astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Haha, wow, so thanks to the WIP meme I have discovered multiple stories that were done and just not posted. :P

Adam/Kris/Katy, adult, explicit, sex pollen
The party was sprawled across nine different rooms, and Kris ended up getting detoured half a dozen times before he finally managed to track down the bar and get Adam and Katy's drinks and a beer for him.

I'm On A...
I forgot to link this kinkmeme fill back in the day! Adam/Kris, warning for extreme silliness

I've posted another chapter of the Adam/Kris steampunk story at the AO3.
New chapter:
Whole story so far:

Eta: oh and I did link this charity short-short a while back but forgot to post it on my website:
Excuses, Excuses
Adam/Kris, Drake/Katy (trust me!)
"Oh, you didn't," Adam said.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
♥ for the comments on [personal profile] meloukhia's anony love meme! I am all sniffly and :*).

I have been quiet lately as my fandom time is going to slugging away madly at AO3 code, and also this whole gestatating thing, I have to tell you guys, this is freaking HARD WORK OKAY. And uh, <TMI>if any of you who have gone through this have some secret magic recipe for dealing with acid reflux that would be awesome?</TMI>

(Also I'm weirdly finding myself reacting with totally different emotion to certain things -- the other day [personal profile] lim told me about this plague village Eyam in the UK and there was this one bit in the wikipedia entry "Elizabeth Hancock never became ill despite burying six children and her husband in eight days" and where before -- I mean, that's just a horrible story period, but now I'm sort of SHE DID *ALL THIS* SIX TIMES AND THEY ALL DIED and it makes me D: D: D: D: and flail incoherently in a personal way!)

But! In more generally exciting news, I wanted to point you all over at [ profile] yuletide_admin, because Yuletide 2010 nominations are open! woo!

And of course someone has already nominated Merlin and Supernatural, lollll. My response, in macro form: )


I have to say, while I am all for everyone playing however is most fun for them, personally when I am making my requests, it's all about picking the fandoms where, no matter what story I get, my reaction will be "OMG SOMEONE WROTE AN [X] STORY AND IT WAS NOT ME \:D/" Because that is how you are GUARANTEED yuletide glee! Well, of course with all the stories glee is guaranteed anyway but still.

Anyway, I am totally tempting fate and signing up myself because SO WHAT if I am giving birth within three weeks of the deadline, this is not an obstacle, pfft. (hahahaha)

Oh and hey, I did manage to also toss out a commentfic for the [community profile] kradamadness sex toys prompt:

Sparkle Motion
Adam/Kris, adult, explicit
"I work here!" Kris said. Which was a completely legitimate reason for holding nine dildos, two vibrators, and three cockrings, all part of the Glambulge line with the glittery silver foil-stamped signature of authenticity.

And I don't think I ever posted this little kinkmeme fic here either:

Adam/Kris, adult
At the fifth show, after he came off stage, Kris leaned over to Janice on security and said, "Hey, can you invite that guy to the meet-and-greet? And anyone he's with, too. The tall guy, with the -- "
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

astolat: I am happy meanwhile
astolat: because Adam stagedived tonight
more chat transcript )


ALSO ALSO I am apparently on a run of posting silly porn in random places, I can't imagine anyone on my flist being interested in that of course but JUST FOR COMPLETENESS' SAKE here are links, all fb loved as always! :D

For the [ profile] teamcockbert places meme:

Adam/Tommy, sex club stage, adult, explicit

Carnival Rides
Adam/Kris, carnival ride, adult, explicit, impaired judgment

In the [ profile] aianonlovefest:

Adam/Kris, adult, explicit, bdsm-y
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Super-belatedly, here are the last (er, I *think!*) of the charity flashfics I owe for the last IGB drive -- except [ profile] bubbywub, you are getting a longer story but you have to wait for it more.

So if I do still owe you something, please throw a rock at my head! (Metaphorical rocks only plz! flung gently! ;)

First, a few short-shorts:

for amproof: Kris/Adam, needy sluts in equal measure )

for scarlettlynn, Adam/Tommy, tour bus )

for audrarose: a Kris/Adam first kiss, kind of romantic and funny )

and a couple that went longer:

Blind Dating
for binkleywtf: Adam blindfolded? at a party in a bedroom, speed ~dating, he doesn't know who's going to come through the door. )

Music of the Night
for ladyelphaba, Adam/Kris Phantom AU )

yay! actual stories! posted! *takes slow-mo victory lap to chariots of fire music*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
[ profile] destina gets my entire raison d'rpf right here. (Talking about J2, but it totally works for me more broadly.)

In other news, so I ended up writing an alternate ending for In Writing, haha -- it splits off where Adam comes home and is 100000% more cracktastic:

In Writing alternate ending, adult, explicit )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I have written a couple of bits and pieces the last few days while I pound out my revisions and work on code and on the giant auction fic ([ profile] teneagles, it is now 17,000 words and counting, so that is why it is taking forever :P) so here they are collected up:

Kris wings photoshoot for krismc09 )

Sam and Dean trapped on American Idol for veronamay )

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Here are the short pieces I wrote for the second round of donations!

The ONTD_AI charity auction is chugging away, yay! (note that there are three pages of author auctions -- there are some total bargains going as a result if you hop along to the later pages. \o/)

ETA: ALSO, guys, if the auction is too rich for your blood or you are just impatient, don't forget that $1 buys you a drabble prompt and $5 a flashfic prompt over at the free-for-all, and I for one will indeed be poking around there to see if any prompts hit me. :D /ETA

Remember btw, with any bid on either of my offers (1000-word story, sponsoring finishing of longer story) you can submit a prompt for the choose-your-own-adventure story. :D

And I will casually mention that while I avoid locking myself into higher wordcounts for fear of getting stuck, if you hit me with the right thing it can go a lot longer. As, uh, evidenced by the "drabbles" below. *g*

Cook/Archie truth-or-dare-ish for rajkumari905 )

Adam/Kris telepathy for jessikast )

Adam/Kris dating game for abusing_sarcasm )

Kris appreciating Adam's ink for lferion )

Adam/Kris roadtrip for sprat )

Sam and Dean bickering for silksieve )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
These all seem to be growing past drabble-length. *g*

[ profile] everysecondtues asked for HP, Neville:

Double-Edged, 204 words )

[ profile] le_mousquetaire asked for SGA, McKay/Sheppard:

Inhibitions, 350 words )

And Melanie C. asked for DC Comics, Tim/Kon, and this came out, which is a mashup of the Reconcilable Differences universe with a bit of the post-Infinite Crisis storyline, which is a bit of a warning if you know what happened in that storyline, and if you don't, you can highlight here: Kon has been killed saving the world, and Tim is trying to bring him back to life.

Lazarus, 442 words )


And speaking of flashfic, [ profile] spnflashfic has reopened with the carpe diem challenge! It only lasts for one week, so come over and seize the day and write something! *waves pom-poms* :D

WIP meme

Aug. 2nd, 2007 02:20 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y. gacked from [ profile] halcyon_shift.

This is wildly self-indulgent because some of these may never get done, but I give in to temptation this far to reward myself for slogging away towards the deadline when really I want to be working on these. :> Also omg, how is it Vividcon in a WEEK.

One SV, one HP xover, and eleven SPN )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Another four, although I totally bombed the A/M one. (but at least one was long?) If more than one came in for a particular fandom, I'm doing the first one -- if inspiration lasts me when I'm through the first round, I'll try and get to the repeats. *g*

SGA for ozziebabe )

Aubrey/Maturin for vassilissa )

Highlander for kiezh )

Wiseguy for merricatk -- spoilers )
astolat: sga: john dreams of terrorizing large portions of the civilized world with desperately earnest songs of heartbreak.  (atlantis desperately earnest)
Prompt from [ profile] megolas: SGA, McKay/Sheppard. Inspiration: Every step we take that's synchronized/Every broken bone/Reminds me of the second time/That I followed you home. -- Placebo, Bitter End

(Full lyrics here)

ETA: Spoilers for Trinity and The Hive -- sorry, this is what I get for posting at 2:30 am.

The Second Time )


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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