astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Who are you on here & there? Tell me in comments please! I only just belatedly turned on the notification for new followers, so I have no idea who has just turned up and I don't know how to find everyone in my tumblrish fandoms. *peers around in fog*

Also let me know if you know any active comms for Transformers, Witcher, GoT, HP, or, uh, anything else I'm forgetting. Oh, Dragon Age! I've been replaying DAO lately and having a blast with the Alister Revised Romance mod (and also the absolutely necessary Skip The Deep Roads mod omg, so glad for that).


Jun. 5th, 2017 11:09 am
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
ETA: and it's all back and fixed! No idea what happened but tumblr support did get back to me within like an hour and restored it right away.

Just posting because my tumblr vanished and people got worried -- wasn't me deleting it; I just popped over there and was told it was terminated, for no reason I know of; I've dropped support a line and am just waiting to find out what's going on. You can reach me here or on AO3 if you need me. :)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
[personal profile] theladyscribe is doing a Dreamwidth friending meme! Head over there and find more people to follow! I have just gone through and subscribed to a bunch of people from those posts with shared fandoms (D&D Cartoon WHAT *waves to [personal profile] alessandriana*) so if you have just seen me pop up subscribing that would be why! Hi!

This is awesome timing for me personally because I have had to block myself from Tumblr almost completely. I just feel too rotten when I stagger off to bed after two hours and I literally don't have a single thing to "show" for it but having scrolled endlessly along my dashboard, reblogged a handful of things.

Actually, I mentioned this to a friend -- [personal profile] serialkarma was it you? -- that it's not the lack of posting, it's the lack of commenting that's the real source of the falloff on LJ/DW, and IMO that's died down not because people have stopped journaling, but because tumblr is really appealing to people who didn't journal very much, but did comment once in a while -- who I suspect were nine-tenths of the fannish iceberg.

giant metafannish ramble about commenting and tumblr and space ownership )

Anyway for now I am happily following a bunch more people here -- I am actually myself part of the underwater iceberg and terrible about commenting these days, but I'm reading when I can! <3
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
First up, I realized I hadn't posted this story here, a pinch hit for thisisemobuddy in the Irrelevant Gift Exchange on tumblr:

Domestication (2473 words) by astolat
Fandom: Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: Explicit 
Relationships: Harold Finch/John Reese 

There wasn’t a number. John knew there wasn’t, because if there had been a number, Harold would have called him, and Harold hadn’t. The sun was pouring in over his bed, almost too warm even with the heat off, dust motes floating and glinting gold: it was like lying in a dream. He could have rolled over and gone back to sleep. He got up instead.

(Read the story)

I have also set up an AO3 feed on tumblr for Reese/Finch stories and I also posted a bit of personal headcanon for Finch of which I am quite proud. :D 

Separately, in more AO3 housekeeping, the lovely [ profile] realpestilence dropped some very sweet comments on my old Legolas/Gimli snippets on LJ and I figured that while they are short, it is one of those fandoms where I myself am glad for anything I can get, so I went ahead and put them up. I also bookmarked my absolute fave L/G, brancher's "They Say Of The Elves", which if you are a fan of the pairing and have never read, go go go.  


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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