grab-bag time!
Feb. 29th, 2012 04:08 pmheeee, my lj profile is full of hearts and dragons! ♥ and thanks you guys!
round up of other happymaking things!
(eta: now with fixed links to jerakeen and debchan's posts! :P)
(eta: now with missing link to the Wiseguy vid! omg brain brain what is brain)
Happy Leap Day! \o/
round up of other happymaking things!
(eta: now with fixed links to jerakeen and debchan's posts! :P)
(eta: now with missing link to the Wiseguy vid! omg brain brain what is brain)
- killabeez's Duke/Nathan Haven vid Soldier! omg you guys go watch it now now now! (Totally safe for Audrey/Duke/Nathan OT3 shippers like me, IMO! ♥)
- X's awesome Mission Impossible 4 Ethan/Brandt story The Runner! (That "next time I seduce the billionaire" line? Yes. <3)
- franzeska's Sonny/Vinnie Wiseguy vid The King of Brooklyn! Man, they break my heart all over again. ♥
- debchan's awesome Dragon Age primer! (to which I add one note for those considering picking up the game: make sure to get the computer version! Then you can use the many awesome mods and also use the dev console to blitz your way through any annoying/boring bits when replaying :>)
- jerakeen shares pics of Adam at
his high school promElton John's Oscar party, hahaha; DO read the comments. <3 - THE AMAZING BOOK TRAILER FOR CRUCIBLE OF GOLD WHICH WILL BE UP SOON OMG *runs around in gleeee*
- Lucy Liu as Joan Watson! I was totally ready to watch anyway because I will read/watch anything that sticks the words "Sherlock Holmes" on itself -- no really, I have books on my shelf titled "Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Bunnies" (okay maybe not really christmas bunnies but I distinctly recall there is a Holmes book with christmas decorations on it on the shelf and that seems as likely a title as anything) -- but now I am excited! \o/
- The Automated Archive importer finally done (omg I hope *crosses all available digits*) and the SSA is coming to the AO3!
- and useful! arduinna posts about how to clean out your Google data before the profile merge. (do this TODAY)
Happy Leap Day! \o/