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Anyway, I miss the days when food didn't come in paper wrappers and plastic boxes! Food was something you hunted with skill and cunning!"
skill of hunting down the castle cook and conning him out of between-meal snacks!
―Broadway and Brooklyn[src]

Broadway is a character from the Disney animated television series, Gargoyles. He is one of the rookery trio, the other two being Brooklyn and Lexington, as well as a member of the Manhattan Clan and a survivor of the Wyvern Clan.


Physical Description[]

Broadway is an obese, heavyset gargoyle with teal skin and forest green webbing in his wings. He wears a dark blue loincloth held up by a black belt and, unlike the other gargoyles, he has fin-like ears.

As a human, Broadway has blond hair.


Gargoyles Season4 Issue5F textless

Broadway is happy-go-lucky and enjoys eating when he's hungry, which is always. He tries to lighten the mood of his clan when they are depressed and finds the bright side of things. He falls in love with Angela over the course of the series. He, along with Brooklyn and Lexington, is reminiscent of The Three Stooges.

One time while visiting Elisa, Broadway found her gun and imitated gunslingers that he had seen in a detective film, but accidentally shot and wounded Elisa in the process. Although she survived, Broadway has since developed a deep dislike of guns and took it upon himself to destroy any firearm he found; that said, he is fine with Elisa using one in her line of work, because he trusts her not to abuse it.

Broadway's enjoyment of eating coupled with his love for movies, particularly detective films, led to him partnering up with Elisa on a few rare occasions. He also learned to enjoy reading after a confrontation with Macbeth and the scrolls of Merlin. Out of all the gargoyles, Broadway (after Goliath) seems to have the closest friendship with Elisa.


At the start of the show Broadway, along with the rest of his clan, lived in Scotland and protected the kingdom.

One night after saving the kingdom, he and three other gargoyles were unfairly harassed by a paranoid mother in the courtyard, and despite their efforts to appease, they are forced to frighten their harassers to defend themselves. Their leader Goliath subsequently reprimands them for threatening the humans and orders them to remain in their nesting caverns where the clan's eggs are resting.

This saved the four gargoyles' lives when Vikings came later that day and smashed all the gargoyle statues. When Goliath came back, he informed them what happened and they went after the Vikings.

When they arrive, Magus is enraged that the gargoyles' arrival may have caused the princess' death at the Vikings' hands, and so he casts a curse on them which can only be broken when the castle rises above the clouds.

A thousand years later, in 1994, opportunistic billionaire David Xanatos claims the long-abandoned Castle Wyvern and has it reconstructed at the top of his skyscraper in New York City, along with the sleeping gargoyles.

In the episode "Deadly Force" he went and saw a western movie he loved. After the movie, he went to Elisa's, saw her gun, and played it with, accidentally shooting Elisa. She survived, but Broadway has hated guns ever since.

When he first met Angela, he competed against Brooklyn and Lexington for her affection, and in the end, Angela chose him.

Future Tense[]

In the "Future Tense" illusion, Broadway was blind, having lost his eyes in the resistance against Xanatos. He eventually died after an attack by the Thailog Shock Troops.



External links[]

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Gargoyles Logo
GargoylesMarvel ComicsSLG ComicsDynamite ComicsVideo Game (Remastered) • Disney Heroes: Battle ModeGargoyles (live-action series)
Gargoyles: GoliathHudsonBrooklynBroadwayLexingtonBronxDemonaAngelaColdstoneColdfireTalonDelilahBurbankClawMaggie the CatFangBrentwoodHollywoodMalibuThailogGabrielBoudiccaUnaLeoGriffZafiroJadeTurquesaObsidianaKaiSoraYamaGolemFu-Dog

Heroes and Heroines: Princess KatharineMagusTomElisa MazaOwen BurnettPuckAlexander Fox XanatosMatt BluestoneDiane MazaCarlos MazaFara MakuTea GoraPeter MazaDerek MazaBeth MazaDuncanHalcyon RenardOberonTitaniaKing ArthurLady of the LakeNessieBig DaddyShamanThe EmirAnubisRory DuganMr. DuganCu ChullainCoyote the TricksterPetros XanatosTaurusBoreasTalosMinotaurGrandmotherNatsilaneCagneyMargot YaleBrendan QuartersNokkarDr. Sato
Villains: Captain of the GuardsHakonDavid XanatosStreet ThugsThe PackFox XanatosCoyoteTony DraconMacbethBanquoFleanceGillecomgainAnton SevariusTaroPreston VogelArchmageThe Weird SistersBansheePuckProteusAnansiOdinRavenJackalHyenaWolfDingoEkidnaMatrixKironHelios

Wyvern ClanDemona's ClanManhattan ClanSteel ClanLabyrinth ClanAvalon ClanLondon ClanMayan ClanClan IshimuraIron Clan
Season One: AwakeningThe Thrill of the HuntTemptationDeadly ForceEnter MacBethThe EdgeLong Way to MorningHer Brother's KeeperReawakening

Season Two: Leader of the PackMetamorphosisLegionA Lighthouse in the Sea of TimeThe MirrorThe Silver FalconEye of the BeholderVowsCity of StoneHigh NoonOutfoxedThe PriceRevelationsDouble JeopardyUpgradeProtectionThe CageAvalonShadows of the PastHeritageMonstersGolemSanctuaryM.I.A.GriefKingdomThe Hound of UlsterWalkaboutMark of the PantherPendragonEye of the StormThe New OlympiansThe GreenSentinelBushidoCloud FathersIll Met by MoonlightFuture TenseThe GatheringVendettasTurfThe ReckoningPossessionHunter's Moon
Season Three: The Goliath Chronicles: The JourneyRansomRunawaysBroadway Goes to HollywoodA Bronx TailThe Dying of the LightAnd Justice for AllGenesis UndoneGenerationsFor It May Come TrueTo Serve MankindSeeing Isn't BelievingAngels in the Night

Grimorum ArcanorumEye of OdinPhoenix GateThree Keys to PowerCauldron of LifeMayan Sun AmuletStone of DestinyTitania's MirrorOberon's MirrorSeline's OrbExcaliburScrolls of MerlinScroll of ThothPraying Gargoyle
Castle WyvernScotlandManhattanNew YorkNew York CityClock TowerEyrie BuildingLabyrinthAvalonQueen Florence IslandLoch NessCairn na ChullainLondonKara DigiNew OlympusKnight's SpurEyrie Pyramid
Greg WeismanKeith DavidJeff BennettBill FagerbakkeFrank WelkerRoger RoseJohn Rhys-DaviesJustin ShenkarowLacey ChabertTim CurryClancy BrownSalli Richardson
See also
The Disney AfternoonTeam AtlantisGargoyleWilliam ShakespeareRaven's IllusionsStone DragonPhoenixGargoyles (live-action film)