Team Atlantis was a cancelled animated TV series produced by Disney Television Animation, that was shut down due to Atlantis: The Lost Empire's poor box office performance. Prior to being shut down, three episodes were finished, later released as a compilation-movie called Atlantis: Milo's Return, which was released on home video, on May 20, 2003.
Team Atlantis would focus on the adventures of Milo, Kida, and the rest of the Whitmore Expedition team traveling the world solving supernatural mysteries that would be revealed to be tied to forgotten Atlantean technology.
Known episode titles include "Ragnarok" (based on Norse mythology), "The Monster" (starring the Loch Ness Monster), "Dark Ambition", and "The Last" (a Gargoyles crossover). Outlines also exist for "The Nazca Mystery" and an episode about the Chupacabra. There are at least 18 episodes.
One episode of Team Atlantis that was never animated featured an appearance by Demona from Gargoyles. It introduced the hunter known as Fiona Canmore, known friend to Dr. Sweet. The episode would have Demona using the Praying Gargoyle statue to bring Gargoyle statues in Paris alive to kill the local humans.
Scripts and voice recording of the episode were shown at The Gathering conventions. Marina Sirtis reprises her role as Demona, and Fiona Canmore is voiced by Sheena Easton. Greg Weisman, who wrote the episode, planned to use the story for the Gargoyles comic book series. He said if he is unable to use the Atlantis characters, then he will use analogues for the story.
Greg has mentioned that while the episode itself is canon in the Gargoyles universe, the entire series Team Atlantis is not. In fact, the Team Atlantis interpretations of The Loch Ness Monster and Puck differ from those seen in Gargoyles (notably, the Loch Ness Monster in Gargoyles actually is a surviving Plesiosaur belonging to a colony, like the common depiction).