astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Whoops, I had totally fallen down on updating my website; have now gotten up 15 stories that I never cross-posted there. :P

67,766 words in 26 stories (Idol RPF, Glam RPF, Merlin, White Collar, Twin Peaks) )

1 vid (Merlin):
right-click download MP4, ~34MB
Morgana awakening.
Merlin BBC, to Watershed by Vienna Teng

1 person (sheep not included):

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I was going to do a 2010 year in review and then I realized, whoops, I never did last year's. Uh, better late than never? D:

203,128 words in 36 stories (Merlin, Idol RPF, Glam RPF, Dracula) )

1 vid:

Beautiful Dirty Rich, made with [personal profile] merryish
Song: Beautiful Dirty Rich by Lady Gaga
Source: Adam Lambert (Idol RPF)
MP4 (50 MB), ipod MP4 (20 MB)
original post

I have also updated the podfic links on my fanfic site to all the fabulous podfic versions of my stories up at [personal profile] general_jinjur's audiofic archive! ♥ I will try and get up a post of all the new additions soon, but until then I send glee and <3 to all the awesome readers!
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am swamped with coding right now (for remix! \o/), but wanted to quickly glee about this -- [ profile] pandarus had podficced several of the Beltane stories, and she's now made it a complete set! And [ profile] cybel has audiobooked it! ♥ It is lots of incentive to finish up that missing story, I have to say. :D

Also, if any of you are not reading [ profile] jeyhawk_fic's ludicrously hot Falling All Over You series (Kradam public sex), you are MISSING OUT, okay. Also [ profile] seperis has finished (this is) not a statement!

Speaking of missing out, shortly we should be getting the full video of Adam's ONTD_AI chat for DonorsChoose, which was one of the most awesome and adorable interviews ever ever ever. Will post it if I have a chance, or you can brave the horrifically bad coding (and hilariously ridiculous intro which is worth seeing once just for the massive lulz) of his official website tomorrow to see it.

Also, I have taken a deep breath and signed up for [ profile] kradambigbang, largely because I love their plan for the weekly support group at [ profile] kradambangers, and because the minimum is only 10K words, which is awesome -- I never really want to force fanfic, but I get 10K-long ideas often enough that I feel there is a reasonably good shot one will hit me in time for this challenge. So consider it if you are in the same boat!

♥ and dashes back to code
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
eee, look look what [ profile] slodwick made me omg, a cover for Something Wicked!

shiny shiny cover below cut )

Also also, the fabulous [ profile] cybel has podbooked [ profile] malnpudl's podcast, yay!

I love fandom so much, even if some of you totally mock my smarm-writing pain. *g*

And now I am off with my laptop to central park to write in the sunshine, yay.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I haven't posted about these before, because I had not yet figured out the whole podbook thing until just recently, when I discovered it was basically "drop them into iTunes, dummy." *facepalm* I am not an audiobook listener because I tune out audio after about ten minutes under normal circumstances, but I am a constant re-reader, so what I find I am doing with podfic is listening to the audiobook *while* I re-read, and it is AWESOME! Voices and personality and emphasis and life! and *covers* too! *dances a whole lot*

And so belatedly but with much glee, links to podbooks of my SGA stories!

Reading by [ profile] general_jinjur, cover art and podbook by [ profile] cybel

Reading by [ profile] windbringer1, cover art by [ profile] aesc, podbook by [ profile] cybel

Reading by [ profile] general_jinjur, cover art by [ profile] spaggel, podbook by [ profile] cybel

And I will take this moment to mention again that there is blanket permission to podfic anything of mine (and to translate, and to sequel, and to remix, etc etc etc). So if I am in one of my swamped phases and don't get back to you quick, there is no need to wait on me for permission. :D

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And as an addendum to TMI -- if you haven't read these before and you like the combination of Dean + fashion items normally associated with women, allow me to point you to the omg hot: [ profile] sneaky_sena's What Lies Beneath and [ profile] katjad's Other Ways and Means. (Both Sam/Dean, both a;lsdjkfa;;ggh. What, that is totally descriptive.)

(And if there are more out there, plz to hook me up in comments.)

Also in case any of you missed it, [ profile] eighth_horizon posted another wingcest story last night, Counting To Ten! \o/


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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