astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
via [ profile] yeats I share this glorious piece of TOTALLY ACCURATE American Revolution RPF:


Also also, via [ profile] cupidsbow, the Silent City Project looks amazing.

ALSO also also, I have watched first episode of Downton Abbey and now have entire crossover with Temeraire in my head where the new heir is an aviator. A female aviator, because the secret has long since come out, and in order to avoid changing the law, some over-clever Victorians just decided that women aviators would legally be men, so she is in line for the title! HA HA HILARITY ENSUES. (also possibly sexytimes with one of the daughters!)

Also she would totally not care about the house or the estate, but her Celestial Copper dragon Athanatos has lectured her sternly about her responsibility to her family line and also OMG! How can she not appreciate the Jacobethan architecture! the library! the gothic saloon!

"You can't even see the saloon!" Captain Valencia returned, in some exasperation. "You couldn't put your head in the door!"

"I have seen pictures," Athanatos said, with dignity, "and I scarcely see how such an objection relieves you of your duty to the estate."

"Hang the estate," Valencia muttered, and tugged her cravat straight.

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I have just finished the last chunk of the script for The Other Side, the genderswap Supernatural fan film that [ profile] counteragent is making! Just barely in time for rehearsal tomorrow, haha. /o\

I have not had a chance to squee about this here before, but this is SO RIDICULOUSLY COOL to be working on I cannot even tell you guys. counteragent is amazingly on the ball and the cast and crew she has assembled are unbelievably awesome. We have filmed all over the city and even in Central Park!

Also on a personal note there is something wildly magical about handing her a stack of script pages and having it turn into actual film! I am so wildly excited to see the final product I cannot even tell you.

Here is one of the promo stills omg! That is Sam (Lauren) in the background and Dean (Liza) in the foreground.

The line is, "Your deal coming due in four months. THAT'S not gonna end well." (Yes it is also a season 3 AU! :D)

You can follow details and see some really awesome shots from the first four shoots at [ profile] ca_films or counteragentfilms on Tumblr.

*dances with glee*


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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