yearbook picture onto the scanner, but gets pulled inside the computer. Inside the computer, Donald is pursued by a cursor who keeps trying to chase and poke him (which causes Donald to change color and at one point, turn Donald into stone) until the cursor corners Donald into the computer's trash bin and sends him out via the printer. Glad that the mayhem is over, Donald finally dumps the computer into the trash can again.

Daisy returns to Donald's house and states that she got Donald's email with the yearbook photo, and that she started a website with the photo that has a million hits. Daisy calls Donald a "dweeb", but that Donald is still her dweeb and kisses him, much to Donald's delight. The intercom also calls "Doald" a dweeb as well, causing Donald to faint.



  • When five letter blocks hit Donald, they spell "dweeb".
  • Doors Inc. is a parody of Microsoft Windows. The computer's operating system is called Doors 2000 and is a parody of the Windows 2000 OS.
  • This marks the first time that Donald is in CGI
  • Goofy has been an iceman for a while, as seen in other shorts like Moving Day and Crazy Over Daisy.


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Mickey mouse works logo
TV series: Mickey Mouse Works
Main Characters: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPlutoPeteHuey, Dewey, and LouieClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarJosé CariocaMortimer MouseLudwig Von DrakeScrooge McDuckChip and DaleBaby ShelbyMrs. TurtlePhantom BlotMr. JollylandLouie the Mountain LionSalty the SealDinah the DachshundButch the BulldogTiki
How to Be a WaiterDonald's Failed FourthRoller Coaster PaintersMickey's New CarPluto's Penthouse SweetDonald's Shell ShotsMickey's Airplane KitTurkey CatchersDance of the GoofysDonald's Rocket RuckusOrgan DonorsMickey's MistakeHow to Be a SpyDonald's Valentine DollarPluto's KittensPluto vs. the WatchdogAround the World in Eighty DaysPurple PlutoSandwich MakersPluto's Arrow ErrorPluto Runs AwayDaisy Visits MinnieHow to Ride a BicycleHansel and GretelDonald on IceMickey's Mechanical HouseDonald's Dinner DateHydro-SquirterMickey's Piano LessonMickey's RemedyMidsummer Night's DreamMickey Tries to CookDonald and the Big NutTopsy Turvy TownHow to Haunt a HouseThe NutcrackerDonald's Grizzly GuestMickey Foils the Phantom BlotDaisy's Road TripGoofy's Big KittyRelaxing with Von DrakeHow to Be a Baseball FanLocksmithsMinnie Takes Care of PlutoSurvival of the WoodchucksMickey's Rival Returns Mickey and the SeagullGoofy's RadioCar WashersPluto's Seal DealMickey's Mixed NutsMickey's MountainComputer.donDonald's Halloween ScareDonald's LighthouseHow to Take Care of Your YardMinnie Visits DaisyHow to Wash DishesDomesticated DonaldMickey's Mix-UpWhitewater DonaldMickey's Christmas ChaosDonald's Fish FryPresto PlutoMickey's CabinMickey's Answering ServicePluto's Magic PawsMickey's Big BreakBird Brained DonaldHow to Be a GentlemanDonald's PoolHickory Dickory MickeyDonald's Charmed DateHow to Be Groovy, Cool, and FlyHow to Be SmartGolf Nut DonaldMusic Store DonaldPit CrewDonald's Goofy WorldBig House MickeyMickey's April FoolsDaisy's Big SaleDouble Date DonMickey and the Color CaperMickey and the Goat ManPinball MickeyHousesittersHow to Be a Rock StarHot Tub HumphreyBabysittersLi'l Bad WolfHow to CampFuturemania