ha ha HA

Apr. 20th, 2017 08:44 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So since my LAST post:

- I caught a cold on vacation
- which turned into a sinus infection when we got home
- just as I felt better, husband caught a cold
- just as husband started to feel better, Hypatia caught a cold with fever
- right about this time I started having mysterious joint pain
- which was explained today when Hypatia's cold turns out to be FIFTH DISEASE and apparently I managed not to get it as a kid HA HA AWESOME

APART from the endless courses of disease I have also:

- (mostly) coded a webcam-based Python wand recognizer so we can use our Harry Potter Wizarding World wands at home to trigger IFTTT events

- ripped the bezel off a spare monitor and taken it to framing store so I can turn it into a wizarding family portrait


- obtained (and now thrown out) a printer with invisible ink which instead of printing things in invisible ink just leaked invisible ink all over our lovely built-in office counter (fortunately, the ink is in fact invisible, so no one will ever know unless they tote along a blacklight for inspection)

PS if you think this is so I can print an invisible ink marauders map that will only appear in response to someone using their wand and solemnly swearing they are up to no good HOW DID YOU GUESS

(as I described all this in chat, [personal profile] elynross said, "I'm starting to get the feeling you have a deadline" HA HA HA it's like she knows me)

So yeah, I only just finished rewriting a script treatment a month and a half past when I said I would and have not touched my novel in a month. On the bright side when I finally reopened it today and re-read it, a quarter of the way through the first chapter I knew what was going to happen in the rest of the book, which I have been wondering for some time now, so that was nice.

Oh and I imported over [community profile] sga_flashfic so if you have old links, update them! Also I banged in http://ao3.org/collections/sga_flashfic so please upload your stories to the AO3 and pop them into the collection! If you happen to be able to throw a few bucks at the AO3 for the fundraising drive that would be pretty cool too. I mention there is an AO3 HAT among the goodies and it says "You have already left kudos here" on it! <3 <3 <3

What I have NOT done: seen Fate of the Furious! So DO NOT SPOIL I!
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

- all the missing AI:RPF fic and Glam RPF
- all the missing Merlin
- all the Stargate: Atlantis
- all the Harry Potter
- all the Entourage
- two Sherlock Holmes (bookverse)

106 stories! GO ME!

...also I seem to have backed up the mail queue, um. sorry? :P

Still to come: M&C, House, LA Confidential, Gladiator, Buffy, Sentinel, Highlander, Battle of the Planets, X-Men, ST:TNG, and a bunch of one-offs.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
While I am waiting on prompt for the new charity story, here are a couple of the flashfics from the earlier round (in which I continue to fail at writing drabbles).

[livejournal.com profile] poppetawoppet wanted:
kris/adam or kradamaty au: what if Katy was the one who became famous and not Kris? And he's still doing the music thing, just in a different way. She and Adam are cast in a movie/tv show/music video together. Your choice as to what happens from there.

Guest Star (1000 words)
Adam/Kris, Adam/Kris/Katy (in my HEAD okay :P)
"Wow," Adam said, after a moment, still without letting go. "Well, this could be awkward."

(Read the story!)

[livejournal.com profile] saba1789 and [livejournal.com profile] mcrcookie, I was totally stalled out on your cookleta prompts, so I hope you'll take this instead? *g* Story number three in the Plane Crash series:

Castaway (1000 words)
"So the first thing I want to establish is, we're fine," David said.

(Read the story!)

[livejournal.com profile] amproof wanted Adam/John Sheppard, heee:

Far Far Away (Idol/SGA crossover, 3200 words)
John/Rodney, John/Adam Lambert

"So what's the problem?" Elizabeth asked.

"They won't talk to us unless we sing first," John said.

(Read the story!)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
While I am in a sudden frenzy of posting: [livejournal.com profile] cesperanza already posted this, but while I was getting the website updated with the new drabbles, I also put up our collaboration from the awesome Surfacing two-volume zine, and I wanted to add a link here. :D

Ordinary Life (20,071 words)
Published February 2007.
McKay/Sheppard, adult, explicit
"So, uh," Wharton said, with a little nervous cough. "You're not so much his mathematician as you are his—mathematician."

And as if this needs repeating, [livejournal.com profile] stormheller and [livejournal.com profile] tovalentin make some seriously amazing zines. ♥ [livejournal.com profile] therienne has managed to put together links to almost all the stories and art, and you can still order copies of the zines. They are expensive, but well worth it, even if you have read everything online. :D
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
These all seem to be growing past drabble-length. *g*

[livejournal.com profile] everysecondtues asked for HP, Neville:

Double-Edged, 204 words )

[livejournal.com profile] le_mousquetaire asked for SGA, McKay/Sheppard:

Inhibitions, 350 words )

And Melanie C. asked for DC Comics, Tim/Kon, and this came out, which is a mashup of the Reconcilable Differences universe with a bit of the post-Infinite Crisis storyline, which is a bit of a warning if you know what happened in that storyline, and if you don't, you can highlight here: Kon has been killed saving the world, and Tim is trying to bring him back to life.

Lazarus, 442 words )


And speaking of flashfic, [livejournal.com profile] spnflashfic has reopened with the carpe diem challenge! It only lasts for one week, so come over and seize the day and write something! *waves pom-poms* :D
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I haven't posted about these before, because I had not yet figured out the whole podbook thing until just recently, when I discovered it was basically "drop them into iTunes, dummy." *facepalm* I am not an audiobook listener because I tune out audio after about ten minutes under normal circumstances, but I am a constant re-reader, so what I find I am doing with podfic is listening to the audiobook *while* I re-read, and it is AWESOME! Voices and personality and emphasis and life! and *covers* too! *dances a whole lot*

And so belatedly but with much glee, links to podbooks of my SGA stories!

Reading by [livejournal.com profile] general_jinjur, cover art and podbook by [livejournal.com profile] cybel

Reading by [livejournal.com profile] windbringer1, cover art by [livejournal.com profile] aesc, podbook by [livejournal.com profile] cybel

Reading by [livejournal.com profile] general_jinjur, cover art by [livejournal.com profile] spaggel, podbook by [livejournal.com profile] cybel

And I will take this moment to mention again that there is blanket permission to podfic anything of mine (and to translate, and to sequel, and to remix, etc etc etc). So if I am in one of my swamped phases and don't get back to you quick, there is no need to wait on me for permission. :D

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And as an addendum to TMI -- if you haven't read these before and you like the combination of Dean + fashion items normally associated with women, allow me to point you to the omg hot: [livejournal.com profile] sneaky_sena's What Lies Beneath and [livejournal.com profile] katjad's Other Ways and Means. (Both Sam/Dean, both a;lsdjkfa;;ggh. What, that is totally descriptive.)

(And if there are more out there, plz to hook me up in comments.)

Also in case any of you missed it, [livejournal.com profile] eighth_horizon posted another wingcest story last night, Counting To Ten! \o/
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
If you haven't already seen -- the podfic of Written By The Victors, with a cast of 36 and cat-herding and audio editing by [livejournal.com profile] lim, has been posted on [livejournal.com profile] sgapodfic. It is amazing amazing stuff. All these voices! I teared up just listening to everyone reading their names at the beginning. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

holy shit

Oct. 17th, 2006 05:21 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Missed the Saturday Dance by [livejournal.com profile] zoetrope. Go, go, go, I don't care if you don't like SGA omg. It's like -- it's something between Griffin and Sabine and a movie site. I'm sitting here going WOW WOW WOW.

I love fandom SO MUCH.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Anyone out there willing to trade Wiseguy prompts with me? [livejournal.com profile] svmadelyn has given me the okay to do Wiseguy in the [livejournal.com profile] summercon Blame Someone Else challenge if I can find myself my own match. *grins*

The challenge, from [livejournal.com profile] svmadelyn and [livejournal.com profile] mctabby:
"Basically, think of something for which you'd be prepared to take full blame, if it's written....You'll probably find yourself writing some total stranger's sick, crazed bunny, while s/he tackles your brilliant, cherished concept in exchange - and you Blame Each Other for the results.... Hideous and good ideas are both welcome....

You'll have until Saturday evening to finish a ficlet, anything over 100 words is acceptable for this challenge."

The results get posted in [livejournal.com profile] summercon!

I can only take one -- I really should not be allowed to sign up at all, but I am prepared to nobly sacrifice myself in the cause of encouraging more WG. If you are up for it (remember, anything over 100 words is fine!), give me a Sonny/Vinnie prompt and I will give you one back -- first come first served on this one. Although hey, if you're interested but my slot is full, no reason you can't do this in your own lj... :D

Separately, make yourself happy, SGA fans, and read [livejournal.com profile] resonant8's new story, Term of Service. I totally failed to contribute anything significant in betaing this because I was just too purely gleeful reading it. ♥
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Another four, although I totally bombed the A/M one. (but at least one was long?) If more than one came in for a particular fandom, I'm doing the first one -- if inspiration lasts me when I'm through the first round, I'll try and get to the repeats. *g*

SGA for ozziebabe )

Aubrey/Maturin for vassilissa )

Highlander for kiezh )

Wiseguy for merricatk -- spoilers )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Dittoing [livejournal.com profile] killabeez on this -- if you see my vids on youtube, please don't ask for them to be taken down. I don't love it, but I don't care much, either, and I really do think once I've put it out there online, it's kind of a waste of time to try and close the door. I'd just as soon not have my own bandwidth take the hit.

I also don't care in the slightest about clip theft (if someone makes good vids using my clips as source, great; if they make bad ones, whatever), though I would think it was pretty lame if someone ever used substantial unedited portions without giving credit. If you are inspired by my stories/vids to write, to vid, to make art, yay. If you're nice enough to let me know, that would be cool.

Speaking of which, Cylin has made a beautiful piece of art for The Dark Side, a design of the Atlantis, Sith!John's ship! eeee! So pretty!

Also, hey -- I just realized, I don't think I ever mentioned [livejournal.com profile] ravurian's manips and cover for the same story -- Rodney's Jedi hair cracks me up omg. Also I am waiting for the episode where John is actually dressed like that, because it really must come somewhere during the run of SGA, right?

You know, seriously, forget all the complaints about plot and characterization -- the REAL problem with SGA is inadequate levels of adequately tight black leather pants. *pokes the writers like Rodney poking John in the head*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Hey folks, if you are coming to the SV/SGA party at Vividcon (Saturday 5 PM before Premieres -- if you might come, go fill out the poll!), give me vid recs! Vids that are in DivX/XviD format are the easiest to add on, but I seem to have found a decent way to convert WMV files too, woo. I am just throwing them all on a disk and bringing along my Norcent (♥ Norcent), and we can choose on the fly at the con. *g*

ETA: PS, *do* pimp yourselves if you've got a vid, especially if you're coming! Don't be shy! *g*

vids I already have )


Jul. 31st, 2006 07:11 pm
astolat: sga team plays d&d with mixed results.  (atlantis magic missile)
Yes, uh, sorry for the spam? Soon I will return to my more typical week-long hibernation between posts, I am just kind of giddy right now at not being deathly ill and hacking up a lung anymore.

I have realized belatedly that I don't think I ever actually GIPped with the single BEST ICON EVER, created by [livejournal.com profile] liviapenn and compressed down with much teeth-gnashing by me; so here it is (not shareable, sorry! I am just gloating *g*).

ETA: and ahahaha, on a tip from [livejournal.com profile] amireal, I have tracked down the inspiration. *dies* (Although actually I think Livia's icon is funnier!)

ETA2: OMG, [livejournal.com profile] dsudis makes the EXCELLENT POINT that someone has to make an SGA dread gazebo icon now. Please? Someone? *hopeful*

Also, [livejournal.com profile] cesperanza basically says what I've got to say about Friday's SG1/SGA (and actually pretty much hits my attitude towards Pirates on the side, for that matter) over here, and in the comments, inspires the following icon (which is shareable, feel free to grab, no credit necessary).


Jul. 31st, 2006 02:24 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So, after finishing Moving On the other day (otherwise known as Lex conquers the galaxy, IN STYLE), I was talking to [livejournal.com profile] cesperanza, and we realized that the story really called for a particular something... and then I basically set up camp on [livejournal.com profile] mutecornett's internet doorstep (yay, ljtalk!) and made big pleading anime eyes at her until she created THIS WORK OF GENIUS.

Galactic Conqueror Lex paper doll
Go and feast your eyes and download. *joy*

The poufy boa! The tiny laurel wreath on baby Lena's head!! The Trwi outfit!!!11! Seriously, if you do not already have photoshop, this is basically the best reason in the world ever to get it, or you can print out the PDF and play with Lex paper dolls for REAL.

Currently my Lex is wearing a tuxedo, the boa, and a crown. It is the best thing ever.

And to make my life and yours EVEN MORE COMPLETE, [livejournal.com profile] in_the_bottle has made manips of Jedi Rodney and Sith Lord John and a cover for The Dark Side -- Rodney and John, lightsabers, and YODA.

*eats cookie, to complete general beatific state*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
[livejournal.com profile] cesperanza pointed me at this spectacular vid yesterday. It's based on [livejournal.com profile] synecdochic's SGA story, Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose, which, if you haven't read (god, you should), but if you're not into SGA fanfic and just want the backstory in order to appreciate the vid better, here it is, way spoilery ).

The vid is by [livejournal.com profile] lim, lim at livejournal dot com for fb, and it's seriously fucking brilliant. It's a technical tour-de-force to begin with; she's using visual effects (tons of After Effects work here) in some really fascinating ways here, ones which serve the narrative of the vid as well as the just the visuals of it. Aside from that, the song choice is brilliant -- the strong piano notes, the tone of the vocals, sort of wavering between melancholy and resigned and joyful, and the lyrics really work for the story to begin with.

What's most fascinating to me here is how she uses a relatively small number of clips, which get effectively stretched out by the use of effects, and the impact that has -- those clips become more intense and weighted with meaning because they're effectively working as if they were framed like paintings, each clip or each sequence set aside. As a general rule, I think it would definitely be possible to get tired of the scarcity of clips; what makes it work here is that what she's using for the interstitial parts, the numbers and the words, are both full of meaning themselves, especially in conjunction with the song and the story.

I will warn that it really does capture the emotion of the story, for me, by which I mean simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful; if the story broke you, the vid probably will too. But in a good way. :)

This Is How It Works (song: On The Radio, by Regina Spektor; DivX, 25 MB), by [livejournal.com profile] lim -- right-click and save, don't stream!
Send fb by email to lim at livejournal, or you can do like I did and post to her lj over here.

ETA: and [livejournal.com profile] fairestcat has been hosting the even higher quality Quicktime version from this page too, which I highly recommend -- there's a bit of text at the end, in particular, that doesn't really show up for me in the DivX version and does in the Quicktime version, which is really important.

So much love.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Starting things off right with an insta-rec for -- and you have to trust me on this -- Smallville, Clark/Lex, to -- Dont cha. No, seriously, you have to watch this vid. It is utter crackheaded glory, Jolene-like in its splendor. Also, I've been really scattered in my watching of Smallville since season 2, and foolishly, I didn't think they could possibly get more homoeroticism in the show since then. I now see the vast and complete error of my ways.

Dont cha, by [livejournal.com profile] talitha78

Also, hi! I am back from Africa, with four stories in progress (which is four stories more than I really have time to be working on), and my vividcon vid done (the torturous agony exciting learning experience of working with high-res footage will get posted one of these days), and I am mostly recovered from illness and jetlag (though I am still waking up at 8am -- what is up with that?), and I am vaguely caught up with work, and... I leave for San Diego in five days! *facepalm*

I am impossibly behind on lj and email and will not even make a pretense of trying to catch up with everything I have missed, but I have to share two things that arrived while I was away --

[livejournal.com profile] laurab1 made me a spectacular cover for Ulterior Motives that totally captures what I was going for with the ending. Beautiful, beautiful lighting.

and [livejournal.com profile] slytherindyke has made an adorable manip of Rodney with Hypatia, from A Beautiful Lifetime Event. ♥

The saga of life among the elephants deserves a separate post, coming soon, but if you are skeptical of this "africa" business, [livejournal.com profile] cesperanza has already posted some highlights from our trip. *g*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am kind of sniffly and just hug you all. Thanks, guys; I'll be over here on cloud nine if you need me.

And to return you to your regularly scheduled programming: insta-rec for awesome SGA vid, go watch now:

Stress by [livejournal.com profile] wickedwords and [livejournal.com profile] sherrold, finally online!
This vid just makes me laugh with total delight. Rodney really is addicted to stress. ♥

Also, I have somehow totally missed the existence of [livejournal.com profile] artword before -- this is a really neat SGA challenge community for fanart/fanfic combo challenges, and they just did a fanart challenge based on [livejournal.com profile] trinityofone's great story, Realm of Dryads (which was itself originally done based on [livejournal.com profile] slodwick's [livejournal.com profile] picfor1000 challenge), and wow, the art, *spectacular* -- seriously check it out.


Mar. 11th, 2006 10:33 am
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
[livejournal.com profile] synecdochic, Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose

On the web or in two parts on lj (part 1 and part 2).

She says in her noticeboard post as a warning that the title is not an accident, but for the wary, no, this is not darkfic, and I also don't think it spoils the story at all to know going in the stuff I will put behind a spoiler cut anyway in case you want to judge for yourself ). It *is* sad in many places, but it's not depressing, and it's wildly beautiful.

This is very much a Rodney story, and if you don't love him, it probably won't hit you as strongly as it did me; but at the same time, I defy almost anyone to *not* love this Rodney. This isn't Rodney as he is now, it's someone that he could become, and you see all the other characters and Atlantis herself in their influence on him.



astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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