Year in Review 2014
Jan. 16th, 2015 02:27 pmAnd then there was also Blood of Tyrants, which was 150K words and kicked my ass. Yes, I fell into the classic blunder and got involved in a land war in Asia. *hangs head*
Looking it over, it's interesting (and sad) to see how thoroughly Carter's death killed POI for me. I was writing like a fiend in that fandom, and then boom. I kept watching through to the end of that season, but all the words just went away. There have been things like that for me before -- with Supernatural, Sam not saving Dean in S4 killed the show for me too. I wonder what it is -- I don't even really care about canon very much and I don't have a lot of confidence in television consistency given all the massive constraints on the medium, but a feeling of, they have fundamentally broken the show for me?
Anyway, I haven't posted anything in a bit because Dragon Age, and also I am laboring away on Temeraire #9 and promo for Uprooted, and also two separate DA:I stories that are insisting on turning huge, but hopefully I'll knock one of those off soon. I am almost done with my Dorian-romancing, dragon-slaying rogue archer Trevelyan playthrough. It's been fun, but I've had a tough time with the RP. I wanted him to be a sincere Andrastian but with a sense of humor, and it turns out, that's kind of hard! A lot of the "believer" choices feel inconsistent with the cracking-a-joke choices, and tbh, I really don't like the "noble" male voice at all.
OK and now I am off to play Minecraft with my little one for a bit -- our new game! I hope it does not eat me like DA, haha.