Chapter 2 Form 5 Science
Chapter 2 Form 5 Science
Chapter 2 Form 5 Science
• Definition : Chemical substances which all living things need in order to live and
grow healthily.
• Importance: 1. To get energy Gigi
2. To grow Ghazali
3. To build new cell Baru Keyword
4. To repair damaged tissue Rongak,
5. To maintain good health Mak…
• Example :
1) 80 g of bread
2) 150 g of butter
3) 65 g of milk
4) 500 g of mutton
1. Sex Sheila
Male need more energy than female
• Definition: Diet which consists of all the classes of food, include water and
dietary fibre, in the correct proportions.
• Importance: 1. To get energy Gigi
2. To grow Ghazali
3. To build new cell Baru Keyword
4. To repair damaged tissue Rongak,
5. To maintain good health Mak…
Carbohydrates = 80%
Proteins = 7.5%
Fats = 10%
Minerals & vitamins = sufficient amount
Dietary fibre = sufficient amount
Water = 7-8 glasses
A lot of problems might be arising from over eating, less eating or eating unbalanced
diet. For example:
a) Malnutrition (eating unbalanced diet) d) Diseases due to unhealthy eating
b) Obesity (more eating) habits (eating unbalanced diet).
c) Anorexia nervosa (less eating)
- It happens due to over eating for long period of time. So, the excess food is
converted into fat and stored under skin (especially in the abdomen). As a result,
person will become very fat or obese
- It happens due to insufficient amount of food taking by person especially ladies since
they want to get slim body to look attractive. Eventually, they will vomit the digested
food and as a result, they will become thin, dehydrated, and very undernourished.
1. hypertension 2. stroke
- other name for high blood pressure - stroke occurs if artery of the brain bursts
- affect to the heart - it can cause paralysis of part of the body
- happens due to taking too much salt or the whole body
o Help us to prevent deficiency diseases such as ricket, goiter, scurvy and etc.
o Help us to prevent health problem such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes and etc.
o Supply necessary energy that required by us
o Maintain our good health
Importance of photosynthesis:
o Helps to maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in atmosphere
o Supply foods to green plants, animals and human being
Definition: Minerals required by plants in large amount for their healthy growth
Macronutrient Function
Carbon (C) To form carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Hydrogen (H) “
Oxygen (O) “
Nitrogen (N) To form hormones, proteins, nucleic acid and chlorophyll
Phosphorus (P) To form proteins and nucleic acid
To stimulate the production of flowers and fruits
Potassium (K) To form carbohydrates, proteins and new cells
To build up resistance for disease
Calcium (Ca) To form cell walls
For growth
Magnesium (Mg) To form chlorophyll
To activate certain enzymes
Sulphur (S) To form certain amino acids
For growth
Definition: Minerals required by plants in very small amount for their healthy growth.
They also have known as trace elements.
Micronutrient Function
Boron (B) To help in the breaking up of the carbohydrates
Molybdenum (Mo) To help nitrogen to carry out its functions
Zinc (Zn) To activate certain enzymes
Manganese (Mn) “
Copper (Cu) To form enzymes for photosynthesis
Iron (Fe) To form chlorophyll
Nitrogen in atmosphere
Action of denitrifying Synthesis of nitrogen fixing
bacteria bacteria
Nitrates Nitrates
- Plant and animals are said to be our food resources. Thus, we should manage these food
resources so that there will be a continuous food supply for us.
- To manage these food resources, we have to do a lot of following things:
Avoid wastage
Ensure that we do not cook more than we can eat.
- Besides, we have to practice healthy eating habits in our daily life. It can be done by:
Eat well-balanced diet
Avoid skipping meals especially breakfast
Eat our food slowly so that the brain has enough time to register fullness.
Avoid taking excessive amount of sugars, salts and fats in our food