omg talk to me about Solas
Dec. 4th, 2014 08:49 am![[personal profile]](
I just finished my first Inquisition playthrough (as a female elven mage, romancing Solas). I love how this plays out with a Solas/Lavellan romance going (although I'm even more super mad about the party banter bug, however, because it's clear that I would have gotten so much more depth about Solas if I'd been hearing all his commentary. :'( I need to go back and take Solas exploring in the elven ruins some more; I couldn't be bothered gathering enough shards to get in very deep the first time around :P and see if I can get any more banter, too.
FWIW, the fix to always use the War Room fast travel to leave Skyhold/change party did work for me -- once I started doing that I got loads more banter. Also, if you are playing the game for the first time, I highly recommend do NOT spend too much time before you do the first two "major" quests ie mages or templars and orlais -- I ended up getting overleveled and doing too much, and I think it plays better if you spend roughly equal amounts of side-questing in between all four of the "big" pieces.
OK and now -- SOLAS. ALL THE SPOILERS below the cut for the overall ending and for Solas/Lavellan romance (SERIOUSLY DON'T CLICK UNLESS YOU ALREADY KNOW THE END)
(also please don't spoil me for the templar plotline or any of the other companion romances!)
(but please come talk to me about Solas omg)
What I desperately want now is an expansion where Solas/Fen'Harel resurfaces and attempts to free the rest of the elven "gods", and the Inquisitor has to deal with him. I'm hoping that we actually will get this -- the ending really feels like a cliffhanger for Solas's return as not quite an enemy but an antagonist, and I so much want to play it with the romance backstory.
Post-Corypheus I think my Lavellan turns her attention to helping the elves, and uses the Inquisition as a base to gather more and more of her people -- not just the Dalish but city elves, elven mages from the Circles, former slaves from Tevinter -- and while trying to piece together more of lost elven history, also turns away from trying to restore the past and towards building something entirely new. I feel like there's a really interesting potential conflict there between her as more forward-looking and Solas trying to look back.
I also want to play with an idea (that I don't have any idea if Bioware intends but that works for me) -- that maybe the elven gods, who Solas pretty much says were just powerful beings, were actually just the most powerful elven Dreamer mages, who discovered a way to cross over into the Fade in a kind of permanent way and exist both in and out of the Fade. And when they did this, "seating" themselves in the Fade (the golden throne is a metaphor! :P) their power increased in some dramatic exponential way -- they became immortal and godlike and partly disconnected from time (and it's not that elves were inherently immortal but these god-kings could keep their follower-slaves immortal with them -- I'm imagining that the vallaslin had some role in this, connecting elves to their "master").
And Corypheus and the original Tevinter magisters were trying to achieve this, without really knowing what exactly they were trying to achieve. Maybe the golden throne was empty because Fen'Harel had trapped the other elves away?
Anyway, my vague idea is that Lavellan is herself getting close to this boundary point -- that she may have to "cross over" it in order to face Solas, or maybe she has to beat him to crossing over (back over, in his case), or else he'll bring back the rest of the elven god-kings and all of Thedas will be thrown into chaos again.
I'm thinking that Solas originally trapped the other elven god-kings to free the elves from enslavement to THEM, but this left the elven kingdom vulnerable to the Tevinter magisters -- who I'm guessing took out him and Mythal in some way -- and now he plans to let them out again to smash Tevinter, free the elven slaves, bring back the glory of Elvhenan. And Flemythal deliberately sacrificed herself and gave him her power at the end (it seemed really clear to me that's what happened and not that Solas became her vessel), because she wants vengeance and this is the only way she can get it.
I also want to write some missing scenes from the temple at Dirthanen and the elven ruins -- one thing I really love is that Inquisition could plausibly have covered a span of years, when you consider the amount of traveling, army-and-influence-building, supply-gathering. I really like the idea that you've had years with Solas and there have been moments here and there all around the events. (Granted the "I've distracted you" wording of the break-up moment doesn't really fit with a relationship of any duration at all, but that's silly anyway since there's clearly been at least SOME significant amount of time between the first and second bits of romance, so I am electing to ignore it!)
I love the Hissing Wastes in particular -- those huge spaces, that night sky, the silence. I need a story of Solas and Lavellan in their tent at night, with the sand whispering against the canvas and the distant grunting of wyverns, talking softly about magic and the Fade and Arlathan, and she sings a Dalish song that is built out of fragments of old ones, and he almost says something, almost tells her, but holds back at the last moment.
And I need more of that scene after Haven, after he's told her about the orb and Skyhold, with the echoes of the whole camp singing fading away in the distance; and maybe something after she's been named Inquisitor and has formed found-family ties to her advisors, the other companions -- in my mind the first time she's really known and trusted non-elves, and begun to shape in her head a vision of a different future than just the Dalish attempt to preserve and rebuild.
aaaaa, so many feelings! And now I get to start my playthrough of human warrior boy with a Dorian romance, and after that I think I'm going to do a bit of a wild, devil-may-care female rogue and split it into three romance paths with Iron Bull, Cullen, and Blackwall. Although the human warrior boy might go for Iron Bull, too. so many choices! \o/
Also hey where is the fandom other than the bioware forums? Is there a kinkmeme anywhere? (And if you want to throw me in particular any Solavellan prompts, the inbox is open although I make no promises!)
FWIW, the fix to always use the War Room fast travel to leave Skyhold/change party did work for me -- once I started doing that I got loads more banter. Also, if you are playing the game for the first time, I highly recommend do NOT spend too much time before you do the first two "major" quests ie mages or templars and orlais -- I ended up getting overleveled and doing too much, and I think it plays better if you spend roughly equal amounts of side-questing in between all four of the "big" pieces.
OK and now -- SOLAS. ALL THE SPOILERS below the cut for the overall ending and for Solas/Lavellan romance (SERIOUSLY DON'T CLICK UNLESS YOU ALREADY KNOW THE END)
(also please don't spoil me for the templar plotline or any of the other companion romances!)
(but please come talk to me about Solas omg)
What I desperately want now is an expansion where Solas/Fen'Harel resurfaces and attempts to free the rest of the elven "gods", and the Inquisitor has to deal with him. I'm hoping that we actually will get this -- the ending really feels like a cliffhanger for Solas's return as not quite an enemy but an antagonist, and I so much want to play it with the romance backstory.
Post-Corypheus I think my Lavellan turns her attention to helping the elves, and uses the Inquisition as a base to gather more and more of her people -- not just the Dalish but city elves, elven mages from the Circles, former slaves from Tevinter -- and while trying to piece together more of lost elven history, also turns away from trying to restore the past and towards building something entirely new. I feel like there's a really interesting potential conflict there between her as more forward-looking and Solas trying to look back.
I also want to play with an idea (that I don't have any idea if Bioware intends but that works for me) -- that maybe the elven gods, who Solas pretty much says were just powerful beings, were actually just the most powerful elven Dreamer mages, who discovered a way to cross over into the Fade in a kind of permanent way and exist both in and out of the Fade. And when they did this, "seating" themselves in the Fade (the golden throne is a metaphor! :P) their power increased in some dramatic exponential way -- they became immortal and godlike and partly disconnected from time (and it's not that elves were inherently immortal but these god-kings could keep their follower-slaves immortal with them -- I'm imagining that the vallaslin had some role in this, connecting elves to their "master").
And Corypheus and the original Tevinter magisters were trying to achieve this, without really knowing what exactly they were trying to achieve. Maybe the golden throne was empty because Fen'Harel had trapped the other elves away?
Anyway, my vague idea is that Lavellan is herself getting close to this boundary point -- that she may have to "cross over" it in order to face Solas, or maybe she has to beat him to crossing over (back over, in his case), or else he'll bring back the rest of the elven god-kings and all of Thedas will be thrown into chaos again.
I'm thinking that Solas originally trapped the other elven god-kings to free the elves from enslavement to THEM, but this left the elven kingdom vulnerable to the Tevinter magisters -- who I'm guessing took out him and Mythal in some way -- and now he plans to let them out again to smash Tevinter, free the elven slaves, bring back the glory of Elvhenan. And Flemythal deliberately sacrificed herself and gave him her power at the end (it seemed really clear to me that's what happened and not that Solas became her vessel), because she wants vengeance and this is the only way she can get it.
I also want to write some missing scenes from the temple at Dirthanen and the elven ruins -- one thing I really love is that Inquisition could plausibly have covered a span of years, when you consider the amount of traveling, army-and-influence-building, supply-gathering. I really like the idea that you've had years with Solas and there have been moments here and there all around the events. (Granted the "I've distracted you" wording of the break-up moment doesn't really fit with a relationship of any duration at all, but that's silly anyway since there's clearly been at least SOME significant amount of time between the first and second bits of romance, so I am electing to ignore it!)
I love the Hissing Wastes in particular -- those huge spaces, that night sky, the silence. I need a story of Solas and Lavellan in their tent at night, with the sand whispering against the canvas and the distant grunting of wyverns, talking softly about magic and the Fade and Arlathan, and she sings a Dalish song that is built out of fragments of old ones, and he almost says something, almost tells her, but holds back at the last moment.
And I need more of that scene after Haven, after he's told her about the orb and Skyhold, with the echoes of the whole camp singing fading away in the distance; and maybe something after she's been named Inquisitor and has formed found-family ties to her advisors, the other companions -- in my mind the first time she's really known and trusted non-elves, and begun to shape in her head a vision of a different future than just the Dalish attempt to preserve and rebuild.
aaaaa, so many feelings! And now I get to start my playthrough of human warrior boy with a Dorian romance, and after that I think I'm going to do a bit of a wild, devil-may-care female rogue and split it into three romance paths with Iron Bull, Cullen, and Blackwall. Although the human warrior boy might go for Iron Bull, too. so many choices! \o/
Also hey where is the fandom other than the bioware forums? Is there a kinkmeme anywhere? (And if you want to throw me in particular any Solavellan prompts, the inbox is open although I make no promises!)
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Date: 2014-12-04 09:07 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2014-12-05 12:08 am (UTC)no subject
Date: 2014-12-07 02:08 pm (UTC)First off, thanks much for your reading of the epilogue scene; when I first saw it, I was totally confused (also emotionally wrecked, so that could be why) and I was afraid that it did mean possession/merging, but I went back and watched it again, and I totally see what you're saying. (whew!) And that's probably why Flemeth wanted the God-baby soul at that moment, too? So she could go....elsewhere?
I've loved Dalish lore since the first game, and LOVED seeing all the expansions and grey areas introduced in DAI. I totally had the same thought that Solas sealed off the other gods to protect the people, and I really enjoy the idea of Fen'Harel being this combo Loki/Prometheus figure. (And the epilogue line "but the People need me" totally feeds into that.)
YES, I have a desperate need to see some in-between moments, of them just *being* together. From some of the lines, you can tell that they definitely have an ongoing thing, even though the relationship didn't play out as cinematically as some of Bioware's other romances. Ugh, last romance scene, though--it was heartbreaking enough that I got a little genuinely ugly, not fun, sad. Gorgeous background music, too. What did your Lavellan decide re: vallaslin? (I went with the removal, and then got mad when nobody commented on it except Sera. :D I know there's a final battle and all, but I just had a Big Moment AND got dumped; need a little sympathy here! :D)
Something else I'd love to see is the side of him that dealt in politics, backroom dealings, and machinations--I'm sure the Fen'Harel reputation came about somewhat honestly. I love that he's scholarly, "grim and fatalistic" now after all his mistakes trying to set things up right (that one bit of wistful dialogue in the solar before the final scene), but I totally think that other side is there, purposefully repressed,, and comes out at times like his giddiness at the Winter Palace stuff, which was hilarious.
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Date: 2014-12-05 06:29 pm (UTC)I'm convinced Flemeth sacrificed herself to lend the Dread Wolf her power as well. It never even occurred to me that he could be her new vessel. Not from the way they were talking before. But I wonder what she was doing with the Archdemon's soul before he arrived. Sending it through the mirror? Using it to change the mirror? I have to watch that scene again, as soon as my brain stops flailing and squealing and running in circles.
If I have to find one flaw with this game, I'd say the battle with Corypheus was too simple and short. I was over-levelled and playing on casual, sure, but he was definitely too easy to beat, considering how powerful of a menace he was. I think they should have gone the Origins way: a huge battle divided in various stages, with your party assigned to various portions of the city, and the different armies fighting alongside you along the way. Weirdly, we got something similar at the Temple of Mythal, even if on a very small scale, but nothing during the battle for the fate of the world.
But other than that, I loved everything and I want to hug everyone in my party. It kinda destroyed me to open the menu after the epilogue and finding Solas wasn't there... I even ran to his room to check, just in case!
We just had this game, and it's full of bugs and that stupid banter glitch (the war table trick fixed the music for me, but alas, no difference in the banter), and yet I already want the next one! What's going to happen next? What about Hawke? And what's Tevinter going to do? And will we have to fight Solas? I'm thinking 'yes', even though I'd much prefer to talk to him first at least...
I need fanfics, holy moley.
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Date: 2014-12-05 07:14 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2014-12-05 08:14 pm (UTC)IMO, there should've been some kind of macguffiny thing where he'd divided his power among say, two darkspawn generals plus the archdemon, and you had to assign different companions to different defensive positions and fought separate battles one with each set, with different allies available depending on whether you'd chosen mages or templars, Celene or Gaspard, Wardens or exile, and what missions you'd done.
Having done the customizations should have made a difference, having done war table missions should have been important, and for that matter, it would have been better to have a narrative reason to take a chunk of time after "The Last Piece" to do more side quests and build more power and influence.
Then defeating each "attack" and taking down the generals would have weakened Corypheus badly, and then beating him should've required imo instead doing something dramatic, like Solas running up and saying he's opening the Fade, he's going to rip the world apart, and you'd have to tackle him into the Fade personally and chase him down there with a sense of the world fraying and different characters you'd met appearing and speaking to you as you went, and then have the boss fight with "shadows" of your companions fighting with you.
ANYWAY, that's what *I* would have done. :P
But the last bit rescued the ending for me a lot because having Solas turn out to be secretly the not-quite-bad guy all along is a great twist and felt so emotionally powerful especially after having romanced him. If someone hadn't romanced him or at least made friends with him, I think it would feel a lot less satisfying, though. And I personally quite like that the game doesnt' feel "over" at the end -- I totally understand why someone wouldn't like that, why they'd want some big satisfying closure at the end, but for my part I really like that I get to imagine my Inquisitor going on and doing all sorts of things, with this looming secret shadow growing in the distance that is clearly going to be her problem to deal with very soon and emotionally painful.
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Date: 2014-12-05 08:34 pm (UTC)I agree, though, that last bit with Solas was what made the ending for me. While the credits were rolling I was feeling so detached I actually checked my phone! I remember my first time with the DAO credits, two lines of This Is War in and I was sobbing. Big tears of happiness for having saved Ferelden and having done that wonderful journey. I felt nothing like that this time. And then Solas' scene came on, and I screamed and squealed and I was in awe and I started shouting at the tv "where's my sequel???". :D
Something I hadn't noticed before I read the article, though, is that the characters' plots do not, in fact, influence the ending at all. That's a huge flaw, it's true. I loved doing their plots, and found them all fascinating, but yeah, they didn't feel as important as the ones from previous games. This was the game where choices truly didn't make a difference at all. I think maybe the one truly important decision is whether the Inquisitor has a romance with Solas, because that opens up a whole window on his character that's completely lost to everyone else. By the way, did you have him remove your character's mark? Because at first I didn't want to, but then he convinced me to do it. She looks so strange without them! But I really love that scene even more considering what we know about him now!
Now that I think about it, it took me three hours this afternoon to do the Temple, meet Flemeth in the Fade, and beat Corypheus. It was really quite rushed. O_O
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Date: 2014-12-06 05:44 am (UTC)And my Inquisitor kept her vallaslin because in the end what mattered to her more was what it meant NOW, to her and her people, which was actually a symbol of community and adulthood and resistance to oppression. I was really happy with that choice afterward, too, because it fits with my feeling that she's breaking away from Solas's path -- that she's looking forward where he's looking back. :D
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Date: 2014-12-06 07:28 am (UTC)It's unsurprising (and a bit worrying...) that the first thing that I loved about Solas was the fact that he was so fascinated by the past. It woke up the Archaeology graduate in me! "Oh please, do tell me more about ancient Elvhen practices and architecture" "we're in the middle of an apocalyptic war" "yeah yeah yeah, but what about their language? What about its ROOTS?"
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Date: 2014-12-08 05:24 pm (UTC)no subject
Date: 2014-12-11 08:14 am (UTC)
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Date: 2014-12-19 06:40 am (UTC)One of the things I had been wondering about in relation to the Elven gods is the role of the Veil. Solas says at one point that the Veil is an artificial construct, and in one of his first conversations with the Inquisitor, he mentions how much he would like a world where the Veil no longer exists--mortals and spirits sharing the same space. In light of everything that happens at the end, it could be possible that this coexistence was actually the way things were during the time of the ancient Elves, and was what made the powerful elves immortal--they lived not fully in the real world but also not fully in the Fade. And when Fen'Harel shut the most powerful of the elves away, he inadvertently created the Veil, locking the elves away from the spirit world and thus causing even the most powerful left to quicken and die the way the humans did (since Solas implies that the ancient elves were all magic users, and we know all humans are not, it would explain why humans and other races from Thedas never achieved the same immortality).
I'm also wondering whether *all* the elves were immortal--I'm pretty sure that Abelas called the elf Inquisitor a shemlen. Now, I can't find a transcript of that conversation anywhere, and my last save was so far back it would be impractical to replay to confirm (although I might!), so he could have been talking to Morrigan, or it was a mistake caused by all the customization options. But when I listened to that conversation, I definitely thought he was talking to the Inquisitor, as she had been the last to address him. Since the history the Dalish have been able to cobble together was probably (like all history) written by the people in power, it might imply that all the elves were immortal. But I'm wondering if the slaves the warring ancient elves threw at each other were actually immortal or were "shemlen," and so were best able to survive the separation from the Fade, since they weren't that connected to it to begin with.
I think the Fade/Veil theory would also make sense for what Corypheus et al. were doing--they knew the Fade had something to do with immortality, but not what. With the Veil in place, it would be impossible to achieve their goals--the dichotomy of the realms doomed any attempt to fail from the start.
And I really like your idea of Lavellan getting close to achieving that same milestone. With the power she had over the Fade, I can definitely see that! And an expansion where Solas is the antagonist would be fascinating!
Sorry to come in and babble at you for so long--I *just* finished the game and needed to talk to someone! It's late here, so I hope this all makes sense :). Thanks for listening to a perpetual lurker!