astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So a few people have asked me about Vividcon ending, and I thought I would just say briefly: first, I understand and support the concom's decision. I also understand why people are sad. For many of us who are FIAWOL, fannish events often form a core part of the structure of our lives and shape our annual calendars and provide the framework for seeing people who are as important to us as our families if not more so. I completely get the unhappiness of losing one of those events and am sorry myself.

That said, I feel like, we started Vividcon in and designed it for an era of vid scarcity.

lots more thoughts )

So I am sad to see it go, but I feel like it had a great run and served the purpose it was designed for, and it's ultimately AWESOME that we no longer NEED it -- that today we can see SO MANY vids so easily. And I am looking forward to seeing you guys at the next awesome thing to keep the conversation about vids and fandom going. ♥
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Hey all, so Youtube now lets you make collaborative playlists! I have set up a Vividcon 2016 playlist with all the premiering vids from the con that I've spotted posted on Youtube, and now I have made it open to collaborators, so if you have a Youtube link for a vid that's not already on the playlist, please use this link to add it?

Vividcon 2016 vids playlist
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Club Vivid had a T-Rex and a Ghostbuster; really, does anything more need to be said?

Here's my CV premiere vid! Brian from Fast & Furious, to Iggy Pop's Lust for Life (because I listen to [personal profile] cesperanza) <3

Now off to in-depth vid review where we'll be talking about Aphrodisiac and also the Agent Carter vid Guts by [personal profile] sweetestdrain! And then the Challenge vids! whoo
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
GUYS how great was that show! SO GREAT! I have stayed up too late chatting and am wiped, but I am still buzzing and happy with how awesome the whole show was. There was not a single real dud for me, and I think it's because as I said after, even though not every vid was a vid of MY heart, it felt to me clearly that every vid came from SOMEONE'S heart.

My own heart-favorites were (unsurprisingly) [ profile] sisabet's Clark/Lex vid in which they HAVE A BABY TOGETHER (it's not like that's straight from my id or anything cough), as well as the fantastic vid Satisfied for Underground by [personal profile] serrico, which was just a solid, straight-to-the-gut punch of a vid. Brilliant. I also really liked [ profile] hollywoodgrrl's Aphrodisiac which spoke to my own headcanon of the Force as something vaguely scary you can turn on but you can't necessarily turn off, and also [personal profile] gwyn and [personal profile] cesperanza's Hallo Spaceboy Captain America vid, and [ profile] milly's awesome The Martian vid to Pompeii.

But honestly, this year it's like picking from an embarrassment of riches. I can't wait to discuss ALL the vids tomorrow and I am full of glee. \o/ So much awesome Star Wars, all different! Jessica Jones! Scooby Doo! Dragon Age! haha I literally wept with laughter at the Sims vid. Such a terrific variety of types of vids also.

And here is MY vid, which will shock ALL OF YOU A LOT by being a Harry Potter vid (Draco POV, and Harry/Draco in my own head anyway).

Download link on the AO3, and tumblr post! Heaps of thanks to Ces for betaing, and as always all fb loved. :)

And now I am going to fall into bed! YAY
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I have crammed my computer full of source, I have tested out Camtasia Studio and it works a treat, so I will be able to record either our glorious success or epic failure in One Hour Vid, I have packed a variety of outfit options for Club Vivid and ALL the chargers, I have uploaded my THREE vids to youtube for release, and I am leaving for the airport in an hour!

Can't wait to see many of you there! <3 My plane lands ~6ish local time actually, not 7 as I confusedly thought, so will be at the hotel by 6:30, yay.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
So this year at Vividcon [personal profile] killabeez and I will be running a One Hour Vid panel! We're going to literally be making a vid AT the con, DURING the panel, with everyone who shows up!

To make this work (as well as it's ever going to! haha) we need to have all the source prepped in advance, SO:

* IF YOU ARE LIKELY COMING TO THE PANEL * please let us know what source you would like!

It is going to be a multifandom "garbage can" dance vid, and we're thinking the general theme of people being completely fed up.

Also, we have a song lined up, but if you've got a great garbage can song, do also feel free to share that with us and we may switch or even let people choose at the con, since the whole idea here is to kind of shut off the internal editor and bang it together really fast, as well as provide a demonstration for people who want to see vidding live either to learn or to compare techniques!
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

Loki and thought and memory, for the Vividcon 2015 Challenge show (Memory). Streaming and download available at the AO3, all comments loved here or there!

[VID] Goaskinviellja by astolat
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Loki & Odin, Loki & Laufey, Loki & Frigga, Loki & Thor
Characters: Loki, Odin, Laufey, Frigga, Thor

Hugin and Munin fly each day
over the spacious earth.
I fear for Hugin, that he come not back,
yet more anxious am I for Munin. (from the Grímnismál)

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Yay, Vividcon premieres show! You will all be SHOCKED TO LEARN that I made a Fast & Furious vid and even MORE shocked that it contains BRIAN and DOM and also SOME CARS.

My Vividcon 2015 premiere! Download and streaming on the AO3, all comments loved there or here. ♥

[VID] The Miracle (9 words) by astolat
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fast and the Furious Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Brian O'Conner/Dominic Toretto
Characters: Brian O'Conner, Dominic Toretto

A Brian/Dom vid set to The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) by U2.
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
...okay so maybe that wasn't the greatest idea I have ever had. But I committed and then it was TOO LATE.

Astolat Vids

Voila, a series of 31 of my vids in roughly chronological order, with some margin of error because I can't remember what year it is right now half the time much less what year I premiered a vid in. It's also missing a tiny handful of old vids because I haven't put them on youtube yet.

*falls over*

It's really wild to see even just in my own work how rapidly vidding aesthetics and video quality has changed. Ugh, I still remember trying to make vids in the bad old days with the whatsit Dazzle thingy that imported from a VCR: you had to plug in the VCR and actually play the video tape on an attached little TV to see where it was, and hope you got a usable clip and it was just nightmarish. It's amazing there are as many clips as there even are in some of those early vids :P but they feel SO SLOW now. I keep mentally going and... CUT! Cut now? How about now?
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

  • Wig, push-up bra (what even are these monstrosities seriously), pink dress acquired

  • Premieres vid uploaded, AO3 draft created

  • Old badge holder dug up

  • Camaro rented (WHAT, I'm embracing my fandom)

I have also gotten ambitious and am going to upload a whole slew of my back catalogue vids to AO3 today, so apologies in advance if you get a bunch of subscription notifications!
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I'll post actual embeds etc tomorrow but at the moment my eyes are closing and brain is shutting down, so I will just quickly link to the AO3:

[VID] Windmills Of Your Mind (10 words) by astolat
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: vid, Hydra (Marvel), Documentation, Embedded Video, esthero
Series: Part 13 of Captain America works

Hydra's post-mortem analysis of the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

and the intro vid:

[VID] Science Fiction Double Feature (Vividcon 2014 Intro Vid) (10 words) by astolat
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Multi-Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Additional Tags: vid, Vividcon, Vividcon Intro Vid, science fiction double feature

Welcome to the late night double-feature picture show! \o/

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
(via [personal profile] seperis, who is more concerned about the robotic self aspects of this news) SELF-AWARE ROBOT DINOSAURS ON THE TITANIC II

Speaking of [ profile] yuletide, if you haven't seen [personal profile] elynross's announcement over there, she is stepping down, sniffle. But the awesome [profile] hhertzof, [personal profile] jenn_calaelen, and [profile] bridgetmc are stepping up, and am so glad to have them coming on board! ♥ There will probably be announcements soon about this year's challenge, so keep your eye out -- pro tip: if you have an LJ account you can sign up to be notified by email any time a post is made in the [ profile] yuletide_admin community.

As for the rest of my day, it can accurately be summed up by this one quote from Hypatia's abortive first dentist visit: "When they're crying their mouth is usually open and we can get in there." How about NO, wtf, she's TWO.

Oh, and then Open Office crashed hideously and took four pomodoros of work with it. I clenched my jaw and slogged through another three and managed to recreate all the lost work, and in the end it came out better and I managed to reach 1000 words for the day, so I am calling that a win and closing the book on the day.

BUT, a couple of happy recs to close with! [ profile] sisabet and [ profile] sweetestdrain posted their awesome Challenge vid The Sellout, which is a multifandom awesome women vid that really hit me emotionally -- that moment with Buffy and Xena in the middle of the vid totally gets me every time I watch.

Also I loved [ profile] hollywoodgrrl's Run Boy Run Game of Thrones vid, also about the awesome women of that show.

(I do note that both of these have graphic violence against women so be prepared for it if you watch!)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
I am cheating my go-to-bed program* to make my post of the day so I have to be brief, but that is all because I was SUPER PRODUCTIVE today and got 3100 words done on the New Project, then took the baby swimming. \:D/

So here have a few fast extra vid recs as I have been catching up with all the vids I did not actually get to watch AT the con:

Eva Kenieva's Tony/Loki vid Potential New Boyfriend, which does brilliant terrible brilliant things with sight lines and brutally decontextualized clips, I howled with laughter.

[ profile] barkley and [ profile] destina's James Bond vid from Club Vivid, Hit Me Up, which is just super fun.

[ profile] bradcpu's multifandom vid from Challenge, Thrift Shop, and do read the description before you watch, what an awesome concept for this song, haha

* - yes, I DO have a script that shuts my computer down automatically to make me go to bed :P
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Post-con minor urgh: got home late, found baby sick and coughing, woke up myself at 3am for no reason whatsoever, stared at ceiling, gave up and got up at 5. :P

In happier news you can now also find [personal profile] flummery and [personal profile] talitha78's Vividcon POI vids posted on their respective journals!

Would anyone be interested in doing an online POI vidshow? I'm thinking something super casual: set up a playlist, make a post with it, we all watch the vids, post reactions to each vid in the comments? (PS: and if any vidders might consider making a premiere vid for this... :D)

Also, after a lovely evening Saturday watching POI vids with pals, [personal profile] cesperanza proposed that POI vids should for convenience include a rating based on quantity of baby and dog present. (Current front-runner: [personal profile] talitha78's Lights from earlier this year, which you should ALSO go and watch if you haven't seen it.)

I am now off to show my husband as many vids as he will tolerate (and watch the rest of the auction and challenge vids that I had to miss due to packing and getting to airport).

Also, I have been posting VVC vid recs on tumblr as I see vids I loved coming by in the tags and on my dash! So many great vids! \o/
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)

My vid from the premieres show at Vividcon 2013! 

[Vid] When I Ruled The World (423 words) by astolat
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Harold Finch/John Reese
Characters: Harold Finch, John Reese, Nathan Ingram, Kara Stanton, Jessica Arndt
Additional Tags: Video, Fanvids, Artist: Coldplay, Viva La Vida

Be my mirror, my sword and shield.

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Actually, the first highlight was skipping out with Ces and Melina and spending the morning roaming a piece of Bucktown (the area around the Damen stop on the blue line, full of interesting shops and restaurants), buying heaps of last-minute Club Vivid bling from a going-out-of-business store, and then eating giant quantities of amazing food from a place called il forno right on the corner half a block from the subway. om nom nom. I also acquired presents for Hypatia, because I am so not above bribing her to better tolerate mommy going away for a weekend of dissipation.

Then I came back, hung in the con suite half-chatting with many lovely people while I wrote a bit (yes, ok, it is well established I am a workaholic *clings to work*), got to hug [personal profile] elz and [personal profile] talitha78 ♥ and then headed back upstairs, watched mollyamory & therienne & arduinna awesomely fancy up their hair with bright colors, wrote a bit more, then Ces and geekturnedvamp returned from their salon excursion with Truly Fabulous Hair, and we got all dressed up and headed down to the party!

A non-exhaustive list of my own highlights:

Once again being in outfit sync with [ profile] dualbunny! WE CAME TO SPARKLE. <3

[ profile] bradcpu and [ profile] milly in their amazing Star Wars cosplay, and Milly's Imperial vid.

[ profile] jarrow as always bringing the positive energy and being ridiculous amounts of fun to dance with and near and watch ♥

Long lovely convo with [ profile] sockkpuppett and soaking up her awesome and her wisdom, also her ANCIENT ALIENS vid to Wang Chung.

Salsa dancing with [personal profile] spatz to my vid (not a premiere, this is my older Ocean's Eleven vid to Would You...?) OMG can we please have a salsa challenge for Club Vivid next year! It would be lovely to have a salsa section of the show, and it is not hard to learn the basics (although I admit best not danced in five inch platform heels late in the party, but I didn't cripple spatz so there is that :P)

Being pimped into Assassin's Creed by [personal profile] rhoboat -- go to her journal, she just posted her awesome vid! -- although oh god 40 hours of gameplay for each game, IDK if I will ever make it through. (Also I have been lured in the direction of the new Neverwinter Nights (!) MMO by [personal profile] mollyamory, and will probably give that a whirl too!)

[personal profile] talitha78's smoking-hot Peter/Neal White Collar vid for Tonight (I'm F**king You) which, cough, was very good for me. *writes PWP*

And just all the warmth and love of Vividcon and fandom all around!

I even made it to the very end in the aforementioned five-inch platforms, although my legs are now informing me that possibly that might not have been the very best idea of all time.

I have strategically given up on making it down to breakfast this morning and am instead reclined on the couch eating cheese and Chips Ahoy and microwaved tea, part of this nutritious breakfast. (I note I am such an awesome roommate that I am resisting the Tostitos because cesperanza is still dead to the world and there is no way to eat Tostitos quietly.)

Today a glorious swath of panels and vidshows and consuite hanging-out stretch ahead of me, assuming I ever lever myself off this couch, and then premieres tonight! *rolls about in fannish glee*
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
OK, I have signed onto [personal profile] cesperanza's plan to journal every day for a while -- IDK if I will make it every day, but I will try!

As for today, have gotten to Vividcon! \o/

Ces & I bumped into [ profile] ohvienna and [ profile] hollywoodgrrl in the security line at the airport, discovered we were on same flight and ended up in the row right behind them, so fannish hivemind clearly in good operating condition.

Having arrived at hotel, priorities on display:

1) Hung up Club Vivid dress and platform boots
2) Hooked laptop up to television (Mac air via MiniDisplayPort to HDMI cable)
3) As direct consequence of testing #2, ended up watching Contingency (POI 2x01) with cesperanza, [personal profile] therienne, [personal profile] mollyamory, and [personal profile] arduinna. Ces: He's like Jane Eyre! as Reese goes monologuing to himself and the Machine about HIS ONLY FRIEND and how he MUST SAVE HIM ♥ ♥ ♥
4) Foraged for critical supplies including box of wine, Tostitos with lime, Oreos, cheese
5) Hung out chatting with [ profile] melina123 & [personal profile] geekturnedvamp

And in half an hour there will be a road trip to Zia's Trattoria, where I will eat butternut squash ravioli and drink wine. And later there may be vids because -- ok, digression into the glory of tech here -- I was able to copy all 43gb of vids onto my laptop last night, because I now have all my media on a thunderbolt drive, and I could just plug it into the laptop and it copied over in FIVE MINUTES.

BTW if anyone was wondering, you can ABSOLUTELY vid from a thunderbolt drive. I have been working with the POI 1080p source in Premiere with a Mac mini and the source on a thunderbolt drive and it works fantastically.

OK and now I am off to hang out and eat! But LOOK, a POST!
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Am home! Baby is asleep! And I have just posted the detailed annotations and related works for the vid, which has links to all the very happymaking stuff you see, with a few more tossed in for good measure. \o/

I alas don't have a con report in me these days, but I just wanted to say, I am so happy I made it to Vividcon again, and so happy I got to see and hug many of you out there, and see more of your amazing work and hear your amazing thoughts.

It was such the renewal for me of happiness and love in this community. I'm pretty continuously tired these days (in a happy way! just tired), and so I post even less than I ever did and am even more idle in chat, so I don't get to "talk" to many of you, and I miss you all and fandom as a whole, so it was really joyful to be able to immerse myself again.

There's a lot of fannish stuff that I've committed to that feels like work and is often stressful and hard, and sometimes, you know, you kind of feel like "why am I doing this?" and the answer is you guys and how awesome you all are and all the fantastic things you do that just fill me with love.

astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Super fast guide:

- Get an AO3 account if you don't have one (comment or PM me your email address if you need an invite or sign up here and wait for the queue to get to you)

- Log in and go to Post New Work

Most of it should be self-explanatory but here are my tips under the cut:

three screenshots and notes )
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Here on the AO3:

Murder On The Dance Floor (vid) (18 words) by faviconastolat
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Summary: Dancing! Sparkly lights! Murder! Yay!

Or streaming from youtube below the cut: )

Or download from my site: 19MB MP4 (right-click save please! should play in VLC, Quicktime, and ipods)


AND omg I finished TWO Thor stories on my fabulous vacation! And the epic came in at 35,000 words instead of 50,000 YAY. :P

*glees and starts formatting*


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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