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Kai is a minor character from Disney's Gargoyles. He is a gargoyle, and the leader of Clan Ishimura. He is voiced by Clyde Kusatsu.


Physical Appearance[]

Despite his age, Kai is still a strong warrior. Like most his clan, he has black hair and two sets of horns. His brow horns are very similar to Goliath's and he has a larger set of horns behind those. He has greenish skin and wing coloration. His more unusual features are the spikes on each cheek and wrists and his tail which ends in a pointed blade. His wings are unique in that they have typical gargoyle wing ribbing, but also sport three small "fingers," giving him more digits on his wings than any gargoyle seen elsewhere so far.


Kai lived a peaceful life among the gargoyles and humans of Ishimura, Japan. In 1996, Yama betrayed the clan by aligning himself with a human named Taro, a former student of Kai, who claimed to be creating an theme park about gargoyles to spread Bushido to the children of the world. To that end, Yama planned in secret with Taro to move the clan from Ishimura to the theme park. After this plan began to unfold, Clan Ishimura met the Avalon travelers.

Goliath, Angela, Bronx, Kai, and the remaining gargoyles of Clan Ishimura were taken to the theme park based on gargoyles during the day. Taro told Kai the same story he'd told Yama, but Kai eventually decided not to keep the clan there, despite Yama's protests. Taro responded by hitting Kai with a tranquilizer dart. While Kai was unconscious, Yama realized the error of his ways and defeated Taro. After Kai regained consciousness, he and the clan went back to Ishimura, where they still live to the present.

Shortly after returning from Taro's Gargoyle World Kai banished Yama until such a time that Yama had decided he had regained his honor.


  • "Kai" 大洋 means "the ocean" in Japanese.


External links[]

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GargoylesMarvel ComicsSLG ComicsDynamite ComicsVideo Game (Remastered) • Disney Heroes: Battle ModeGargoyles (live-action series)
Gargoyles: GoliathHudsonBrooklynBroadwayLexingtonBronxDemonaAngelaColdstoneColdfireTalonDelilahBurbankClawMaggie the CatFangBrentwoodHollywoodMalibuThailogGabrielBoudiccaUnaLeoGriffZafiroJadeTurquesaObsidianaKaiSoraYamaGolemFu-Dog

Heroes and Heroines: Princess KatharineMagusTomElisa MazaOwen BurnettPuckAlexander Fox XanatosMatt BluestoneDiane MazaCarlos MazaFara MakuTea GoraPeter MazaDerek MazaBeth MazaDuncanHalcyon RenardOberonTitaniaKing ArthurLady of the LakeNessieBig DaddyShamanThe EmirAnubisRory DuganMr. DuganCu ChullainCoyote the TricksterPetros XanatosTaurusBoreasTalosMinotaurGrandmotherNatsilaneCagneyMargot YaleBrendan QuartersNokkarDr. Sato
Villains: Captain of the GuardsHakonDavid XanatosStreet ThugsThe PackFox XanatosCoyoteTony DraconMacbethBanquoFleanceGillecomgainAnton SevariusTaroPreston VogelArchmageThe Weird SistersBansheePuckProteusAnansiOdinRavenJackalHyenaWolfDingoEkidnaMatrixKironHelios

Wyvern ClanDemona's ClanManhattan ClanSteel ClanLabyrinth ClanAvalon ClanLondon ClanMayan ClanClan IshimuraIron Clan
Season One: AwakeningThe Thrill of the HuntTemptationDeadly ForceEnter MacBethThe EdgeLong Way to MorningHer Brother's KeeperReawakening

Season Two: Leader of the PackMetamorphosisLegionA Lighthouse in the Sea of TimeThe MirrorThe Silver FalconEye of the BeholderVowsCity of StoneHigh NoonOutfoxedThe PriceRevelationsDouble JeopardyUpgradeProtectionThe CageAvalonShadows of the PastHeritageMonstersGolemSanctuaryM.I.A.GriefKingdomThe Hound of UlsterWalkaboutMark of the PantherPendragonEye of the StormThe New OlympiansThe GreenSentinelBushidoCloud FathersIll Met by MoonlightFuture TenseThe GatheringVendettasTurfThe ReckoningPossessionHunter's Moon
Season Three: The Goliath Chronicles: The JourneyRansomRunawaysBroadway Goes to HollywoodA Bronx TailThe Dying of the LightAnd Justice for AllGenesis UndoneGenerationsFor It May Come TrueTo Serve MankindSeeing Isn't BelievingAngels in the Night

Grimorum ArcanorumEye of OdinPhoenix GateThree Keys to PowerCauldron of LifeMayan Sun AmuletStone of DestinyTitania's MirrorOberon's MirrorSeline's OrbExcaliburScrolls of MerlinScroll of ThothPraying Gargoyle
Castle WyvernScotlandManhattanNew YorkNew York CityClock TowerEyrie BuildingLabyrinthAvalonQueen Florence IslandLoch NessCairn na ChullainLondonKara DigiNew OlympusKnight's SpurEyrie Pyramid
Greg WeismanKeith DavidJeff BennettBill FagerbakkeFrank WelkerRoger RoseJohn Rhys-DaviesJustin ShenkarowLacey ChabertTim CurryClancy BrownSalli Richardson
See also
The Disney AfternoonTeam AtlantisGargoyleWilliam ShakespeareRaven's IllusionsStone DragonPhoenixGargoyles (live-action film)