
Nov. 9th, 2016 10:57 am
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I'm so sad, you guys. I'm so sad.

sorrow )

I can't deal with the vituperative blame-throwing going on at dailykos. If any of you have good sites where people are gathering to share misery and talk about moving forward, please let me know. Or come here and share with me. eta because having posted I looked at my feed, and of course, it is here in all your journals. *hugs all of you with gratitude that we have one another at least*

I Voted!

Nov. 6th, 2012 01:09 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
One hour wait here on the upper west side, at 11:50am! Crazy! (It was also an hour at 8:15am, so I came back later sans Hypatia.) I don't have a sense how it compares to usual because four years ago I voted absentee and worked in PA, but people were saying it was NOT typical at this time of day. Fellow USians please don't forget to vote! Find your polling place and hours and ballot summary on google!
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am taking a break from angsting over tonight's Idol results show to ask any folks in NY state to take a second on a more important voting-related cause -- our state assembly has passed a same-sex marriage bill \o/, and now it goes to the State Senate, which is only Dem by the thinnest of razor-thin margins, with several conservative members hostile to lgbt marriage rights. The bill passed the Assembly with bipartisan support, though, so here's hoping they can get it through!

If you live in NY State, please contact your State Senator to ask them to vote for the bill. Here's a handy form that will do it for you:


And okay, not actually taking a complete break from Idol, as I will also share this awesome quote from a poster at the TWOP forums because it is that awesome:

I was just telling my girlfriend the other day that one of the things I love the most about Adam is that his flaming, yes-I'm-gay-what-of-it?, eyeliner-wearing, high-pitch-wailing self is by FAR the butchest thing this show has seen in years. The queerer he gets, the more formidable he becomes, making all the other guys look like weak, little boys in comparison. What an awesome mindfuck for America.

-- marcella @ TWOP

(actually, I have come to love Kris too & he is now totally the other half of my OTP. But I, um. kind of especially love how Adam is, er, more imposing.)

*coughs and slinks back to work (and fanfic)*


Nov. 5th, 2008 03:44 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I spent the last two days in Pennsylvania working in Monroe County on GOTV. One of the things I was signed up to do was line manage last night -- bring food and water and encouragement to people on line waiting to vote. In 2004, the last vote cast in this area was at 12:30am, so they were braced for a long night. I collected up umbrellas, too, because it was threatening to rain.

I got to the polls and there were more volunteers than voters. There were no lines. It was actually kind of terrifying in the moment, until I got back to the office and they confirmed turnout was actually up significantly over 2004. Everyone had just gotten out and voted in the morning -- all the poll watchers said they'd had a line out the door before the polls opened. At one polling place, they had 1400 of 2300 registered voters show up before work even let out, more than they'd ever gotten there before. That was when I was pretty sure we had won.

We kept calling people until the polls closed, even when it was already pretty much impossible for anyone to get to the polls in time. There was a satellite office open nearby (to help manage the enormous floods of volunteers) and it took about ten minutes after 8pm for someone to remember to call and tell them to stop calling -- they had just sort of kept going. "Early get out the vote for 2012," someone said.

I was standing in the office watching the countdown to 8pm when the polls closed, and refreshed MSNBC on my iphone to see the "Breaking News: Obama takes Pennsylvania" headline immediately. There was much screaming. I had to drive home early this morning, so we left shortly thereafter to go back to my mom's house for the night; about ten minutes after I got home, they called Ohio, and then it was just waiting for the west coast to bring it home. (Actually I heard the final call at 11pm from Jon Stewart, which was pretty awesome. <3)

I'm really sad about Prop 8 and hug all you lgb folks out there extra hard. :( I am comforting myself with [livejournal.com profile] penknife's smart thoughts and the underlying message of last night, which is that hope is never false, progress does happen, and good ideas win in time, like equality and respect for other human beings. I've got faith we'll win this fight too. ♥

From Portland, the moment when it was called for Obama; this made me cry:

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Hey folks -- there's early voting going on in Ohio RIGHT NOW, but it ends THIS MONDAY. The Obama campaign is doing a get-out-the-vote effort right now and asking for people to make calls from home even if you don't live in Ohio:


Create an account and it will give you a list of people to call -- 15 at a time, not a whole lot -- to ask them to get out early. They DO NOT HAVE TO BE REGISTERED! They can register and vote all at once, BUT ONLY THROUGH THE END OF THE DAY THIS MONDAY.

In 2004, we lost Ohio by less than 10 votes per precinct in the state.

If you have an hour free the next couple of days, please make some calls! Early voters just need to head down to their local elections office --

http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/ohvotinglocations/ (county-by-county locations, and you can use google maps to give the voter directions if they need help!)

-- and poll workers will help them register and vote.

They will need to provide either the last 4 digits of their SSN or their entire Ohio driver's license number, and it is a good idea to take some ID and/or a utility bill to prove identity, just in case. Some places are using electronic voting, some are using paper ballots.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Only of interest to those who might consider going to eastern Pennsylvania to campaign for Obama if there were reasonable housing options )

And NYC peeps, I'm hoping to get out there for some chunks of time myself and at least for election day to help ferry people to the polls, so if any of you would be interested in weekend-tripping or possibly more, let me know that too.

All comments screened!


Sep. 19th, 2008 04:02 pm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So hey, I am basically all-coding all-the-time right now which is why this lj has been boring and dead, but I saw this at fivethirtyeight.com and it impelled me to post (and then to go trolling political websites for several hours, argh). It's an independent ad about Sarah Palin's record on wildlife conservation (which to sum up is pretty much "shooting animals is totally awesome").


However, it's a *really* effective political ad )

This ad is being run by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. If you'd like to help them put it on the air in more states, you can donate at their website. (This group has endorsed Obama, but they're independent and the Obama campaign isn't involved with or funding the ad.)

Also, I know for most of my flist this will be preaching to the choir, but [livejournal.com profile] penknife has a pretty heartbreaking post up about how McCain's election would hurt her and other LGBT people and their children. McCain's successfully created a vague impression of himself as a moderate on social issues that obscures the actual policy positions he's running under.

Plus, Hillary and Cecile Richards have an editorial in the Times about the Bush administration's latest attack on women's rights. It's awesome how to them protecting my pharmacist's right to impose their religious beliefs on the job they chose to take, knowing what it entailed, is more important than my right to get medicine prescribed for me by my doctor. It was insane enough when it was INDIVIDUAL wacko pharmacists pulling this shit on women one at a time.

(Hey, so with this, do Scientologist pharmacists get to object to handing out psychiatric medication? Or is it just any woman who wants to exercise control over her own body and sex life gets to be jerked around at the whim of anyone they can find an excuse to give the opportunity? Yeah, I thought so.)

The ACLU has an online form for sending in an official comment.

Finally: Obama's campaign is having a matching-donation drive. Please help if you can! He's retaken the lead in the electoral college today according to fivethirtyeight.com, probably as McCain's bounce from Palin dies and the "fundamentally sound" economy continues to erode away into the sea, but it's going to be tight.

In fluffier and more cheerful news, Supernatural last night == made of win. Also, I finally watched the s3 finale five minutes beforehand and OMG all of you who tried to get me to watch it, you are SO NOT MY FRIENDS, you just wanted me to SHARE IN YOUR MISERY over the ENTIRE SUMMER. *glares*

(Sam and Dean singing Bon Jovi in the Impala was however the best thing ever, I grant you. <3)

Okay, back to coding. I will have actual real fannish content in this lj at some point in future again! it will happen, I swear!


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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