♥ for the comments on
meloukhia's anony love meme! I am all sniffly and :*).
I have been quiet lately as my fandom time is going to slugging away madly at AO3 code, and also this whole gestatating thing, I have to tell you guys, this is freaking HARD WORK OKAY. And uh, <TMI>if any of you who have gone through this have some secret magic recipe for dealing with acid reflux that would be awesome?</TMI>
(Also I'm weirdly finding myself reacting with totally different emotion to certain things -- the other day
lim told me about this plague village Eyam in the UK and there was this one bit in the wikipedia entry "Elizabeth Hancock never became ill despite burying six children and her husband in eight days" and where before -- I mean, that's just a horrible story period, but now I'm sort of SHE DID *ALL THIS* SIX TIMES AND THEY ALL DIED and it makes me D: D: D: D: and flail incoherently in a personal way!) But! In more generally exciting news, I wanted to point you all over at
yuletide_admin, because
Yuletide 2010 nominations are open! woo!
And of course someone has already nominated Merlin and Supernatural, lollll.
( My response, in macro form: ):P
I have to say, while I am all for everyone playing however is most fun for them, personally when I am making my requests, it's all about picking the fandoms where, no matter what story I get, my reaction will be "OMG SOMEONE WROTE AN [X] STORY AND IT WAS NOT ME \:D/" Because that is how you are GUARANTEED yuletide glee! Well, of course with all the stories glee is guaranteed anyway but still.
Anyway, I am totally tempting fate and signing up myself because SO WHAT if I am giving birth within three weeks of the deadline, this is not an obstacle, pfft.
(hahahaha)Oh and hey, I did manage to also toss out a commentfic for the
kradamadness sex toys prompt:
Sparkle MotionAdam/Kris, adult, explicit
"I work here!" Kris said. Which was a completely legitimate reason for holding nine dildos, two vibrators, and three cockrings, all part of the Glambulge line with the glittery silver foil-stamped signature of authenticity.And I don't think I ever posted this little kinkmeme fic here either:
StalkerAdam/Kris, adult
At the fifth show, after he came off stage, Kris leaned over to Janice on security and said, "Hey, can you invite that guy to the meet-and-greet? And anyone he's with, too. The tall guy, with the -- "