astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So I have been quiet around here lately because I cooked ALL THE THINGS for ALL THE HOLIDAYS, including:

Hanukkah latkes )

Then there was Hypatia's six layer rainbow birthday cake with swiss meringue buttercream frosting. I have tried now four different vanilla cake recipes for the cake base and remain unsatisfied, so if you have a top-notch one that stands up to lots of stirring please point me at it!

Xmas Eve and Day salmon and goose )

Finally, our New Year's Eve playdate menu, which was almost completely made-ahead the day before so I could run a D&D game for the kids:

New Years Eve menu )

And then I got my Secret Solenoid story done! :P

*falls over*

Also, go sign up for Chocolate Box! No one but me has requested/offered any of my fandoms so far! :sad emoji: Only 300 words, you can do it! details on [community profile] chocolateboxcomm
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Yes, I'm at that point where my post for the day will be my super-easy, Hypatia-approved Rosh Hashanah menu!

Double Chicken Soup (Verdict: totally worth two chickens)
Green leaf lettuce salad with local tomatoes and cucumber, oil and vinegar
Roasted broccoli (toss florets with olive oil, minced garlic, salt & pepper, 10 minutes at 425)
Broiled chicken drumsticks (olive oil, kosher salt, pepper, in small toaster oven broiler for 20 min at 500)
Boiled tiny creamer potatoes (boiled in covered pot with lightly salted water for ~20m, strained, butter added)

Everything came out well, whew (granted, these are all super easy things I cook pretty routinely, the roasted broccoli was my one real experiment, but that is TOTALLY where I am at these days).

And then we had Doughnut Plant doughnuts for dessert. OMG the coconut lime yeast doughnut is so good. *noms*

Happy New Year! \o/

Oh, I have one other thing, which is to pimp [community profile] pofinterest_chat, an awesome new comm for discussing POI. I had fun in the headcanons post earlier today and am particularly fond of this particular thread about Harold being fannish, heeee ♥

ETA: WAIT, I almost forgot, I did also want to say a gigantic THANK YOU to everyone who has been posting book recs for Hypatia on my post from the other day -- I am planning to try and collect them all up and turn them into a single post, I am SO grateful and excited to read them all with her! ♥ I should have asked you guys sooner, IDK why I still haven't learned this yet. :>
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Quick drive-by post to share with you all the best latkes EVER.

We made them with Yukon Gold potatoes and doubled the recipe sort of accidentally and then ate ALL of it, just two of us. Totally follow the tip about using the potato starch from the bowl from the user reviews. They got all deliciously crispy trailing bits on the outside, soft fluffy inside, nom nom nom.

Only now I want more. :(


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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