astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
Dreamer of the Day
by adastra

Uses source from Lawrence of Arabia and A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia.

I don't even know what to call this -- it's not quite a vid, it's more a collage of video and poetry and spoken word and music, and it beautifully marries the two sources, even though I would have thought I'd find the two together distracting. There's a truly killer moment halfway through where using both together works magically, and the way the vid ends is brilliant and added a whole new dimension to my understanding of the vid. Really brilliant.
astolat: (fandom horizon by flambeau)
ETA to fix the link to the D:tS screencap of joy. *g*

The rest of the commentfics are coming, I promise! The last few days have been eaten up by a massive and long-overdue revamp of my fanfic site, which was months out of date, missing a bunch of stories, had no place for me to show off the lovely fanart I've gotten recently, and which was difficult to add stories to.

And as if to give me karmic payback for slogging through the overhaul, just as I was finishing up the code for the art section, [ profile] anna_luna sent me email with some fun fan-art for Beautiful Lifetime Event! I defy anyone not to go "awwww!" at that first one.

I have also added a heap of old stories -- notably a really ancient Mary Sue I wrote literally ten years ago for Dracula: the Series (b-movie "family" vampire show from the eighties -- no, really, the vampires quote shakespeare and perform dance moves while attacking )). Also scattered stories in half a dozen different fandoms that were buried in lj and never archived, all my recent SGA stories, and my Yuletide stories.

Speaking of which, in addition to the commentfics, I also have another story to do, as yes, [ profile] thefourthvine totally knocked me down and freaking guessed the story, apparently without even the extra hint, which just makes me boggle. I did indeed write:

Like Water, Like Wind
Lawrence of Arabia (Lawrence/Ali)

For a time we were beguiled with our own mastery;
Hear the end of the matter, what befell us:
We came like water and we went like wind.

—The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam

I totally didn't expect anyone to guess, so I was blithely ready to go, "Nope!" in comment replies, and then had to hurry and cover my ass when TFV guessed right. *facepalm*

I tried to come up with guesses for other people but was so pathetically bad at it that I even tried to insist to other people that [ profile] yahtzee63 had not written the spectacular Moonlighting story that duh! of course she had written. And what is especially lame about it is that I was cheating, because I thought I remembered seeing some issue go by out of the corner of my eye on the yuletide admin account about the dollar-signs in the title, and though I didn't remember who it was, I was sure I would have remembered if it were Yahtzee. So I got it wrong because I couldn't even cheat correctly!

Okay, and now I am going to go to sleep. Tomorrow I expect there will be the year-in-fanfic meme, and also some squee about Rome, which I have mainlined over the last week. (Pullo! Vorenus! Octavian! Pullo!) Also hopefully the next piece of commentfic, once I have caught up a bit with House and gotten the voices back in my head.

Anyway -- comments on the fanfic site would be much appreciated, especially if it looks wonky on any browsers or doesn't work, or suggestions for other ways to improve the layout/organization. :)


astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)


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