Electronic Eye Project - Antony Joy

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This is to certify that Antony Joy of class xii j has successfully

completed the investigatory project on the topic “ELECTRONIC
EYE” under the guidance of Mr. Ritto Anto (subject teacher –
physics) during the year 2018-19 in the partial fulfillment of the
physics practical examination conducted by CBSE

Teachers signature Principal’s signature


I would like to sincerely and profusely thank my Physics teacher

Mr.Ritto Anto, for his able guidance and support in completing my

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the principal for

privinding me with all the facility that was required

Last but not the least, I would extend my gratitude towards all
teaching and non teaching staff of Believers Church Vijayagiri
Public school and towads my friends who have supported me to
complete this project

Antony Joy

An electric eye is a photo detector used for detecting obstruction

of a light beam. An example is the door safety system used
on garage door openers that use a light transmitter and receiver
at the bottom of the door to prevent closing if there is any
obstruction in the way that breaks the light beam. The device
does not provide an image; only presence of light is detectable.
Visible light may be used, but infrared radiation conceals the
operation of the device and typically is used in modern systems.
Originally, systems used lamps powered by direct current or the
power line alternating current frequency, but modern photo
detector systems use an infrared light-emitting diode modulated
at a few kilohertz, which allows the detector to reject stray light
and improves the range, sensitivity and security of the device.

Electronic Eye Controlled Security

System Circuit Principle:

The main principle of the circuit is to ring the door bell when
there is any person at the entrance. Light on the LDR determines
whether a person is present or not. When there is any object at
the entrance, LDR is in dark and buzzer starts ringing and the LED
starts glowing.

Circuit Diagram of Electronic Eye

Controlled Security System

Circuit Components:
 7805 regulator U1
 Resistors R1,R2,R3,R4,R5-100k,1k,100,22o,820
 1N4007 diode D1
 Capacitors C1,C2
 BC 547 transistors Q1,Q2
 Light Dependent Resistor
 Buzzer BUZ1
 Light Emitting Diode D2.
 Bread board
 Connecting wires
 DC 9V battery.

Electronic Eye Controlled Security

System Circuit Design:
This circuit can be divided into two parts. One is the power supply
and the other is logic circuit. In the power supply 9v supply is
converted to the 5v .The logic circuit operates the buzzer when
any shadow falls on it.

Power supply circuit consists of battery, diode, regulators and

capacitors. Initially a 9v battery is connected to the diode. Diode
used here is a P-N junction diode of 1N4007 series. In this circuit
1N4007 is connected in the forward bias condition .The main
purpose of the diode in this circuit is to protect the circuit from
negative voltages .There is a chance of connecting battery with
reverse polarities which damages the circuit. So P-N junction
diode connected in the forward bias allows the current to flow
only in one direction and thus the circuit can be protected .There
is some voltage drop across the diode. A voltage of 0.7V is
dropped across the diode.

A regulator is used for regulating the output voltage of the circuit

.The regulator IC used here is 7805.78 represents the series and
05 represents the output voltage .Thus a voltage of 5v is produced
at the output of the regulator .Two capacitors are used before
and after the regulator .These two capacitors eliminate the ripples
.Thus a constant voltage is produced at the output of the
regulator, which is applied to the logic circuit.

The logic circuit mainly consists of Light Dependent Resistor,

transistors,Op-amp IC and a buzzer. A 220KOhm resistor is
connected in series to the LDR. Light dependent resistor will have
resistance in mega ohms when it is placed in dark. This resistance
value will decrease gradually when it is placed in the light. Thus
there is a variation in the series resistances. When the LDR is in
dark it has high resistance and produces the logic high value at the
output .When the LDR is in light, the resistance value of the LDR
decreases and at the not gate it gives logic low voltage.
The op-amp IC used is LM 358.This IC compares the two inputs
and produces an output which is applied to the transistor. Two
transistor are connected to the buzzer from these resistances.
The first transistor inverts the input from the op-amp. The second
transistor drives the buzzer. The diode is placed for protection.

Buzzer used here is a 5v magnetic buzzer. It has two pin at the

output. One pin is connected to the not gate and the other pin is
connected to the Light Emitting Diode.LED is used for indication
only. When the output from logic gate is high buzzer starts
ringing. Led also starts blinking.
Block Diagram of Electronic Eye
Security Control System

The block diagram of the electronic eye security control system

mainly includes Battery, Slide switch, LDR, Ripple Counter IC,
Transistor, Buzzer, Relay, Bulb, Diode, Transformer, Capacitor and
Resistor. The main principle of this Electronic eye security control
system project is to give a buzzer when there is any person at the
door entrance. When the light falls on the LDR tells whether a
person at the door entrance is present or not. Whenever there is
any object placed at the entrance of the door, light dependent
resistor is in dark and gives the buzzer and the LED starts blinking.
When NOT gate goes high(1) the input pin is at lower and at 1/3rd
level of the supply voltage. Conversely the output goes low(o)
when it is above 1/3rd level. So small change in the voltage of pin 2
is enough to change the level of output (pin-3) from 1 to 0 and 0
to 1
The output has only two states high and low and cannot remain in
any intermediate stage it is powered by a 9V batter for portable
use. The circuit is economic in power consumption, Pin 1 is
connected to the positive supply and pin 8 is grounded. LDR used
in the circuit is a special type of resistance whose value depends
on the brightness of the light which is falling on it.
It has resistance of about I mega ohm when in total darkness, but
a resistance of only about 5k ohms when brightness illuminated. It
responds to a large part of light spectrum. We have made a
potential divider circuit with LDR and 220 kilo ohm resistance
connected in series. We know that voltage is directly proportional
to conductance so with more voltage we will get from this divider
when LDR is getting light and low voltage in darkness
This divided voltage is given to input of Not gate. As soon as LDR
gets dark the voltage of input not gate drops 1/3rd of the supply
voltage and pin 2 gets high and LED or buzzer which is connected
to the output gets activated.
How to Operate this Electronic
Eye Controlled Security
System Circuit?
 Initially, connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram on
the bread board.
 Now connect the supply voltage of 9v using battery.
 Place the Light Dependent Resistor in light .You can observe
no sound is produced from the buzzer.
 Place the LDR in dark buzzer starts ringing. LED connected to
the buzzer also starts blinking.
 As the intensity falling on the LDR increases sound produced
by the buzzer increases.

Electronic Eye Controlled Security

System Applications:
 This can be used in door bell circuits.
 This can be used in garage door opening circuits.
 Electronic eye can be used in security applications.
 Hence, when the light beam is made to fall on the LDR and is
interrupted, the resistance of LDR increases and IC -4049 will
produce a loud sound in the speaker

1. Keep safe yourself from high voltage.

2. While taking the readings of current and voltage the A.C should
remain constant.
3. Use equipments with care for the purpose for which it is
4. when working with electric circuits, be sure that the current is
turned off before making adjustments in the circuits
 Wikipedia
 Internet
 School library
 Teachers
 Electronic devices and circuit theory

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