The Electricity Supply Industry - Increasing Generation Capacity, Reinforcing Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure To Promote Uptake

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In May 2013, the Government of Uganda with support from Development Partners including the German Development Bank (KfW), the Governments of Norway, Germany, the United Kingdom
and European Union, launched the Global Energy Transfer for Feed-in-Tariff (GETFiT) Program. The program provides a results-based premium payment (Top-up) on the Renewable Energy Feed-
in-Tariff (RE FiT).

Under the GET FiT Program, 17 (seventeen) projects with a combined capacity of 157 MW utilizing various technologies including Hydro, Solar and Bagasse Co-generation were licensed to
generate and sell electricity to the National Grid. Out of the 17 projects, six (6) mini-Hydro Plants and two (2) grid-connected Solar Plants have commissioned and are already dispatching energy
to the grid. One (1) Bagasse Co-generation Plant was upgraded and expanded from a capacity of 31 MW to 51.1 MW. Eight (8) mini-Hydro projects are under construction and are expected
to be commissioned by 2019.


Project: Access Solar Uganda
Power Plant
Capacity: 10 MW
Developer: Access Solar
Uganda Limited
Plant: Kakira Sugar Co- Location: Soroti District
generation Plant
Capacity: 51.1 MW
Developer: Madhvani Group
Location: Jinja District

Project: Tororo Solar North

Capacity: 10 MW
Developer: Tororo Solar North
Location: Tororo District

Project: Nkusi Hydropower

Capacity: 9.6 MW
Developer: PA Technical Ltd Project: Muvumbe
Location: Hoima/Kibaale Hydropower Plant
District Capacity: 6.5 MW
Developer: Muvumbe Hydro
(U) Limited
Location: Kabale District

Project: Nyamwamba
Hydropower Plant
Capacity: 9.2 MW Project: Lubilia Hydropower
Developer: Africa EMS Plant
Nyamwamba Limited Capacity: 5.4 MW
Location: Kasese District Developer: Lubilia Kawembe
Hydro Limited
Location: Kasese District

Project: Rwimi Hydropower

Plant Project: Siti I Hydropower Plant
Capacity: 5.54 MW Capacity: 6.1 MW
Developer: Rwimi EP Company Developer: Elgon Siti 1 Hydro
Limited (PVT) Limited
Location: Kasese District Location: Bukwo District

Projected Generation Growth Bujagali Switch Yard. UETCL has also established
GET FIT PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Uganda’s generation capacity is expected to the 132/220 MVA substation for the Industrial Park in
grow further by 803 MW, at the end of this year Kapeeka, Nakaseke District.
No. Project Capacity District Developer
when the Government-funded large hydro projects
Siti II Hydropower Elgon Siti 1 Hydro (PVT) Limited – Expected to start (Karuma Hydropower Project - 600 MW and

1 16 MW Bukwo Industry has been enabled by the conducive

Project generating electricity by October 2018 Isimba Hydropower Project - 183 MW) in Nwoya/
Kiryandongo and Kayunga Districts, respectively, environment ushered in by the National Resistance
Kyambura Ziba Limited - Expected to start generating electricity Movement (NRM) Government.
Hydropower Project
7.6 MW Rubiriizi
by February 2019
and two other mini-hydro plants, Siti II in Bukwo
District and Waki in Buliisa District commission.
Sindila Hydropower Butama Hydro Electricity Uganda Limited - Expected The Electricity Regulatory Authority would like to
3 6.5 MW Bundibugyo thank the President of the Republic of Uganda, His
Project to start generating electricity by February 2019 Transmission and Distribution infrastructure
Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for enormously
Ndugutu Power Company Uganda Limited - To ensure optimal utilization of the power supporting the Electricity Industry. We also thank
4 5.9 MW Bundibugyo Expected to start generating electricity by February

our Line Minister, Development Partners, and the
Hydropower Project
2019 made to upgrade the Transmission and Distribution Members of the Authority for their continued support
Kikagati Hydropower Kikagati Power Company Limited - Expected to start infrastructure to be able to effectively evacuate that has seen Uganda’s Electricity Supply Industry
5 16 MW Isingiro the upcoming generation plants. The Distribution

Project generating electricity by 2020
substations recently established and/or upgraded
Waki Hydropower Hydromax (Nkusi) Limited - Expected to start by the largest Distribution Utility, Umeme Limited, As the Regulator of Uganda’s Electricity Supply
6 4.8 MW Buliisa
Project generating electricity by December 2018 include: Namugongo, Queensway, New Moniko, Industry, ERA remains committed to further developing
Nyamaghasani I Rwenzori Private Hydro Limited - Expected to start Ishasha, and Waligo. the Industry through various interventions, in line with
7 15 MW Kasese In the Transmission segment, the Uganda Electricity the Government of Uganda’s aspiration of achieving
Hydropower Project generating electricity by March 2019
Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) has 41,738 MW of electricity, a per capita consumption of
Nyamaghasani II Nyamaghasani II HPP Limited - Expected to start upgraded the 20/30 MVA Soroti, Lira, Nkenda, 3,668 kWh, and 80 per cent access to electricity by
8 6 MW Kasese
Hydropower Project generating electricity by January 2019 Mbarara West, and Masaka substations, and the 2040.

Plot 15, Shimoni Road, Nakasero, P.O. Box 10332, Kampala

Tel: +256 393 260 166, /Fax +256 414 341 624 Email: [email protected], Website:

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