Peter Maza is a recurring character in the Disney animated series, Gargoyles. A former police officer at the 23rd Precinct, he is Diane Maza's husband and the father of Elisa Maza.
Tired of life in Arizona, a young Peter left his home, against the wishes of his father, Carlos Maza, for New York City in 1960.
Role in the series[]
When his daughter Elisa was shot, Peter, his wife Diane Maza, and son Derek Maza all came to her bedside. When Derek considered leaving the police force, Elisa went to Peter for advice, who shared in her desire that Derek remains in the force. Derek did, however, leave "the family business" and became a personal bodyguard and pilot to David Xanatos.
Peter later expresses his concern over the disappearance of his son but is reassured by Elisa. He is reintroduced to his son, now a mutate, as well as Maggie the Cat, Claw, and Fang.
While visiting his daughter, Beth Maza, at Flagstaff University, Peter is confronted by his past in the form of Coyote the Trickster, with whom he has been linked due to a mystical ceremony performed in his youth.
- He resembles his voice actor Michael Horse.
- Gregg Rainwater, who voiced young Peter in "Cloud Fathers", also voiced Natsilane.
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