Shock Watch
Shock Watch
Shock Watch
ImpactManager RF ImpactManager SC
ImpactManager ID
ImpactManager SC Models:
SC1000 self-contained; no wiring; internal
When mounted to a forklift: alarm and 9V battery
Detect impacts and record event details SC1010 draws power from forklift battery;
(date, time, driver ID) optimal for special operating temperatures
Transmits data wirelessly for the RF or SC1040 9V battery; allows integration of
downloaded manually forklift accessories (i.e., horn and lights)
Controls access by ensuring that only SC1060 powered by forklift battery; can use
trained or certified drivers are operating forklift accessories; ideal for loud facilities
SC1080 powered by forklift battery; uses a
remote panel, housing the keyswitch and
test switch controls for mounting
Mounted directly to your equipment, ShockWatch Equipment Monitors ensure proper usage around
the clock. By capturing data on all aspects of operation and actually controlling others, monitors
enable you to manage operations like never before. The mere existence of monitors is enough to
encourage your workforce to work smarter.
Operator accountability and quality information will soar, while costs due to accidents, misuse and
untimely maintenance and repair will begin disappear.