Optimal Resource Extraction With Uncertain Reserves: Daniel H - Wagner Associates, Inc., Sunnyvale, California 94089
Optimal Resource Extraction With Uncertain Reserves: Daniel H - Wagner Associates, Inc., Sunnyvale, California 94089
Optimal Resource Extraction With Uncertain Reserves: Daniel H - Wagner Associates, Inc., Sunnyvale, California 94089
Robert J. Lipshutz
Daniel H . Wagner Associates, Inc., Sunnyvale, California 94089
Lawrence D. Stone
Metron, Inc., Reston, Virginia 22090
We consider the problem of finding a plan that maximizes the expected discounted
return when extracting a nonrenewable resource having uncertain reserves. An
extraction plan specifies the rate at which the resource is extracted as a function
of time until the resource is exhausted or the time horizon is reached. The return
per unit of resource extracted may depend on the rate of extraction, time, and the
amount of resource previously extracted. We apply a new method called the gen-
eralized search optimization technique to find qualitative features of optimal plans
and to devise algorithms for the numerical calculation of optimal plans.
In this article we apply the generalized search optimization (GSO) technique
described in [lo] to maximizing the discounted return when extracting a non-
renewable resource with uncertain reserves.
The GSO technique was developed from a method that has been successfully
applied to search problems, particularly those involving the detection of moving
targets. In [lo], Stromquist and Stone discuss numerous applications of the GSO
technique which are all related to search. The results in this article demonstrate
that the GSO technique can be applied to problems outside of search theory.
This application establishes a connection between GSO and control theory. We
discuss this connection at the end of this section.
we allow bounds on the rate at which resources may be extracted and finite as
well as infinite time horizons.
Deshmukh and Pliska [2-41 consider resource extraction problems in which
there is uncertainty about the level of reserves, the discovery of additional
reserves, and the future demand for the resource. Our results consider uncer-
tainty only in the level of the resource, but we do allow for utility functions
which depend on time and the amount of resource extracted. This is a more
general utility function than that considered by Deshmukh and Pliska. Gilbert
[6] also considers optimal extraction problems with uncertainty in the level of
the reserve and the discovery of additional reserves. He assumes a social utility
function with infinite derivative at 0. In [ 2 ] ,Deshmukh and Pliska give a brief
discussion of other articles related to optimal resource recovery under uncer-
We now summarize our results. Let F be the distribution function of the total
resource available, and let r(t, u, w) be the instantaneous return we obtain at
time t when extracting at the rate u given that w amount of resource has already
been extracted. Let 2: [0, T] + [0, 031 denote an extraction plan, i.e., Z ( t ) is
the rate at which resources are extracted at time t. The time horizon T may be
finite or infinite, and we can impose a constraint B on the rate at which resources
can be extracted. Let 6 be the discount rate for income received in the future.
The expected discounted return R ( Z ) , using plan 2, is given by
The above equation says that for an optimal plan, the discounted marginal return
at time t is equal to the expected value of the discounted average return at the
time extraction stops.
Lipshutz and Stone: Optimal Resource Extraction 155
Let r, denote the partial derivative of r with respect to the ith variable. When
r, is bounded, we obtain a version of Loury’s result for the more general return
function r and general time horizon. We still assume B = w. For all t such that
Z * ( t ) > 0 and F ( X * ( t ) )< 1 we show in Proposition 4.0 that
In this section we define the problem of maximizing the discounted return
when extracting a nonrenewable resource with uncertain reserves. We will con-
sider discrete and continuous time. Let the random variable Y give the quantity
156 Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 39 (1992)
of resource available. Define F(x) = Pr{Y < x} and let G(x) = 1 - F(x) for
x 2 0. Assume F has a continuous derivative F‘. Since F is a cumulative dis-
tribution function, F’ L 0. Let 6 be the continuous discount rate so that the
discount rate per unit period of time is e-b.
D1: Let r(t, u, w)be the return from extracting u units of resource at time
t when w units of resource have already been extracted and when u + w 5 Y.
If u + w > Y, the resource is exhausted part way through the time step. For
simplicity we assume that the return is zero. Let ri and rii denote the first and
second partial derivative of r with respect to the ith variable. Assume that r(t,
0, w ) = 0, r2(t,0, w) > 0, and rzz(t,u , w) < 0 for t = 1, . . . , T , u L 0, and
w 2 0. The last two conditions imply that r(t * w) is concave and has a decreasing
marginal rate of return.
We will consider cases in which u is constrained and unconstrained.
D3: Let ad= [0, B]x . . . x[O, B] where the Cartesian product is taken T
Thus, Xz(t) is the cumulative extraction up to and including time t. When the
meaning is clear, we will denote X z by X.
For y L 0, define the random variable I( y) by
1, i f y s Y
0, i f y > Y
D8: Fix Z E acand define the random variable T to be the time at which
the resource is exhausted using plan 2. If the resource is not exhausted using
plan 2, then T = T .
Let R ( 2 ) be the expected return using extraction plan Z . By an argument
similar to the one which led to Eq. (l),
J*( y ) 5 yr2(0,0,O) < w . If Z E R, is any extraction plan, then for each possible
value of the random variable z
1: e-"/r(t,Z ( t ) , X ( t ) ) dt 5 J*(X(z)),
R(Z) = E [(1: 11
e-"r(t, Z ( t ) , X ( t ) dt 5 E[(J*(X(r))]
R'(Z, h) = lim -
W+ot a
[R(Z + ah) - R(Z)]
LEMMA 3.0: Let T < w . If r2(t, u , w), r3(t, u, w), and G ' ( w ) exist for all
t, u,and w and if Z E Rd, \hi E SZ,, and Z +
ah E R, for small positive a,then
Lipshutz and Stone: Optimal Resource Extraction 159
+ 2 e-&[r(s,~ ( s ) ,~ ( -s I))G’(X(s))
R ’ ( 2 , h ) = lim
4 t
[R(Z + ah) - R ( Z ) ]
To evaluate this limit we bring the limit inside the outer summation, evaluate
the limit, and change the order of summation. Then
+ r(s, Z ( s ) , X ( s - l))G’(X(s))] - h ( t )
I .
D(r, Z * , X * ) 5 0, if Z * ( t ) = 0, and
If R is a concave function on Q/, then these conditions are sufficient for a discrete
extraction plan to be optimal.
PROOF: With a small modification to account for the upper bound B , the
proof is a direct application of Theorems 1 and 2 of [ 101.
We now calculate the Gateaux differential when time is continuous. In
order to do this we introduce the class F ( 6 ) , of Bore1 measurable functions
f : [O, TI (--, m) such that
We may now state the necessary and sufficient conditions that a continuous
extraction plan be optimal.
Lipshutz and Stone: Optimal Resource Extraction 161
D(t, Z * , X * ) 2 0, if Z * ( t ) = B ,
D(r, Z * , X * ) 5 0, if Z * ( t ) = 0, and
PROOF: With a simple modification to account for the upper bound B . the
proof is a direct application of Theorems 1 and 2 in [lo].
D(t, Z * . X * ) = e-"G(X*(t)) +
I' ds.
e-dsZ*(s)G'(X*(s)) (9)
lim D(r, Z * , X * )
h r
= lim
1 = 0,
and we again have D(t, Z * , X * ) > 0 for all t E [O, TI. By Proposition 3.3,
Z * ( t ) = B for all t E [O, TI. This proves our claim.
162 Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 39 (1992)
- E [1'e-d'r3(s,Z * ( s ) , X * ( s ) ) dslr 2
t .
= -[f, + 121.
Recall that for t < T , F ( X * ( t ) ) = Pr{T It}. Using the method of proving Eq.
( 2 ) , but proceeding in reverse order, we find that
We may interpret (10) as stating that the discounted marginal return at time
f of an optimal plan is equal to the expected discounted average return at the
time the resource is exhausted given that the resource lasts beyond time t , plus
the marginal loss (r3 < 0) due to extracting when there is a higher level of
In this section we outline an algorithm for finding discrete-time extrac-
tion plans that satisfy the necessary conditions of Proposition 3.1. A complete
description of the algorithm and a convergence proof appear in the Appen-
dix. We restrict ourselves to functions r and G such that if D(t, u , x ) =
r2(t, u , x - u)G(x) then aD/au is continuous and nowhere vanishing. This
assumption will be used to prove that the algorithm converges. In addition we
assume that I*(?, 0, 0) > 0 for t = 1, . . . , T. In the following we refer to Z ( f )
by Z, and X ( t ) by X,for notational convenience.
To initiate the algorithm we choose a value for XT,the cumulative extraction
at time T. An examination of Eq. (5) shows that D ( T , Z, X)depends only on
XT and ZT. (Recall that XT-I = XT - ZT).Thus we can choose ZT E [0, B ]
such that the pair X T , ZT satisfies the necessary conditions of Proposition 3.1
for t = T. We then compute X T - , = X T - ZT. Since D(T - 1, Z, X)depends
only on X T , Z T ,X T - ,, and ZT-I, we may solve for ZT-I to satisfy the necessary
conditions for t = T - 1. Repeating this process for T - 2, T - 3, . . . , 1 we
may determine a plan ZT, . . . , Z, satisfying the necessary conditions of Prop-
osition 2.1.
The resulting extraction plan may not satisfy 2.T=lZ, = X T . To find a plan Z
that satisfies both this equality and the necessary conditions, the algorithm pro-
ceeds as follows. It determines X,+? 0 and X f L 0 such that ,2T=l Z,+ 5 X,+
and C,L, Zf L X f and C,T=, Z ; L X f , where Z ; , . . . , Zf and Z:. . . . , Z ;
are determined as above. Using a binary search between X f and X; it finds
X; such that the absolute difference IX: - CT=, Z:I is less than a tolerance c
set by the user. At this point the algorithm terminates and Z* is the resulting
In this section we present examples of discrete extraction plans which satisfy
the necessary conditions of Proposition 3.1. These plans were computed using
the above algorithm implemented in Fortran 77 on an Apollo computer.
In the following examples, the amount of resource Y is assumed to have a
gamma distribution with mean, ji = 1, and shape parameter, > 0, so that
for x > 0.
In each of these four examples, we vary a single parameter and observe the
effect on the solution. Each figure contains the solution in the case S = 0, r(t,
u , w ) = u , v = 2, and an unconstrained rate of extraction. This serves as a
benchmark for comparing the different examples.
3 4
. I
5 6
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the variance, makes the plan more conservative, reducing both the maximum
166 Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 39 (1992)
a4 ..
0.3 ..
ai ,
0. I
a1 .. P BJmAmoNpBQHI: -
1 841 MI 3861
I 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lipshutz and Stone: Optimal Resource Extraction
.a 759 459a mi
05 .. 3s
407 -
Y .75
OA ..
03 ..
I I I I I I 1 I I
I a 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 ID
G(Z(s) + X ( s - 1))
+ e-”RR,*,:(Z(s)+ X ( s - 1)))
G M s - 1)) 1
168 Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 39 (1992)
This work was supported by Office of Naval Research Contract No. N00014-
Proof of Proposition 3.2
The proof of Proposition 3.2 proceeds as in Lemma 3.0. Suppose Z and h are chosen as in the
hypothesis of the proposition. Let
R ' ( Z , h) = lim - [R(Z + ah) - R ( Z ) ]
o-0t a
= lim -
a-m+ a r
[P(t,Z + ah) - P(r, Z ) ] dt.
From the generalized mean value theorem applied to P(r, Z ) , it follows that
IP(r. z + ah) - P ( f , Z)l 5 sup (I-: ,I
I.t dP
(I, z+ th)(
Lipshutz and Stone: Optimal Resource Extraction 169
[ [2 1 (P(r, Z + ah)
R'(Z, H ) = - P(t, Z)) dt.
Evaluating the limit as in the proof of Lemma 3.0, we may complete the proof.
We now prove the inequality in (11). Fix a > 0 such that Z + ah E 0:. Define
n(t,5 ) = t.
f$(f) = sup{(: H ( t . 5 ) = H * ( f ) }
We now show that H * and 4 are Borel measurable functions. This will guarantee that Z* E fly.
and that H * ( t ) = ( ( a P / d < ) ( t Z*)I,
, for 0 5 t 5 T .
For each a > 0.
By 2.2.13 of [ 5 ] , the above set is Lebesgue measurable so that H * is almost everywhere equal to a
Borel function (see 2.3.6 of [ 5 ] ) . Since
+ 1,' P I
le-."r,(t, Z * ( t ) , X * ( t ) ) G ( x * ( t ) ) h ( s ) ds dt
170 Naval Research Logistics,Vol. 39 (1992)
We will prove that I,, I., and I, are bounded. Since r2 is bounded, r / u is bounded for u > 0. Let
K be a uniform bound for r ( f ,u , w ) I u , r 2 ( f ,u , w ) , r , ( f , u , w ) and G ' ( x ) .Evaluating I , and I,, we
I, 5 I' dt < =,
The Algorithm
In this appendix we define and prove the convergence of the algorithm outlined in Section 5 . In
order to define the algorithm, we make use of the function Q defined below.
B.l. Definition of Q
Q , ( Z , + l ,. . . Z T , X T ) = Y * .
We will prove that Q,is a well-defined and continuous function of Z,, ,,. . . Z, and X , in Proposition
B. 1 below. This is done by setting u = y, w = (Z,,, , . . . ,Z . , X , ) ,p = Q , and r#J = g, in Proposition
B.1. The fact that dDifiu is continuous and nowhere zero guarantees that dr#J/au has the same
If Z is an allocation and X , a positive real number define
1. Fix E > 0.
2. Let U, =_2TB, V, = 0, and i = 0.
3. Let z = 0.
4. Let X,, = ( U , + V , ) / 2 .
5. Do step 6 for t = T to I .
6. Let ( X , , Z) = ul,(X,, Z).
7. Let X,,, = A ( X , , . Z )
8. If IX,,,l < & go to 12.
else let V , + ,= X , , . U , , , = U , .
10. Let i = i + I .
I I . Go to4.
12. End, when the vector Z satisfies the conditions of Proposition 3.1 and
I X,, -
2 z,< c.
We first show that the algorithm converges if AOY(2TB. 6) 2 0 and AO'P(0, 6) 5 0. We then
prove these inequalities hold.
Suppose A o Y (2TB , 0) 2 0 and AOY(O,6) 5 0. Then by Step 9 above.
6) 2 0 2 A N ( V , ,6)
AoY( U,,
A o q ( U , + , 6)
, 2 Aoq(X,, 6) 2 A 0 Y ( V l i l ,0).
172 Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 39 (1992)
Our choice of U, and V, implies Iim,-= U,= Iim,-= X , = lim,+z V,. Using the continuity of A o q
(see Section 7), we have the following inequalities:
Iim,+.AA,,\V(X,,, Ti) = o
and the algorithm converges.
To complete the proof, we need only show that AO\V(O,G) 5 0 and AO\v(2TB, 0) 2 0 . To prove
AoVI(0, 0) 5 0, set XT = 0, then since G(0) = 1, D ( T , Z , X ) = r2(frZ T , - Z T ) + r ( T , Z,, - Z T )
G'(X,). If Z , = 0, D ( T , Z , X ) = r2(T,ZT, - Z T ) + r(T, ZTr- Z T ) G ' ( X T ) If
. ZT = 0, D ( T , Z ,
X ) = rz(T , 0, 0) > 0. This contradicts the definition of Q T ; therefore ZT > 0. Computing AOV(0,
Z), we obtain
AO'P(0,G) = 0 - ZT 5 0.
I= I
A0'€'(2TB, 8) = 2TB - 2 Z , 2 2TB - TB = TB > 0.
Let V = [a, b] be a closed interval of real numbers, and let W be any compact subset of R". Let
U be an open set in R x R" containing V x W. Let 4 be a continuously differentiable real-valued
function on 0 such that a4/au(u, w ) # 0 for all ( u , w ) E CJ. Define p, a function from W to V as
follows: Fix w E W then,
PROPOSITION B. 1: If p and are defined as above, then p is a well-defined continuous function
on W.
PROOF: First we prove that p is well defined as above, then p is continuous. Fix w E W. Sup-
pose 0 is not in the range of 4(., w), then by the continuity of +,
4 ( u , w ) > 0 for a s u s b or
4 ( u . w ) < 0 for a 5 u 5 6 . In either case p is well defined. Suppose for some u* E V, 4 ( u t , w ) =
0. Since ik$/du is nonvanishing. +(., w ) is strictly monotonic and such a u* is unique. We conclude
p is well defined for all w E W.
To prove continuity, define 11,: U + W by rI,(u, w ) = w. If A and B are sets, let B - A denote
the complement of A in B. Let R' = { x E Rlx 2 0 } and R - = {x E R ( x 5 0). Let W ' = U -
Il2,,4I(R -), then W ' is the set of w E W such that + ( u , w ) > 0 for all u E V. Since R - is a closed
set, is continuous, and 11, is a closed mapping. we conclude that W' has constant value b and so
is continuous. We may similarly define W = U - 1 I 2 , , + - I ( R + ) ,then p is continuous on W - with
constant value a .
Let W,, = l I > & ' ( { O } ) n W. Then W,,is the set of w E W such that +(u, w ) = 0 for some u E
V. For each v E W,,,the implicit function theorem yields a continuous function pr defined on an
open neighborhood N, of v such that 4 ( p v ( w ) ,w ) = 0 for w E N,. and p , ( y ) = p ( y ) . Since p is the
Lipshutz and Stone: Optimal Resource Extraction 173
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