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This article is about the Gargoyles character. For Timon & Pumbaa character, see Jackal (Timon & Pumbaa) For the Marvel Comics character Jackal (Marvel).

Jackal is a notorious member of the Pack and a recurring antagonist in the Disney animated series, Gargoyles. Jackal is named after the real-life wild canine of the same name, like all members of the Pack. He is very notorious of being roguish to the Manhattan Clan alongside the Mayan Clan, due to his suspicious behavior. He is the older twin brother of Hyena.


The Thrill of the Hunt[]

He and the other members of the Pack look at an article about gargoyles, and Fox suggests the other members to hunt gargoyles. Jackal and the other members are also seen being cheered by some fans during the event.

Soon, Jackal and the other members approach Goliath and Lexington who are unconscious. Jackal and Hyena try to kill Goliath, but used a fire hydrant to thwart them. Jackal and the other members of the Pack try to destroy some gargoyles, but Jackal was eventually attacked by Goliath. He is never seen after that.

Her Brother's Keeper[]

Jackal and Hyena are sent by Xanatos to steal a valuable diamond. As soon as the diamond is being stolen, Jackal and Hyena were able to avoid the cops and made gliders to escape. Later, Jackal used a bazooka to shoot the police helicopter, but it soon hit by Hyena and the missile hit the helicopter. Elisa tried to stop them, but they escaped.

Jackal asks Hyena about the new from Fox, but Hyena refuses to listen. Soon, Jackal and Hyena went into their helicopter to shoot missiles at the Xanatos Corporation helicopter to kill Derek Maza and Xanatos. The two try to do so, but are soon stopped by Broadway, Brooklyn, and Lexington.

As Jackal and Hyena try to escape, the two were captured by Lexington with a fishing net, but soon freed themselves. However, it is assumed if Jackal and Hyena were arrested.

Leader of the Pack[]

They languished in prison for a long while, before being broken out by Coyote 1.0. Fox elected to stay, thereby achieving Xanatos's primary objective, to have Fox receive an early parole. Jackal elected to side with Xanatos, not knowing he was really Coyote 1.0 in disguise, over Wolf being the leader. They all desired revenge on the gargoyles for sending them to prison. After kidnapping Lexington, Brooklyn, and Bronx, they all waited on an oil tanker for the rest of the gargoyles. In the ensuing battle, Coyote 1.0 was revealed to be a robot. They were all defeated, and they escaped into the night.


The Pack finally resorted to robbing banks to provide them with money, and were again beaten back by the gargoyles. As they lay beaten, Coyote's head approached them in their ship, and asked if they would like to be able to give the gargoyles back some of the punishment they had taken. The Pack said yes, and Jackal himself was fitted with cybernetic enhancments. These included spike fingers that shot out like darts, extendable legs, re-attachable arms, a cybernetic eye and ear, laser and cutting blade weaponry, and various other mechanisms. Jackal, along with the newly upgraded Pack, easily defeated Hudson, Bronx, Goliath, and Elisa. He chose Wolf over the new Coyote 2.0 as his leader, as he was disgusted by his sister's fawning attraction over a robot, but was overruled by Dingo. The other gargoyles came to the rescue later on in a trainyard, defeating Jackal and the rest once again. Unknown to all, the entire battle was a game, the Pack and the gargoyles simply like pieces to be manipulated by Fox and David Xanatos.


Jackal and the other members of the Pack are sent to give Xanatos immortality by finding Anubis. He soon became very antagonistic by getting Anubis to be his avatar by wiping out almost all the life on Earth, which caused deaths (two crocodiles died when trying to reach the oasis), aging (making Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx too weak to fight and Wolf and Hyena being young), and destruction (which destroyed Coyote 3.0 and dismantled some cars). The Emir was able to stop him with the Scroll of Thoth to undo all the doings Jackal did.

The Green[]

Sometime after the gargoyles left Egypt, the Pack dug it's way out, and went their separate ways. Jackal and Hyena were contracted by Cyberbiotics to rid Guatemala of it's gargoyle problem. Jackal nearly did so with a cunning plan to smash the Guatemalan gargoyles and Goliath's party by ridding themselves of the Mayan Sun Amulet which kept them from turning to stone. This too failed, and Hyena was again sent to jail. Jackal eventually helped Hyena and Wolf escape from Riker's Island and the three of them attacked Times Square.


  • Jackal is usually an ally with Hyena, which is very different than the real-life jackal and hyena. This is because jackals are enemies of hyenas.
  • Jackal is Canadian.

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GargoylesMarvel ComicsSLG ComicsDynamite ComicsVideo Game (Remastered) • Disney Heroes: Battle ModeGargoyles (live-action series)
Gargoyles: GoliathHudsonBrooklynBroadwayLexingtonBronxDemonaAngelaColdstoneColdfireTalonDelilahBurbankClawMaggie the CatFangBrentwoodHollywoodMalibuThailogGabrielBoudiccaUnaLeoGriffZafiroJadeTurquesaObsidianaKaiSoraYamaGolemFu-Dog

Heroes and Heroines: Princess KatharineMagusTomElisa MazaOwen BurnettPuckAlexander Fox XanatosMatt BluestoneDiane MazaCarlos MazaFara MakuTea GoraPeter MazaDerek MazaBeth MazaDuncanHalcyon RenardOberonTitaniaKing ArthurLady of the LakeNessieBig DaddyShamanThe EmirAnubisRory DuganMr. DuganCu ChullainCoyote the TricksterPetros XanatosTaurusBoreasTalosMinotaurGrandmotherNatsilaneCagneyMargot YaleBrendan QuartersNokkarDr. Sato
Villains: Captain of the GuardsHakonDavid XanatosStreet ThugsThe PackFox XanatosCoyoteTony DraconMacbethBanquoFleanceGillecomgainAnton SevariusTaroPreston VogelArchmageThe Weird SistersBansheePuckProteusAnansiOdinRavenJackalHyenaWolfDingoEkidnaMatrixKironHelios

Wyvern ClanDemona's ClanManhattan ClanSteel ClanLabyrinth ClanAvalon ClanLondon ClanMayan ClanClan IshimuraIron Clan
Season One: AwakeningThe Thrill of the HuntTemptationDeadly ForceEnter MacBethThe EdgeLong Way to MorningHer Brother's KeeperReawakening

Season Two: Leader of the PackMetamorphosisLegionA Lighthouse in the Sea of TimeThe MirrorThe Silver FalconEye of the BeholderVowsCity of StoneHigh NoonOutfoxedThe PriceRevelationsDouble JeopardyUpgradeProtectionThe CageAvalonShadows of the PastHeritageMonstersGolemSanctuaryM.I.A.GriefKingdomThe Hound of UlsterWalkaboutMark of the PantherPendragonEye of the StormThe New OlympiansThe GreenSentinelBushidoCloud FathersIll Met by MoonlightFuture TenseThe GatheringVendettasTurfThe ReckoningPossessionHunter's Moon
Season Three: The Goliath Chronicles: The JourneyRansomRunawaysBroadway Goes to HollywoodA Bronx TailThe Dying of the LightAnd Justice for AllGenesis UndoneGenerationsFor It May Come TrueTo Serve MankindSeeing Isn't BelievingAngels in the Night

Grimorum ArcanorumEye of OdinPhoenix GateThree Keys to PowerCauldron of LifeMayan Sun AmuletStone of DestinyTitania's MirrorOberon's MirrorSeline's OrbExcaliburScrolls of MerlinScroll of ThothPraying Gargoyle
Castle WyvernScotlandManhattanNew YorkNew York CityClock TowerEyrie BuildingLabyrinthAvalonQueen Florence IslandLoch NessCairn na ChullainLondonKara DigiNew OlympusKnight's SpurEyrie Pyramid
Greg WeismanKeith DavidJeff BennettBill FagerbakkeFrank WelkerRoger RoseJohn Rhys-DaviesJustin ShenkarowLacey ChabertTim CurryClancy BrownSalli Richardson
See also
The Disney AfternoonTeam AtlantisGargoyleWilliam ShakespeareRaven's IllusionsStone DragonPhoenixGargoyles (live-action film)