astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

- all the missing AI:RPF fic and Glam RPF
- all the missing Merlin
- all the Stargate: Atlantis
- all the Harry Potter
- all the Entourage
- two Sherlock Holmes (bookverse)

106 stories! GO ME!

...also I seem to have backed up the mail queue, um. sorry? :P

Still to come: M&C, House, LA Confidential, Gladiator, Buffy, Sentinel, Highlander, Battle of the Planets, X-Men, ST:TNG, and a bunch of one-offs.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Heyyyyy, look what I have! The [community profile] purimgifts challenge first two days are revealed and I have two really lovely stories so far! \o/

Home Safe (978 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Adam Lambert (Musician), American Idol RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Adam Lambert
Summary: Adam deals with an encounter with paparazzi.

Three Views of a Pier (989 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Adam Lambert (Musician), Glam Rock RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Adam Lambert/Sauli Koskinen
Characters: Adam Lambert, Sauli Koskinen
Summary: Adam and Sauli get away for a weekend

♥ ♥ ♥

and eee, [personal profile] celli finally finished her awesome awesome Idol RPF (Cook/Archuleta) accountants AU, and during tax season no less:

Between the Summer and the Fall (14198 words) by faviconcelli
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Rating: Mature
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: David Archuleta/David Cook
Characters: David Archuleta, David Cook

“I wouldn’t have met you, though,” Cook said to the apartment wall.

David snorted a little. “Yeah, who wouldn’t rather have sex with me than be a rock star?”

Happy Purim to all of you celebrating! Here is a little internet-based mishloach manot for those of you who go in for the baby pictures. :D

fire cuteness torpedoes
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Haha, wow, so thanks to the WIP meme I have discovered multiple stories that were done and just not posted. :P

Adam/Kris/Katy, adult, explicit, sex pollen
The party was sprawled across nine different rooms, and Kris ended up getting detoured half a dozen times before he finally managed to track down the bar and get Adam and Katy's drinks and a beer for him.

I'm On A...
I forgot to link this kinkmeme fill back in the day! Adam/Kris, warning for extreme silliness

I've posted another chapter of the Adam/Kris steampunk story at the AO3.
New chapter:
Whole story so far:

Eta: oh and I did link this charity short-short a while back but forgot to post it on my website:
Excuses, Excuses
Adam/Kris, Drake/Katy (trust me!)
"Oh, you didn't," Adam said.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
♥ for the comments on [personal profile] meloukhia's anony love meme! I am all sniffly and :*).

I have been quiet lately as my fandom time is going to slugging away madly at AO3 code, and also this whole gestatating thing, I have to tell you guys, this is freaking HARD WORK OKAY. And uh, <TMI>if any of you who have gone through this have some secret magic recipe for dealing with acid reflux that would be awesome?</TMI>

(Also I'm weirdly finding myself reacting with totally different emotion to certain things -- the other day [personal profile] lim told me about this plague village Eyam in the UK and there was this one bit in the wikipedia entry "Elizabeth Hancock never became ill despite burying six children and her husband in eight days" and where before -- I mean, that's just a horrible story period, but now I'm sort of SHE DID *ALL THIS* SIX TIMES AND THEY ALL DIED and it makes me D: D: D: D: and flail incoherently in a personal way!)

But! In more generally exciting news, I wanted to point you all over at [ profile] yuletide_admin, because Yuletide 2010 nominations are open! woo!

And of course someone has already nominated Merlin and Supernatural, lollll. My response, in macro form: )


I have to say, while I am all for everyone playing however is most fun for them, personally when I am making my requests, it's all about picking the fandoms where, no matter what story I get, my reaction will be "OMG SOMEONE WROTE AN [X] STORY AND IT WAS NOT ME \:D/" Because that is how you are GUARANTEED yuletide glee! Well, of course with all the stories glee is guaranteed anyway but still.

Anyway, I am totally tempting fate and signing up myself because SO WHAT if I am giving birth within three weeks of the deadline, this is not an obstacle, pfft. (hahahaha)

Oh and hey, I did manage to also toss out a commentfic for the [community profile] kradamadness sex toys prompt:

Sparkle Motion
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit
"I work here!" Kris said. Which was a completely legitimate reason for holding nine dildos, two vibrators, and three cockrings, all part of the Glambulge line with the glittery silver foil-stamped signature of authenticity.

And I don't think I ever posted this little kinkmeme fic here either:

Adam/Kris, adult
At the fifth show, after he came off stage, Kris leaned over to Janice on security and said, "Hey, can you invite that guy to the meet-and-greet? And anyone he's with, too. The tall guy, with the -- "
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
hahaha, did I get my wordcount done today? no I did not.

did I write college au for a library sex prompt in the kinkmeme? yes I did. :[

Extra Credit (2500 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit

"Megan!" Kris said. "He's my TA. I'm not going to—"

"Kris, honey," Megan said, "I'm sorry to break this to you, but you are definitely the yummy baby seal in this scenario."

read it at the kinkmeme? *slinks away*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So I have finally managed to beat this last charity story into submission, omg.

Written for the Idol Gives Back drive, for bubby_wubby: Kradam in the park/chance meeting; attraction/hook-up; then good-byes and for the kradingo prompt "Randoms: park bench" and for probably at least five kink bingo prompts but specifically "food".

Exactly how that turns into happy rentboy fic is an exercise for the reader...?

With many thanks to Terri, Merry, and Ces for beta. <3

Paying The Rent (4400 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit

It was long since dark, and Kris was having to stop playing every fifteen minutes or so to blow on his hands and warm them back up. There hadn't been more than a handful of people pausing by the bench any time all day, shoulders hunched up and heads barely turning to glance at him. Even the last trickle was dying off now, but he hadn't made enough for a place to sleep, and playing kept him awake, at least.

Read the story (at the AO3! ps I has invites if you want them, just comment/dm me your email :D)

All fb loved! <3
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
[personal profile] katekat has posted the most awesome manip EVER OF ALL TIME to [community profile] kradamadness and I am now writing a crazy fantasy-space-crack thing in the comments?

There are also awesome commentfics from [personal profile] poppetawoppet and [personal profile] amproof, and hopefully there will be more coming because this manip is seriously an entire kinkmeme in and of itself. Boris Vallejo, that's all I'm saying, now go click.

And now I am off to brunch! \o/ and then there will be more writing today, of crack and other things, yay.

PS housekeeping: I've been moving those of my flist with dreamwidth accounts over to my reading list there and off my lj flist so if you saw me defriend on lj that is why! I'm still xposting and comments are welcome on both.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Google-fu is failing me on this matter :'( so I come paging my flist! It looks like we have the basic ebook functionality working pretty well, and the big question is -- dun dun dun -- how to include metadata, like fandom, character, relationships, tags, etc.

Rather than (just) including the header as text right on the story, I am hoping there is some way to put this information into the ebooks in some more useful and searchable way, so that people could (eg) sort their fic ebooks by fandom, or whatnot.

Does anyone out there know the specs for how to put custom metadata into mobi or epub or pdf files, in a way that actually is available to common reader devices/software?

Any info appreciated! ♥

Also, cough, have some more [ profile] teamcockbert places porn?

Carcharodon Interruptus
Adam/Kris, "in a boat that has sunk and there's only 5 minutes of air left and there's a SHARK" (credit to [personal profile] mollyamory for awesome title)

Personal Appearance
Adam/gloryhole \o/

Adam/Kris, in a nightmare/tentacles prompt, warnings for EVERYTHING NO REALLY

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

astolat: I am happy meanwhile
astolat: because Adam stagedived tonight
more chat transcript )


ALSO ALSO I am apparently on a run of posting silly porn in random places, I can't imagine anyone on my flist being interested in that of course but JUST FOR COMPLETENESS' SAKE here are links, all fb loved as always! :D

For the [ profile] teamcockbert places meme:

Adam/Tommy, sex club stage, adult, explicit

Carnival Rides
Adam/Kris, carnival ride, adult, explicit, impaired judgment

In the [ profile] aianonlovefest:

Adam/Kris, adult, explicit, bdsm-y
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Super-belatedly, here are the last (er, I *think!*) of the charity flashfics I owe for the last IGB drive -- except [ profile] bubbywub, you are getting a longer story but you have to wait for it more.

So if I do still owe you something, please throw a rock at my head! (Metaphorical rocks only plz! flung gently! ;)

First, a few short-shorts:

for amproof: Kris/Adam, needy sluts in equal measure )

for scarlettlynn, Adam/Tommy, tour bus )

for audrarose: a Kris/Adam first kiss, kind of romantic and funny )

and a couple that went longer:

Blind Dating
for binkleywtf: Adam blindfolded? at a party in a bedroom, speed ~dating, he doesn't know who's going to come through the door. )

Music of the Night
for ladyelphaba, Adam/Kris Phantom AU )

yay! actual stories! posted! *takes slow-mo victory lap to chariots of fire music*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
happy birthday to me! \o/ and *hearts* to you all for the tweets & comments & pms! I has tickets to Adam's concert in NYC! Now to lie in wait on ticketmaster roll over and give scalpers money for tickets to Foxwoods, Borgata, and second NYC show.

And just in the nick of time to still make this a proper hobbit-birthday present, I have finished a story to share! :D

It Is, It Is A Glorious Thing (6400 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit, pirates ravishing missionaries and anachronisms galore

Summary: pirates!
The captain sighed and said, "It's just as well you're a priest, because it would be hard for me to tell the men I'm not going to flog you just because you're pretty. Matthew, take him to my quarters and have him cleaned up for later!"

"Because I'm—wait, what?" Kris said.

The pirate captain beamed at him. "Well, since I'm apparently a remorseless pirate—"

Kris glared at him, speechless.

(Read the story!)

With ♥ to [personal profile] cesperanza and [personal profile] kass for beta! All fb loved as always. :D
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Okay, so look, this kind of thing just happens sometimes.

The Evil Sinister Dark Evil Very Bad Claiming of Kris Allen (~500 words?)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit, ...noncon?

"There's no hiding it from me anymore," Adam said. "And unless you do exactly as I say, the whole world will learn that the American Idol -- collects Powerpuff Girls!"

(Read it at the kinkmeme!)

I blame encouragement from twitter. :P
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


(This will probably vanish quick if Idol has their usual misguided way with youtube, so watch it while it lasts!)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
For the [ profile] blackdress_adam challenge—a fusion with Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, inspired by (with permission!) an awesome prompt at the kinkmeme.

sings the song without the words (5300 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit
Gild didn't recoil, just cocked his head to one side again. "Be nice, you," Adam said; Gild didn't say anything, just gave a loud, high-pitched shrill that made Pyri flatten her ears against her head, and then he turned and paced stately over to leap up onto Adam's bed, long tail gleaming behind him.

"I promise he won't be a little bitch all the time," Adam said reassuringly, like Kris was the one who should have been worrying, and smiled at him. "So where does that incredibly adorable accent come from, Kris Allen?"

Pyri gave a little growl under her breath, and Kris found himself stammering some when he answered. Maybe he was the one who needed to worry.

Read the story!

With many many thanks to Merry for beta! <3 And to my fabulous music mixers, chosenfire28 and inteligrrl, for the awesome mixes:

Cutting to spare your flists, but you want these! )

All fb loved as always! :D ♥
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Hey guys, if you feel like tossing Adam a little love and helping to nudge his single up the charts, grab one of the WWFM remixes from iTunes? I love the Brad Walsh and Jason Nevins ones both (also Voodoo is a ridiculously awesome song even though that does not help so much with Billboard rankings).

Also my [ profile] blackdress_adam story will go up a bit later today with glee over my awesome music mixes, as soon as I am back from errands, but in the meantime eee! piles of fic! [ profile] bexless and [ profile] wax_jism have both posted awesome ones that you should go read AT ONCE:

Pinch Hitter by bexless, Adam/Frank/Gerard WITH PICSPAM \o/

Sleepwalker by wax_jism, Adam/Drake in True Blood universe \o/

And because people got a little bummed out over the Idol producer stuffing his foot in his mouth in the EW interview last night and badmouthing Adam's AMA performance, I tossed up a kinkmeme fic I haven't finished coding for my website just yet. It, uh. Well. Here is the prompt (there is also another fill for it with an awesome ending <3), and my story is also for the "authority figures" kink bingo prompt so you know, heed the warnings? :>

Under Protest (2500 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit, consent issues!!

"That's what happens when you break the law," Lambert said cheerfully, handing him back his clothes.

haha read the story /o\

ALSO OMG ADAM ON IDOL AGAIN TONIGHT I AM EXCITE! (This calls for sparkle text but I am sparing your feeds :P)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Two useful pieces of information recently acquired by fandom:

Adam: likes to sleep naked.
Kris: sleepwalks occasionally.


Somnambulism (3400 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit, friendly mutual dubcon? :>

"At least we don't have to do the walk of shame?" Adam said.

(Read the story)

With many ♥ to [personal profile] cesperanza and [ profile] giddygeek and [personal profile] terrio and [personal profile] merryish for beta! <3

All fb loved. :D
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Sometimes, you just don't bother trying to find a title. *g* For the [ profile] aianonlovefest, bodyswap prompt!

Bodyswap (1300 words)
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit

"Our brains have just gotten mixed up!" Adam said. "Maybe if we get close enough, they'll—" He waved a hand, "—swap back into place." He rubbed his knuckles up and down Kris's dick. His dick. With Kris in it. Well, this was confusing.

(Read the story!)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am swamped with coding right now (for remix! \o/), but wanted to quickly glee about this -- [ profile] pandarus had podficced several of the Beltane stories, and she's now made it a complete set! And [ profile] cybel has audiobooked it! ♥ It is lots of incentive to finish up that missing story, I have to say. :D

Also, if any of you are not reading [ profile] jeyhawk_fic's ludicrously hot Falling All Over You series (Kradam public sex), you are MISSING OUT, okay. Also [ profile] seperis has finished (this is) not a statement!

Speaking of missing out, shortly we should be getting the full video of Adam's ONTD_AI chat for DonorsChoose, which was one of the most awesome and adorable interviews ever ever ever. Will post it if I have a chance, or you can brave the horrifically bad coding (and hilariously ridiculous intro which is worth seeing once just for the massive lulz) of his official website tomorrow to see it.

Also, I have taken a deep breath and signed up for [ profile] kradambigbang, largely because I love their plan for the weekly support group at [ profile] kradambangers, and because the minimum is only 10K words, which is awesome -- I never really want to force fanfic, but I get 10K-long ideas often enough that I feel there is a reasonably good shot one will hit me in time for this challenge. So consider it if you are in the same boat!

♥ and dashes back to code
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
While I am waiting on prompt for the new charity story, here are a couple of the flashfics from the earlier round (in which I continue to fail at writing drabbles).

[ profile] poppetawoppet wanted:
kris/adam or kradamaty au: what if Katy was the one who became famous and not Kris? And he's still doing the music thing, just in a different way. She and Adam are cast in a movie/tv show/music video together. Your choice as to what happens from there.

Guest Star (1000 words)
Adam/Kris, Adam/Kris/Katy (in my HEAD okay :P)
"Wow," Adam said, after a moment, still without letting go. "Well, this could be awkward."

(Read the story!)

[ profile] saba1789 and [ profile] mcrcookie, I was totally stalled out on your cookleta prompts, so I hope you'll take this instead? *g* Story number three in the Plane Crash series:

Castaway (1000 words)
"So the first thing I want to establish is, we're fine," David said.

(Read the story!)

[ profile] amproof wanted Adam/John Sheppard, heee:

Far Far Away (Idol/SGA crossover, 3200 words)
John/Rodney, John/Adam Lambert

"So what's the problem?" Elizabeth asked.

"They won't talk to us unless we sing first," John said.

(Read the story!)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Another charity story! [ profile] zoniduck asked me to continue the Adam/Kris/Tommy threesome I wrote for [ profile] binkleywtf in the last charity drive, so I have banged it into more of a Real Story, and here is the whole thing. :D

Cruising Altitude (2,000 words)
Adam/Kris/Tommy, adult, explicit

It was like drawing a line, was the thing: the line everyone always wanted to draw, with him on one side and Adam on the other.

(Read the story!)

All fb loved! \o/


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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