Chemistry Project - F-Block

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f-Block: The Fascinating

Elements with Unique

The f-block elements, also known as the inner
transition metals, are the elements that are found in the
two bottom rows of the periodic table. They are
comprised of two series: the lanthanoid series (4f) and
the actinoid series (5f). These elements are known for
their unique properties, including their electronic
configuration, atomic and ionic radii, oxidation states,
coloured compounds, complex formation, alloy
formation, and chemical reactivity.
01 Electronic
Configuration of
4f and 5f series
Electronic Configuration of 4f and
5f series
The electronic configuration of the 4f and Actinium through Lawrencium
5f series is unique because the f-orbitals
are shielded by the other orbitals, which
makes them less available for bonding. The
4 f series has 15 Metallic chemical
elements with atomic number 57 to 71,
from Lanthanum through Lutetium, and the
5 f series has 15 Metallic Chemical
elements with atomic numbers from 89 to
Therefore, the Electronic
Configuration of
4f series : [Xe] 4f¹¯¹⁴ 5d⁰¯¹ 6s²
5f series : [Rn] 5f¹¯¹⁴ 6d ⁰¯² 7s²
Atomic and Ionic
Radii of 4f and 5f
Atomic and Ionic Radii of 4f and 5f series

The atomic and ionic radii of the f-block elements

decrease as we move across the period. This is
because of the increase in nuclear charge, which
attracts the electrons more strongly, leading to a
decrease in size. The ionic radii of the f-block
elements are smaller than the atomic radii
because of the increased positive charge on the
nucleus, leading to a stronger attraction between
the electrons and the nucleus.
Oxidation States of
4f and 5f Series
Oxidation States of 4f and 5f Series

Oxidation states are the "charges" assigned to atoms in

chemical compounds. The 4f and 5f series elements
showcase a variety of oxidation states, making them
versatile in chemical reactions. Lanthanoids generally exhibit
+3 oxidation state, while actinoids can have multiple
oxidation states ranging from +3 to +7.
Formation of colored
compounds of 4f and
5f series
Formation of colored compounds of 4f
and 5f series
The f-block elements are known for their These colors come from their
ability to form coloured compounds. partially-filled f orbitals, which
This is due to the presence of partially allow them to absorb and emit
filled f-orbitals, which can absorb light light when electrons jump
and emit it at different wavelengths, between energy levels.
resulting in different colours. For Lanthanoids form vibrant
colors, while actinoids' colors
example, cerium (Ce) can form
are less
compounds that are yellow or orange-
red in colour.
Formation of
Complexes of 4f
and 5f Series
Formation of Complexes of 4f and 5f
Complexes are structures formed
when a central metal ion binds to The f-block elements can also form
surrounding molecules or ions. f- complexes with other molecules or
Block elements readily form ions. These complexes are formed
complexes due to their multiple due to the ability of the f-block
oxidation states and large size, elements
making them valuable in many to donate electrons from their partially
industrial and research applications filled f-orbitals. For example, europium
(Eu) can form a complex with
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA), which is used in analytical
chemistry for the determination of
Alloy formation of
4f and 5f series
Alloy formation of 4f and 5f
Alloys are mixtures of metals with The f-block elements can also form
other metals or non-metals. F- alloys with other metals. These alloys
Block elements form various exhibit unique properties such as high
alloys, which have unique strength, high melting points, and high
properties beneficial in different corrosion resistance. For example,
applications, like magnets, samarium-cobalt (SmCo) magnets are
batteries, and specialized steel used in various applications due to
production their high magnetic strength.
contraction and its
Lanthanoid contraction

What are Lanthanoids ?

Lanthanides (4f series) are the inner
transition elements of the modern Lanthanoid Contraction.
periodic table i.e. the elements with
atomic numbers from 57 to 71 The steady decrease in the atomic size of
lanthanides on increasing the atomic
number is due to the increasing the nuclear
charge and electrons entering the inner (n-
2)f orbital .This steady decrease in the size
with an increasing atomic number is called
lanthanide contraction.
Consequences of Lanthanoid
Atomic size:
• The size of the atom of the third Difficulty in the separation of
transition series is closely the lanthanides
same as that of the atom of the
second transition series. For • As there is only a minute change in the
example, the atomic radius ionic radii of lanthanides, their chemical
properties are the same. This makes the
of Zr(Zirconium) = atomic radius of
separation very difficult.
Hf(Hafnium) and the atomic radius
of Nb(Niobium) =atomic radius
of Ta(Tantalium) , etc.
Reactivity of f-
block elements
Chemical Reactivity of f-block
1. Oxygen: The f-block
elements readily react with 2. Hydrogen: The f-block
oxygen to form oxides. elements can react with
These oxides often have hydrogen to form
3. Halogens: The f-
complex stoichiometries hydrides. These hydrides
block elements can
and can exhibit a range of can exhibit a
react with halogens to
properties, such as high range of properties, such as high
form halides. These
melting points and good melting and boiling points and
halides can exhibit a
thermal stability. good thermal stability.
range of properties,
such as high melting
and boiling points and
good thermal stability.
Chemical Reactivity of f-block
4. Sulphur: The f-block
elements can react with 5. Water: The f-block elements
sulphur to form sulphides. can react with water to form
These sulphides can hydroxides. These hydroxides
exhibit a range of can exhibit a range of properties,
properties, such as high such as high melting and boiling
melting and boiling points points and good thermal
and good thermal stability. stability. Additionally, some f-
block elements can react with
water to produce hydrogen gas.
Chemical Reactivity of f-block
6. Carbon: The f-block
elements can react with
carbon to form carbides. 7. Nitrogen: The f-block
These carbides can exhibit elements can react with
a range of properties, such nitrogen to form nitrides.
as high melting and boiling These nitrides can exhibit a
points and good thermal range of properties, such as
stability. high melting and boiling
points and good thermal
Actinoids -
Actinoids - Oxidation States
The actinoids are elements in the f-block of the periodic table,
and they have a wide range of oxidation states. An oxidation
state is a measure of the number of electrons an atom has
gained, lost, or shared in a chemical reaction. The actinoids
oxidation states frequently range from +2 to +7, but a few
elements can have oxidation states lower than +2 or higher
than +7. This is because the electrons in the actinoid f-
orbitals are less shielded from the nucleus than those in the
lanthanides, and therefore more available for bonding. The
actinoids oxidation states can be influenced by the type of
compound they are forming.
Comparison between
Actinoids and
Comparison between Actinoids and
1. Lanthanoids are involved in the filling of 4f orbitals,
whereas actinoids are involved in the filling of 5f orbitals.
The binding energy of 4f electrons is comparatively less
than that of 5f electrons. The shielding effect of 5f
electrons is less effective as compared to that of 4f 2. The paramagnetic properties of
electrons. lanthanoids can be easily explained, but
this explanation is difficult in the case of
3. Lanthanides do not have a tendency to
form oxo-cations, but several oxo-cations of
actinide series exist. The compounds
formed by lanthanides are less basic; on the
4. Lanthanides are non-radioactive in
other hand, the compounds of actinides are
nature except promethium, whereas all
highly basic. actinide series elements are radioactive.

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