Data sources

Here you will find an overview of all data sources that are searchable in the TIB Portal.

Click on the name of a data source to display all hits from this source.

AAASJournal articles of the American Association for the Advancement of Science from 1880Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
AIAAJournal articles, conference paper, book chapter and standards of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics from 1961Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
Alfred Wegener InstitutJournal articles, reports, book chapter and conference papers from German Alfred Wegener Institute for polar research from 1925Free access
American Chemical SocietyJournal articles of the American Chemical Society from 1879Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
American Institute of PhysicsJournal articles of the American Institute of Physics from 1936Licensed (where required), Consortial licence, National licence, Free access
American Physical SocietyJournal articles of the American Physical Society from 1900 onwardsLicensed (where required), National licence, Free access
ArXivOpen Access journal articles mainly in physics, mathematics and computer science since 1992Free access
ASCEConference papers and journal articles of the American Society of Civil Engineers from 1996Licensed (where required), Free access
Automotive engineeringAutomotive engineering: Journals, conference reports, research reports, thesis and company publications in the field of automotive technology 1974 - 2017.Licensed (where required)
BASEA TIB-relevant selection of freely accessible international academic repositories contained in BASE, including around 73,000 electronic university publications and numerous commercial Open Access publications (including from Elsevier)Free access
Bentham Science PublishersJournal articles and book chapters published by Bentham ScienceLicensed (where required), Free access
Biochemical Society Journals5 Journals of the Biochemical Society (2019-2021)National licence, Free access
British Library Conference ProceedingsBritish Library Conference Proceedings: complete coverage (exceeding the TIB's holdings, from 1993 to date)Licensed (where required)
British Library Online ContentsBritish Library Online Contents (excerpt of the TIB's holdings, from 1993 to date)Licensed (where required)
Catalogue agricultureCatalogue Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture. of the German National Library of Medicine, ZB MED (ca. 200,000 entries)Licensed (where required), Free access
Catalogue medicineCatalogue Medicine. Health. of the German National Library of Medicine, ZB MED (ca. 800,000 entries)Licensed (where required), National licence
ChemRxivPreprint server for chemistryFree access
DataCiteExcerpt from the DataCite metadata collection: primary data and grey literature from science and technologyLicensed (where required), Free access
DeGruyterJournal articles published by deGruyter from 1826 onwardsLicensed (where required), Free access
DetailArticles from the architecture journal "Detail" from 2018 - (2020)National licence
DOAJExcerpt from the Directory of Open Access Journals: Open Access journal articles, mainly from the TIB core subjects and geology since 1943Free access
DSpace@MITDirect access to Open Access publications from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1903Free access
Duke University PressArticles from four renowned maths journalsLicensed (where required), Free access
ECV, Editio Cantor VerlagJournal articles published in TechnoPharm and Pharmind - Die Pharmazeutische Industrie from 2012Licensed (where required)
EDP SciencesArticles from the journals of EDP Sciences (Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences) from 1872 onwardsLicensed (where required), Free access
ElsevierMore than 5 million journal articles published by Elsevier from 1827Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
Emerald Group PublishingArticles from journals published by Emerald Publishing Group from 1899Licensed (where required), Free access
Engineering Index BackfileFull texts and bibliographical references from the Engineering Index 1885 - 1969Licensed (where required)
EU Bookshopelectronic publications of the European Union in the field of economics since 1981Free access
EurographicsJournal articles and conference proceedings published by Eurographics mainly in the field of computer science since 1997Licensed (where required)
European Patent OfficePublished patent documents of the last 7 years, link to the full text of the Espacenet database.Free access
Forschungszentrum JülichReports of the Jülich Research Centre from 1963Licensed (where required), Free access
Fraunhofer PublicaFree accessible research publications and patents from the institutes of German Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research from 1974Free access
GWLB - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek Alliance licence, Licensed (where required), Consortial licence, National licence, Free access
HENRY – Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Free access
IEEEConference proceedings and journal articles of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers from 1957Licensed (where required), Free access
IETJournal articles from more than 40 Journals of the Institution of Engineering and Technology since 1994Licensed (where required), Free access
IET Digital Library ArchiveJournal articles of the Institution of Engineering and Technology from 1873 - 2008Licensed (where required)
Institution of Civil EngineersICE Publishing journals in the field of material scienceLicensed (where required), Free access
International Federation of Automatic Control Free access
IOP Institute of PhysicsJournal articles from 59 journals of the Institute of Physics since 1999Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
IOS PressArticles published in IOS Press journals since 1988Licensed (where required), Free access
IUCrJournal articles of the International Union of Crystalloggraphie since 1948Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
IuD Bahn"Information und Dokumentation Bahn" – database with focus on railroading, public transport, transport policy. More than 69,000 entries of journal articles, conference proceedings and reports. Coverage 1994 to 2014.Licensed (where required)
Karger VerlagJournal articles since 2002Licensed (where required), Free access
Landolt-Börnstein / Springer MaterialsComprehensive data collection on physical and chemical properties of materials from all fields of physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science and related disciplines (1961 - 2018)Licensed (where required)
LUH institutes collections Licensed (where required), Free access
Nature Publishing GroupJournal articles since 1916National licence
NTISDatabase of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) – Reports and other publications from over 600 US government agencies or institutions (e.g. NASA, Department of Energy). Contains more than 2.5 million bibliographic data sets, covering 1964 until today.Licensed (where required)
NTRSNASA Technical Reports ServerLicensed (where required)
OERSIFree educational materials from the Open Educational Resources Search Index (OERSI)Free access
Online ContentsInterdisciplinary tables of contents of journals in the TIB holdings since 1993Licensed (where required), Free access
ORKG Comparisons Licensed (where required), Free access
Oxford University PressJournal articles since 1849Licensed (where required), Free access
Project EuclidElectronic publications in mathematics since 1883Licensed (where required)
Radio Electronics, Computer Science, ControlJournal articles of the Zaporizhzhya National Technical University (Ukraine) since 2008Free access
Royal Society of ChemistryArticles from journals and books oft he Royal Society of Chemistry since 1843Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
RÖMPPChemistry – Online encyclopedia in German. Over 62.000 entries, linked by over 215.000 cross-referencesLicensed (where required)
SAE Technical PapersSociety of Automotive Engineers: more than 125,000 papers dating back to 1906Licensed (where required)
SAGE PublicationsJournal articles of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers since 2011Licensed (where required), Free access
Scientific Periodicals of UkraineArticles from 5 electronic journals in the field of technology since 2006Free access
SCOAP³ RepositoryOpen Access journal articles in the field of high-energy physics since 2014Free access
SPIEJournal articles and conference proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers since 1971Licensed (where required), Free access
Springer VerlagJournal articles and book chapters of the SpringerLink online platform from 1855 onwards; E-book packages "Engineering" and "Intelligent Technology & Robotics" with publication year 2024Licensed (where required), Free access (if necessary), National licence, Free access
Taylor & Francis VerlagJournal articles published by Taylor & Francis from 1799 onwardsLicensed (where required), National licence, Free access
Tema ArchiveEngineering and management: bibliographic references including abstract, 1967 to 1987Licensed (where required)
TEWISS VerlagDissertations from the Leibniz University HannoverLicensed (where required)
Thesis Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityTheses of the Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russian with abstracts in EnglishFree access
Thieme VerlagJournal articles and book chapter published by Thieme from 1876 onwardsLicensed (where required), Free access
TIB AV-PortalScientific films and videos from science and technology provided by the ​TIB-AV-Portal.Licensed (where required), Free access
TIBKATEntries of the complete library catalog of the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)Alliance licence, Licensed (where required), Consortial licence, National licence, Free access
TIB Open Publishing Open Access journal articles and conference reports from TIB Open Publishing Free access
Trans Tech PublicationsJournal articles from 1985 onwardsAlliance licence, Licensed (where required), National licence, Free access
VDE-VerlagVDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies: conference proceedings from 2005 onwardsLicensed (where required)
WileyJournal articles from 1927 onwardsLicensed (where required), Free access (if necessary), Free access