So hey, I am basically all-coding all-the-time right now which is why this lj has been boring and dead, but I saw this at and it impelled me to post (and then to go trolling political websites for several hours, argh). It's an independent ad about Sarah Palin's record on wildlife conservation (which to sum up is pretty much "shooting animals is
totally awesome").
( However, it's a *really* effective political ad )This ad is being run by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. If you'd like to help them put it on the air in more states, you can
donate at their website. (This group has endorsed Obama, but they're independent and the Obama campaign isn't involved with or funding the ad.)
Also, I know for most of my flist this will be preaching to the choir, but
penknife has a pretty heartbreaking post up about
how McCain's election would hurt her and other LGBT people and their children. McCain's successfully created a vague impression of himself as a moderate on social issues that obscures the actual policy positions he's running under.
Plus, Hillary and Cecile Richards have an editorial in the Times
about the Bush administration's latest attack on women's rights. It's awesome how to them protecting my pharmacist's right to impose their religious beliefs on the job they chose to take, knowing what it entailed, is more important than my right to get medicine prescribed for me by my doctor. It was insane enough when it was INDIVIDUAL wacko pharmacists pulling this shit on women one at a time.
(Hey, so with this, do Scientologist pharmacists get to object to handing out psychiatric medication? Or is it just any woman who wants to exercise control over her own body and sex life gets to be jerked around at the whim of anyone they can find an excuse to give the opportunity? Yeah, I thought so.)
has an online form for sending in an official comment.
Finally: Obama's campaign
is having a matching-donation drive. Please help if you can! He's retaken the lead in the electoral college today according to, probably as McCain's bounce from Palin dies and the "fundamentally sound" economy continues to erode away into the sea, but it's going to be tight.
In fluffier and more cheerful news, Supernatural last night == made of win. Also, I finally watched the s3 finale five minutes beforehand and OMG all of you who tried to get me to watch it, you are SO NOT MY FRIENDS, you just wanted me to SHARE IN YOUR MISERY over the ENTIRE SUMMER. *glares*
(Sam and Dean singing Bon Jovi in the Impala was however the best thing ever, I grant you. <3)
Okay, back to coding. I will have actual real fannish content in this lj at some point in future again! it will happen, I swear!