Electronic Eye Project - Antony Joy
Electronic Eye Project - Antony Joy
Electronic Eye Project - Antony Joy
Last but not the least, I would extend my gratitude towards all
teaching and non teaching staff of Believers Church Vijayagiri
Public school and towads my friends who have supported me to
complete this project
Antony Joy
The main principle of the circuit is to ring the door bell when
there is any person at the entrance. Light on the LDR determines
whether a person is present or not. When there is any object at
the entrance, LDR is in dark and buzzer starts ringing and the LED
starts glowing.
Circuit Components:
7805 regulator U1
Resistors R1,R2,R3,R4,R5-100k,1k,100,22o,820
1N4007 diode D1
Capacitors C1,C2
BC 547 transistors Q1,Q2
Light Dependent Resistor
Buzzer BUZ1
Light Emitting Diode D2.
Bread board
Connecting wires
DC 9V battery.