"Flipperboobootosis" is the fifteenth episode of Mickey Mouse. It originally aired on Disney Channel on January 3, 2014. The episode involves Donald getting a foot ailment called "flipperboobootosis" and Mickey and Goofy helping him find a cure.
One day, Mickey and Goofy are having a barbecue in Mickey's backyard. Donald shows up and weakly greets them. Mickey greets him back, but freaks out at the sight of a large, pulsing, red boil on Donald's left foot. Mickey examines it as "flipperboobootosis", a serious condition. Goofy says that Donald should see a doctor, but Donald is afraid of doctors. Mickey and Goofy decide to help Donald get rid of his ailment without going to the doctor.
First, Mickey uses honey to sooth the pain, but the honey attracts a bear to Mickey's house and rapidly claws at Donald. Next, Goofy tries to do a foot massage, but when he squeezes down on Donald's foot, the ailment enters Goofy's head. Mickey tries to help, but the ailment goes into his head as well then back into Donald's foot, causing Donald to scream in anger. Finally, Mickey decides to re-harmonize his aura by lighting up five crystals, leaving the ailment untouched, but Goofy then comes in with a wooden mallet and smashes Donald's infected foot, causing him to scream in pain.
The ailment is getting worse, becoming purple and larger. Mickey decides that now is time that they should take Donald to the doctor, causing Donald to panic and attempt to evade the two. Mickey and Goofy chase Donald down the street up until they get a grasp on Donald's leg. Mickey and Goofy pull Donald's leg all the way to the hospital while Donald escapes to an cruise ship. However, Donald's leg pulls him all the way back to the hospital.
Moments later, Donald regains consciousness in the hospital where he sees that the ailment is gone and he goes to thank the doctor, but sees that the doctor was the bear from earlier, shocking him as Mickey, Goofy and the bear laugh.
- Chris Diamantopoulos - Mickey Mouse
- Tony Anselmo - Donald Duck
- Bill Farmer - Goofy
- Kevin Michael Richardson - Bear Doctor
- Becki Newton - Cruise Ship Waitress
- This is the first short to air in 2014.
- Chris Diamantopoulos' wife, Becki Newton, voices the cruise ship waitress.
- When Donald lands on the picnic table, the bumps switches from his left foot to his right foot. But in the next scene, it switches back to the correct foot.
- When Donald groans, his hat and bow-tie are fixed, but his marks and black eye disappear.