astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
hahaha well that posting every day thing worked out great in conjunction with DragonCon + back to school, or maybe not so much. ANYWAY here, I will play some catch up.

Here from DragonCon are some Temeraire aviator cosplayers!!! AND a TEMERAIRE cosplay!!!!!!!! (yes, someone actually cosplayed as the dragon!) :D :D :D

Also I seem to have started a new book at DragonCon, because that is what cons are for! 10,000 words so far of a search-and-rescue team parachuting into elfland. (NO REALLY TRUST ME)

And also I am poking back into the month-of-posting meme prompts that I got way back in December -- I got some pairing prompts but fic did not come, so here are a few why-I-love-these-pairing rambles instead:

Jan 4: [ profile] cathedral_junki: Harold/John

why I love Harold/John (Person of Interest) )

Jan 5: [profile] setissima: Tony/Pepper

Why I love this pairing in one sentence: Pepper could do SO MUCH BETTER, and Tony knows it.

but wait there's more )

Jan 6: [ profile] miss_pamela: Tim/Kon

rambling about Tim/Kon )

all days )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Jan 1: [personal profile] resonant: A character who would make New Year's resolutions, and a character who wouldn't.

OK, doing this in the form of a list, haha.

Clark: One resolution that he takes pretty seriously and tries to actually stick to for the whole year.
Lex: No. Too trite, too easy to discard. If there's something you resolve on doing, you do it, you don't wait for the new year.
Lois: A half-dozen casual resolutions mostly having to do with doing more yoga and getting massages and drinking less coffee and smoking less, all discarded within a couple of weeks max because shut up, Kent, she's onto something BIG.

Jane Foster: Like Lois, but her resolutions are about talking to normal people sometimes and not spending so much time in the lab, and they don't last past waking up on New Year's Day.
Thor: Listens as Jane and her friends discuss their various resolutions, doesn't entirely get it, but after Darcy explains, agreeably accepts one of her devising, vows to uphold it, and proceeds to stick to it like grim death and gets really horrified around March when he finds out none of the rest of them have stuck to theirs.
Loki: Pathetic mortals really bother to mark one single revolution around their star? Also, to kill Thor.

Tony Stark: He has Pepper for that kind of thing.
Pepper: Makes a resolution to do more yoga and keeps it with sensible exceptions in case of crisis situations. Flatly refuses to come up with a resolution for Tony.

Harold: Oh, is it New Year's Day? Goes back to coding.
John: Privately makes his annual resolution/vow that nothing is going to hurt the people under his protection. He knows it doesn't do any good but he can't help doing it.
Carter: just like Clark. *sniffles*
Fusco: A bunch of casual resolutions which all peter out bit by bit through February and March.
Shaw: Are you kidding me?
Root: Always! Usually to try something new, like hacking a nuclear site or something else really fun.

Dale Cooper: Diane, while I've never been much for making New Year's resolutions, after last night's celebration at the Roadhouse, I returned to my room at the Great Northern feeling mildly light-headed -- possibly a consequence of the interaction between the three slices of pie I indulged in along with the champagne -- and despite the late hour, rather than falling immediately asleep I found that my mind felt strangely open and receptive to forming positive intentions towards the year to come...

all days )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Hey just in case people don't scroll back and see the ETA on my talking meme post, I want to clarify -- I can't PROMISE fic for the daily posting meme! I'm happy to blather on about my thoughts on a pairing, but if that would disappoint any of you who are posting topics that are fic prompts, please add a comment to tell me what you'd like if the muse doesn't strike. :)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
*jumps into the pool*

There is no way I can get to this in December (Disneyworld, revisions, Yuletide, two holidays, a party, a birthday, and one trip to Grandma's house, aagh), but I will take reservations for January! Also I reserve the right to "talk" in the form of ficlets as half the time that is what I find myself sliding into as I write. :D

So: drop me a comment with a day and a topic to talk about, and I will post something on that day!

ETA: just to be clear, guys, I'm not PROMISING fic! If the muse strikes then something vaguely fic-shaped may pop out, that's all. I'm happy to talk about my thoughts on a pairing if that's a topic you want, but I don't want anyone to feel disappointed. :)

Jan 1: [personal profile] resonant: A character who would make New Year's resolutions, and a character who wouldn't.
Jan 2: [personal profile] gingicat: Luring children into fandom
Jan 3: [ profile] blackrabbit42: Trip to Disneyworld
Jan 4: [ profile] cathedral_junki: Harold/John
Jan 5: [profile] setissima: Tony/Pepper
Jan 6: [ profile] miss_pamela: Tim/Kon?
Jan 7: [ profile] trobadora: Thor/Loki/Jane
Jan 8: [personal profile] appleqb: Any unrealized plot bunnies, WIPs, or sequels in some of your old fandoms you still thinking about writing?
Jan 9: [ profile] athynto: the time Thor managed to get himself into trouble and Loki realized it right away but had a hard time getting anybody to help, because they all thought it was a new trick of the liesmith and Loki then kind of flipped out and said they had to go and f. help right now if they wanted Thor back in one piece.
Jan 10: [personal profile] qian: your favourite of your own stories!
Jan 11: [ profile] amber1960: What made you think of mixing dragons with history, and what was it that drew you to the Napoleonic era?
Jan 12: [ profile] ariss_tenoh: Thor/Loki fic. Maybe fixing the new film's ending?
Jan 13: [personal profile] sef1029: stories to tell about the unloved life?
Jan 14: [personal profile] ambersnake: your favourite TV trope
Jan 15: [personal profile] hedda62: either a) speculation on upcoming POI plot arcs, or b) favorite LOST character who's not Ben Linus.
Jan 16: [personal profile] laurashapiro: thoughts about vidding, particularly any reflections on how it has changed -- broadly and for you personally -- since you made your first vid.
Jan 17: [ profile] tariqa: FOOD
Jan 18: [personal profile] marginaliana: if you could commission the perfect piece of fiction (fannish or nonfannish), what would it be like and why?
Jan 19: [personal profile] sheron: Your least favourite (popular) fanfiction trope? And why
Jan 20: [ profile] flaming_muse: about your John Sheppard! Or I'd love to hear about any fics in your head you know you'll never write but you wish could make exist without any effort.
Jan 21: [ profile] yunitsa: what are the things that you most enjoy seeing in (fan or pro) fiction? Has that changed over the years?
Jan 22: [ profile] citrusjava and [ profile] realolacola: Dean/Sam
Jan 23: [personal profile] kass: The awesomeness of Michael Emerson / Ben Linus / Harold Finch (any and/or all of the above.)
and/or the relationship between writing fic and vidding -- do you find that certain fandoms draw you more toward one or toward the other? Do you approach the two genres differently? What appeals to you about each?
and/or what fandom is giving you the most joy right now?
Jan 24: [ profile] neery: talk a bit about the process of writing the Temeraire books. How much of that huge overall plotline did you have planned when you wrote the first book? How much did you know about the characters? Was there anything you regretted establishing as canon later on because things changed on you? Anything you wished you could have included but couldn't fit in for some reason or another?
Jan 25: [personal profile] luminosity: how you keep your creative juices flowing
Jan 26: [personal profile] error: what you think of superheroes or superpowered characters navigating what's 'normal life' for other people, like superheroes working out things such as groceries, insurance (how do you even calculate premiums on an immortal, anyway), social media, pop culture and so on.
Jan 27: [personal profile] piscaria: how you balance between original writing and fanfiction
Jan 28: [ profile] bookishwench: If you could invite any seven fictional characters to dinner, who would they be?
Jan 29: [personal profile] burnishedvictory: talk about Eric and Vince from Entourage?
Jan 30: [ profile] acchikocchi: what it's like traveling for writing research, please!
Jan 31: [personal profile] meri_oddities: Fix "The Crossing" in anyway that makes it work better.

[personal profile] avidrosette: I'm wondering about your process of world-building, particularly for fandoms like Merlin or Thor that have strong historical or legendary aspects. Do you do a lot of research, and if so, what sort? How do you find yourself interweaving the historical/legendary material with your original plot and character ideas?

[personal profile] killalla: any thoughts or comments on Aubrey/Maturin (the series or the pairing!)

[ profile] chelletoo: What are your plans for 2014? Must see movie, vacation, etc.

[ profile] imwalde: What makes your OTPs your OTPs? (Or OT3s, don't want to leave out Haven...) Do you recognize common characteristics across your fandoms?

[ profile] laura47: Where do you want to see the marvel cinematic universe go, or specifically thor and loki

[ profile] silksieve: Video games: how you prefer to play? Favorite themes or characters in games? Games vs. tv/movies? Dragon Age in particular?

[personal profile] princessofgeeks: Why You Love Dragons

ETA: OK, I am full up and a bit over! But these are all so cool, I'll either talk about the extras in december to warm up, or get to them in February instead. :D ♥
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
It was one of those bedtimes tonight, sigh, and then I did a little bit of coding work and now I have no brain left.

I am reading [personal profile] cesperanza's latest post and nodding along about how much happier journaling makes me, and separately it also made me think about that story that was making the rounds on tumblr, of an art class where half the students were told they would be graded solely on the quality of their one best piece, and the other half were told they would be graded solely on the quantity of pieces they produced, and in the end all the best pieces came out of the half that were graded on quantity.

I don't know if it's a real story, but I found it entirely plausible -- which in turn makes me feel like suggesting a quantity challenge, like, write ten stories in ten days. Forget about making them good or long, just make a story and finish and post it.

So anyway, I toss that out as an informal challenge/meme! If you are doing the daily-posting challenge, you could make this be what you post, or do it once the you finish the 30 days of daily posting! :D

And it doesn't have to be 10 in 10, it could be 5 in 5, or 5 in 10, whatever, the point is just to make it a substantial quantity, and to shut off the inner editor and go JUST for quantity posted. You can figure out for yourself what that number would be for you, and how frequently.

Comment if you'll try it! And maybe tag them here/tumblr/AO3 with "10 In 10 Challenge"? :D I would love to follow along.

I have now set up an AO3 collection for the works -- Ten In Ten -- so please add works there if you're joining in! And btw, ANY fanworks are welcome -- stories, art, vids, podfic -- and again, feel free to set your own schedule/posting rate -- obviously making a vid every night for 10 nights would be pretty brutal!

Do also feel free to finish up old WIPs -- I feel this is totally in line with the spirit of the thing, the key is just get stuff OUT THE DOOR.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am clearing out a pile of baby stuff -- most of it is going to good homes, but I have a really great Medela breast pump that is going unclaimed. Anyone out there want it or know someone who would? Drop me an email at astolat at livejournal dot com and I am happy to ship it anywhere in the US, first come! -- claimed!

AO3 hits meme!
top ten )

Sadly my list is not super interesting -- these plus stories #11 and #12 are just the ones that I posted first/primarily to the AO3 (as opposed to backing up to the AO3), and I haven't been posting enough lately to turn that into anything of a real horse race, alas! But still fun to post this now and have it to look back on whenever I am able to start posting more again. :D


baby! )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am ridiculously swamped but I cannot resist this meme!

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I'll give you between one and three sentences from that story.

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Seen in [personal profile] resonant:

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.

hahahaha. files listed in order of last time I opened and poked at them:

AI8 )

Merlin )

Smallville )

Supernatural )

misc other fandoms )

And I will go for res's addition, feel free to ask for a line from any one of the stories! Although I make no promises how long it will take me to respond due to this minor distraction:

dance my little puppets dance

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So I love the pink sparkly hearts challenge, both as a meme and as an idea for [community profile] fanlore, originally from [personal profile] kass:

What was the first fanwork (story, vid, artwork, podfic) you ever fell in love with?

I've got a couple. My first discovery of fandom was in the days of reading mailing lists (I think there were maybe 40 to choose from?) on the mutter-cough-uhm Brown VAX/VMS server, where I came across STREK-L and thought "hey!" because my whole dorm hall got together to watch ST:TNG every week, and then amidst all the discussion I realized I was in the middle of seeing this story get posted in segments:

A La Q by [ profile] kelliem and Julia Kosatka (does Julia have an lj/dw these days? anyone know??)

-- and I went "hey, you can DO that?" and it was pretty much the beginning of the end for me right then. *g*

Then a few years went by of playing Transformers MUSHes, and then I fell back into fanfic fandom permanently with a bang by randomly thinking, "Hey, I wonder if there's a website about that wacky Dracula tv series I remember" -- and I think I found the Lucard Home Page via Yahoo? I don't think Google existed yet, seriously, that's how long ago this was -- and that is where I found Domestic Tranquillity, by [personal profile] saraht.

(Argh, does anyone know how to rename a fanlore page? I accidentally miscapitalized that second one, grumble.)

SEKRIT TIP for making your own fanlore page! Use the fanwork template -- just copy and paste that sucker into the edit box and fill out, and you will get the spiffy box on the right like on my two new pages.

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
First I want to suggest in a totally unbiased and disinterested way that all of the awesome artists on my feed should enter this contest because it is going to make an awesome chapbook from which moneys will go to the OTW, and the Del Rey editor-in-chief and art director will be helping judge, so the author (kof, kof) can recuse herself should any of her pals enter. :D :D :D

Also for any of you xposting from Dreamwidth, if you want the "Crossposts: [links to xposts]" bit to show up on your Dreamwidth posts, what you do is:
- go to the Dreamwidth Crossposting Settings (link also available on the posting form)
- click on Change for each account you crosspost to
- check the option to Display cross post links and update.

And I am totally going to brag, there will be actual new fic this week omg! I feel like this merits a pre-announcement given that it has been an appalling amount of time since I managed to post anything. :P It may or may not just be flashfics; I did finish a longer story while out traveling, except it will not quite do what I want, and yet it is close enough that I don't want to just say "okay, fine, story, you win!" and post it, so I am still wrestling! *mutter, grumble*

And finally, because I love reading what people come up with on these, meme!

If you could have me write a fic specifically for you, what would it be like? Fandom, characters/pairing, genre, plot elements, kinks... what's your ideal fic from me?
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Gacked from [ profile] slodwick:

You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:
1. one weapon.
2. one song blasting on the speakers.
3. one famous person to fight alongside you.

1. Brain shooter/flamethrower. Since the challenge allows unlimited ammo, I will distract the zombies by firing delicious brains in their direction. While they feast, I will sneak out of the mall and set fire to it, thereby ridding the world of the zombie army, a Gap, an Express, a Banana Republic, and various other chain stores.

2. OK Go, Here It Goes Again. I feel it has the appropriate spirit for the combination of pyromania and zombie warfare, and also a nice rhythmic beat for keeping up steady fire.

3. Dean Winchester, because of his glee over zombie warfare, and I feel he would also get into the mall-destruction with the right spirit. However, I would like David Cook to be back at the motel waiting for us to return, looking like this:

Cook on couch

(click for v. large version. This is from the People article coming out this week.) I invite the rest of you to also contemplate a motel room with both Dean and DC in it. :D

Happily, I am not in a mall, and the zombie apocalypse does not appear to be happening today, so instead I can share this!

[ profile] setissma has written me this absolutely gorgeous post-SPN-finale story Thunderhead, Sam/Dean, pg-13 -- just the two of them, warm and intimate and lovely.

They track time through the dull fade of the sun through the curtains, yellow orange in the afternoon, shadowed in the evening, and he has everything he needs underneath his hands.

I have still have not quite been able to face watching the finale (despite spoiling myself thoroughly), but this has definitely gotten me to edge a little further towards it, in an extremely wary sort of way.

WIP meme

Aug. 2nd, 2007 02:20 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y. gacked from [ profile] halcyon_shift.

This is wildly self-indulgent because some of these may never get done, but I give in to temptation this far to reward myself for slogging away towards the deadline when really I want to be working on these. :> Also omg, how is it Vividcon in a WEEK.

One SV, one HP xover, and eleven SPN )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Runway!Sammy, now posted. ♥ Go read.

my lolcat meme )

Also, I am totally avoiding HP spoilers and even speculation so this lj is safe. And [ profile] resonant8 is emptying out her WIP folder full of goodies in several posts in her lj if you want a spoiler-free HP fix.

Now go read that story and be happy.
astolat: (spn ouija yes by merryish)

This Blog Is Rated PG-13

(I wouldn't be relying too hard on their rating algorithm, is all I'm saying.)

I basically had a fit after handing in my copyedits, and in the eleventh hour dragged my husband out of the city for a week to go lie on a beach, which was lovely, and also I got a lot of writing done, yay, but now I am home and trying to catch up and now there are only 7 days before VVC vids are due omg. You can gauge my state of frantic by the fact that I finished and formatted this story three days ago, and then didn't have time to upload and post it. That is like not having time for CAKE. :/

Aerial (1,380 words)
Sam/Dean, adult, explicit
Sam found a way to get rid of them for almost a month at a time, a spell that lasted until the first night of the full moon.

( Read the story )

Many many thanks to [ profile] giddygeek and [ profile] merryish for betaing. In the interests of full disclosure, I will advise you, dear reader, that [ profile] merryish insists that this story ends in sad circumstances. However, she is TRAGICALLY WRONG. In fact, I think she is SO wrong that I will submit it to the judgment of the public with a POLL.

[Poll #1008781](think of the kittens!)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I forgot the whole actual meme part of the meme, so here it is in part 2. *g* (Part 1, with the full list of stories)

Also, I will take this opportunity to tell anyone who hasn't heard of it yet about the soon-to-debut Surfacing SGA zine, which I seriously cannot wait to see, my story for which does in fact get mentioned below in the end of the year categories, just guess which. :>

End of the Year meme )

I am breaking out one category, most sexy story, and totally stealing the poll idea from [ profile] cesperanza and [ profile] flambeau, because I would be fascinated to know what people liked best. (And tell me why in the comments, if you feel like it!)

poll! )

And also, the Favorite lines meme )

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

hey, I kind of wrote a lot )

So that's a total of 206,327 words in 32 stories in 10 fandoms (SGA, House, Smallville, Wiseguy, James Bond, Rome, Arcana, Asimov Robots, King Arthur, and M&C). Uh, yeah. No one tell my editor about this, okay? *slinks guiltily back to work*


Bohemian Like You
Posted: 2/9/2006
Song: Bohemian Like You by The Dandy Warhols
Source: Stargate: Atlantis
imeem or right-click XviD (20 MB)

Posted: 8/14/2006
Song: Bukowski by Modest Mouse
Source: House M.D.
imeem or right-click XviD (26 MB)


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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