
Jun. 4th, 2010 09:08 am
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So uh if you see this on cesperanza's lj, SORRY SORRY SORRY, I had her lj account info in my phone from when I posted Tiberius's birth announcement, and now IT WON'T LET ME DELETE. *facepalm* but, uh, she is not pregnant again! :P

reposting actual announcement here:

So the bad news is I've been sick as a dog for about a month and still can't sit at the computer (which is why the radio silence). :/

The good news is it's morning sickness. :D

I am having a girl! She is due in early December, and according to all the shiniest science healthy, even if I am not, which doesn't quite seem fair, but it beats being the octopus in the nature documentary I was just watching (YES it does suck not being able to type or even read fic except on my phone) that watches over its 100000 eggs and then DIES, so I guess I will take it.



astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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