XII Practicals Viva Q

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1. What is BIOT ?
2. Define standard ampere.
3. What is Seebeck series. What are its
uses ?
4. Draw energy band diagram of P-type
and N-type semiconductor ?
5. Draw input and output characteristic
curves for n-p-n / p-n-p transistor (CE
configuration )
6. Why
Jockey is so called Jockey ?
7. Draw and explain circuit diagram of
transistor amplifier and oscillator.
8. Draw and explain full wave rectifier.
What is the use of filter circuit.
9. Draw and explain working of Zener
diode. What is the meaning of break down
voltage ?
10. Logic
gates. Realization of OR, AND and NOT
gate, NAND, NOR gate.
11. Make NOT, AND, OR gates using
NAND/NOR gates only.
12. While performing Ohms law
experiment, a drop of water falls on
resistance wire, what will happen to the
current flowing in circuit ?
13. Why potentiometer is preferred over
voltmeter to measure emf of a cell ?
14. Leclance cell 1.4 to 1.45 volt. Its
internal resistance 1.2 ohm while it
increases as cell is getting discharge. It is
used for intermittent current supply like in
telephone exchange. Carbon rod is +ve
electrode (Anode) and Zinc rod is ve
electrode (cathode). Solution is NH 4Cl as
15. Deniel cell: Cu container is +ve
electrode and Zn rod is Solution in copper
container is CuSO4 while Dilute H2 SO4 acid
in porous pot. Its resistance is higher than
Leclance cell. Emf is 1.1 volt.
16. Difference between diamagnetic and
paramagnetic materials with examples.
17. Hysteresis curve. Retentivity,
coercivity definitions. Electromagnet- soft
Permanent magnetsteel
Losses in transformer
19. Why 3 phase generator is preferred
over single phase generator ?


20. If a lens is diped in water, what will

happen to its new focal length ?
21. If a mirror is diped in water, what will
happen to its new focal length ?

1. What is the difference between electronics and

2. What is a semiconductor?
3. What is doping?
4.What is intrinsic semiconductor?
5.What is extrinsic semiconductor?
6.Why the atoms added to a semiconductor for
modifying it's properties are called "impurities"?
7.What are holes? How are they formed?
8.What is an "n-type" semiconductor?
9.What is a p-type semiconductor?
10. Which has greater conductivity: n-type or
11.What is the net charge on an n-type and
p-type semiconductor?
12. What is a diode?
13.What is depletion region?
14. What is potential barrier?
15.How is Internal Potential Barrier developed in
a diode?
16.What do you mean by cut in voltage and knee
voltage in the case of a diode?
17. Name one universal Logic Gate. Why is it
called so?
18. What do you mean by biasing of a diode?
19. When do we say that a diode is forward
20. When do we say that a diode is reverse
21. What do you mean by breakdown voltage?
22. What is the mechanism of breakdown of an
ordinary diode?
23. What is a zener diode?
24. How is a zener diode different from an
ordinary diode?
26. What is zener voltage?
27.What is an LED?
28. What is the mechanism of emission of light
by an LED?
29. What is LDR?
30. Name two practical applications of LDR.

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31. What is current amplification factor?
32.What is a transistor?
33.Which are the different configurations of a
34.Which is the most widely used transistor
configuration for amplification? why?
35. What are the other uses of a transistor?
36.What is an oscillator?
37. What do you mean by positive feedback in
transistor amplifier?
38. Draw the shape of input and output
characteristics of CE transistor.
39. How does a transistor act as a switch?
40.What are logic gates? why are they called so?
41. Which are the basic logic gates?
1. State Ohm's law
2. Under what conditions Ohm's law is valid
3. Define resistance
4. Define resistivity
5. What are the precautions to be observed while
performing the experiment?
6. How does resistivity vary with (a) length (b)
7. Why is it advised to switch off the power
supply when you are not making observations?
8. What is a safety fuse? How does it protect the
house hold circuit?
9. What is overloading?
10. What is short circuiting?
11. What is earthing?
12. How earthing and safety fuse protect the user
from shocks?
13. What is the principle on which the metre
bridge is based ?
14. Can we interchange the position of
galvanometer and cell of a balanced
Wheatstone's Bridge without affecting the
balanced state?
15. Why potentiometer is considered to be more
accurate in measuring emf ?
16. How does the balancing length in a
potentiometer change if the resistance in the
primary circuit is increased?
17. State the principle of a potentiometer?
18. What are the paprameters to be kept constant
for the principle of potentiometer to be valid?
19. How can we increase the sensitivity of a


20. Define one ampere.
21. How will you define the direction of electric
22. What is a primary cell?
23. What is a secondary cell?
24. What are the differences between a primary
cell and a secondary cell?
25. Define internal resistance.
26. What are the factors affecting the internal
resistance of a cell?
27. What is a battery?
28. Name any two primary cells.
29. Name any two secondary cells.
30. What is the role of manganese dioxide in a
dry cell or a leclanche cell?
31. What is an electric circuit?
32.What is a key?
33. Which are the two common types of keys
used in Physics Lab?
34. What is a rheostat?
35. Other than varying resistance in a circuit,
what can a rheostat be used for?
36. What happens to the resistivity of a wire
when it is doublefolded?
37. How does the resistance of a wire depend on
its dimensions?
38.Why are resistances used in reistance box like
2000,5000 etc?
39. Why constantan or manganin wires are used
for making the resistance coils in resistance box?
40.What is a standard resistance?
41. What are the characteristics of a standard
42. What are the precautuins to be observed
while doing electricity experiments in general?
43. What is a galvanometer?
44. What is the resistance of an ideal ammeter?
45. Why is ammeter always connected in series
and voltmeter always connetced in parallel?
46. How can we convert a galvanometer into an
ammeter or a voltmeter?
47. What is shunt?
48.What is AVO meter?
49. What is the effect of temperature on the
resistance of a conductor?
50. Why does the resistance of a conductor

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increases with temperature, whereas that of a

semiconductor decreases with temperature.
51. What is conductance?
52. What are non ohmic devices? give an
example. What are superconductors?
53. Define emf
54. Why emf is said to be a misnomer?
55. What happens if the battery used in the
primary circuit of a potentiometer has less emf
compared to the emf of the cell used in the
secondary circuit?
56. If you find that the galvanometer reading is
shaky, what error can you expect?
57. What do you mean by figure of merit of a

18. Define EMF?

19. Why emf is called a misnomer (A wrong
name which does not really mean it)?
20. What is the unit of current?
21. How is ampere defined in SI?
22. Can Ohm's law be applied to ac as well as dc
or dc alone or ac alone? Why?
23. What are ohmic devices? Give an example
24. What are non ohmic devices? Give example.
25. Define resistance.
26. What are the applications of resistance?
27. Name a device which opposes current but
offers no dissipation of power.
Part -2 (Electricity Based
What is AC? What is DC?
58.Why a moving coil galvanometre is called so? 2. Distinguish unidirectional current and direct
59.What is the principle of a galvanometer?
Ohm's Law
1. State Ohm's law.
3. Define RMS value of AC.
4. What do you mean by frequency of AC?
2. What are the conditions to be obeyed for
5. Why the power supply to our houses are AC
Ohm's Law to be valid?
3. What are the precautions to be observed while and not DC?
6. What are the advantages of AC over DC?
performing electrical instruments?
4. Why is it advised to clean the ends of the wire 7. What is a choke coil?
8. Why a choke coil is considered better than a
before it is connected in a circuit?
5. What are the factors affecting the resistance of resistor to regulate AC?
9. What is an electromagnet?
a metallic wire (conductor)?
6. What is the effect of change of temperature on 10. What is resonance?
11. What is the use of sound box in a sonometer?
the resistance of a conductor?
7. What is the effect of change in temperature on 12. Why can't we use a transformer in dc
a semiconductor?
8. What do you mean by temperature coefficient 13. Why ac transmitted to long distance are at
very high voltages?
of resistance?
14. What is electromagnetic induction?
9. What is the unit of resistivity?
15. State Faraday's laws of electromagnetic
10. What is the unit of conductance?
11. Which are the two basic ways in which
16. Why Michael Faraday is called the father of
resistors can be connected?
electricity though he was not the one who
12. Draw the circuit symbol of a resistance.
discovered electricity?
13. What current would flow through a resistor
17. What is damping?
of 40 ohms connected to a 10 V supply?
18. What are eddy currents?
14. What value of resistor would be used to
19. State Lenz law.
permit a current of 0.2 A to flow using a 6V
Metre Bridge (I and II)
15. Why ammeter is always connected in series? 1. What is the principle of working of a metre
16. Why Voltmeter is always connected in
2. State Kirchhoff's laws of electricity.
17. Why a voltmeter is not suitable for
3. What is the basic principle behind Kirchoff's
determining the exact value of emf?
first law?
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4. What is the basic principle behind Kirchoff's
second law?
5. State Wheatstone's Bridge Principle.
6. Name another apparatus based on
Wheatstone's Bridge Principle.
7. Why metre bridge is also called slide wire
8. Why metre bridge is called so?
9. What are the precautions to be observed while
performing the experiment of metre bridge?
10. What are the applications of metre bridge?
11. Define resistivity.
12.Why is it advised,balancing point in metre
Bridge experiment must be between 30 -70 cm?
13. What is the effect on balancing length if the
position of battery and galvanometer of a
balanced metre bridge are interchanged?
14. State the laws of combination of resistance.
15. If you are given two resistors 3 and 6 ,
what are the smallest and biggest resistance
which can be achieved by combining them in
different ways?
Potentiometer Experiment
1. State the Principle of a Potentiometer.
2.What are the characteristics of a potentiometer?
3. Define potential gradient.
4. What are the precautions to be observed
during the potentiometer experiment?
5. Why a potentiometer is considered superior to
a voltmeter in measuring emf?
6. Why the positive pole of a battery whose emf
is required is connected to the same terminal of
the potentiometer wire as the positive pole of the
driver cell.
7. Why should the emf of the cell in the primary
be greater than the cells used in the secondary
8. What are the components of a Leclanche cell?
9. What are the components of a Daniel cell?
10.What is the function of rheostat in the primary
circuit of a potentiometer?
Viva for Optics Experiments
Determining focal length of Convex lens,
concave lens, concave mirror, convex mirror, id
curve of prism and determining refractive index,
lateral displacement produced by glass slab,
refractive index determination using travelling
microscope etc.
1. Define refractive index.


2. What is the least value of refractive index

3.What can you infer if someone says that he has
a medium of refractive index less than one?
4. Define focus.
5. Define pole of a spherical mirror.
6. Define optic centre.
7. What is spherical abberration?
8. What is chromatic abberration?
9. What is the focal length of a plane mirror?
10. How will you distinguish between a plane
mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror
without feeling its surface with your hand?
11. Under what conditions can a plane mirror for
a real image?
12. What are the differences between convex lens
and concave lens?
13.What is dispersion?
14. Why a glass slab does not produce dispersion
whereas a prism does?
1. Define refractive angle of the prism.
2, What is parallax?
3. What is index correction?
4. How is parallax removed?
5. What are the practical uses of a concave
6. Why a concave mirror is considered better as a
makeup mirror?
7. Why the reflectors used in search lights are
paraboloidal and not concave?
8. Distinguish real image and virtual image.
9. Why mirrors are silvered on the back surface?
10. Why a convesx mirror is preferred as the rear
view mirror of vehicles?
11. What is the principle on which the working
of a simple microscope is based?
12. Define power of a lens.
13. Define angle of deviation
14. What are the factors on which the lateral
displacement produced by a glass slab depend?
15. Define critical angle for a pair of media.
16. What is total internal reflection?
17. What are the applications of total internal
18. What is angle of minimum deviation?
19. What are the factors on which the deviation
produced by a prism depends ?
20. What is the cause of dispersion?
21. Why a travelling microscope is called so?

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Resistance of a galvanometer by
half-deflection method and figure
of merit
What is a galvanometer?
2. State Fleming's left hand rule.
3. Define figure of merit of a galvanometer.
4. How do you convert a galvanometer to a
5. What is the difference between a galvanoscope
and a galvanometer?
6.Write principle of a moving coil galvanometer?
7. What are the factors affecting the torque on a
coil placed in a uniform magnetic field?
8. What is the need of a radial magnetic field in a
moving coil galvanometer?
9.What is the difference between a pivoted type
galvanometer and a suspended type MCG?

Q. 11. Two resistors are connected in parallel b/w A

and B to give a net resistance of 2 ohms. When one of
these resistors is broken, the net resistance becomes a
3 ohms. What is the resistance of the resistor that was

Q. 3. What is the order of voltages that can be built

up using a Van De Graff generator?

Q. 17. The resistivity of a metal X is 3.2 x 10-8 while

the free electron density is 5 x 1028 m-3. Find the drift
velocity of electrons if a potential gradient of 1 Vm-1
is applied across X.

Q. 12. Using a suitable graph, explain why nichrome

is used in standard resistance coils.
Q. 13. A velocity selector is to be designed for
particles of velocity 10m/s. What magnetic field
should be employed if the electric field in it is 100
Q. 14. Explain why a potentiometer is preferred over
a voltmeter for measuring potential differences.

Q. 15. An alpha particle and a proton accelerated by

the same potential difference enter into a magnetic
Q. 1. In a hydrogen atom, an electron revolves around field. Find the ratio of their radius and the ratio of
their frequency.
a proton. Which of these two exerts a greater
electrostatic force on the other?
Q. 16. In a meter bridge experiment with a fixed
resistor of 10 ohm, the balance length is found to be
Q. 2. What is the force experienced by a positively
75cm. What resistance should be added in series with
charges particle Q moving at right angles to a uniform this fixed resistor so as to bring the null point in the
electric field E.
center of the wire.

Q. 4. What is the angle b/w Electric field and Dipole

moment at an axial point?
Q. 5 Define gyromagnetic ratio. What is its value?
Q. 6 State the condition in which terminal voltage
across a secondary cell is equal to its emf.

Q. 18. What type of materials are used for making

a. Permanent magnets
b. Transformer cores.

Q. 7. The dielectric strength of air is 3 x 106 V/m.

Give two line reasons for each
What is the maximum charge that can be safely stored
on a sphere of radius 10m?
Q. 19. In the circuit , what is the reading of the
Q. 8. Name two types of commercially available
What resistance should be connected in series with
the R = 6 ohm resistor so the voltmeter reading
become zero
Q. 9. On the same graph plot the variation of E versus
R and V versus R for a point charge.
Q. 10. Define mobility and mention its SI unit

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Derive an expression for the equivalent emf and

internal resistance

Q. 20. Show that the far field of a solenoid resembles

that of a bar magnet. Hence define the magnetic
moment of a solenoid.

Q. 28. Using a labeled diagram explain the

construction and working of a moving coil
galvanometer. Define its current and voltage
sensitivity and explain how they can be increased.
(b) A galvanometer with a coil resistance of 5 ohm
can tolerate a maximum current of 10mA. Explain
how this can be converted into an ammeter of range

Q. 21. A long cylinder of radius Ro is carrying a

current Io ,which is uniformly distributed over its
cross section. Derive an expression for the magnitude
of magnetic field inside as well as outside the wire.
Plot a curve to show the variation of magnetic field
with radial distance.

Q. 29. There are a total of N cells each of emf E and

internal resistance r. They are connected in the form
of a 2 dimensional array of n rows each having
equal number of cells. What is the maximum current
that can be obtained from this combination.
(b) This array is connected to an external resistor R.
Derive an expression for the current flowing through
R. For what value of R is this current maximum.

Q. 22. A and B are two concentric hollow metallic

shells of radius RA and RB. A is given a charge QA
while B is given a charge QB. Find the electric
potential at a distance R from the center such that

Q. 30. Derive the value of potential due to an electric

dipole at a point r distance away at an angle . On
same graph show the variation of potential with
distance for a point charge and for a dipole.

a. R <>A
b. RA <>B
c. R > RB
Q. 23. Derive an expression for the torque acting on a
current carrying loop placed in a uniform magnetic
field. Hence define the magnetic moment of a current
carrying loop.
Q. 24. Use kirchoffs laws to deduce the condition of
a balanced wheatstone bridge.
Q. 25. Explain mathematically, why the resistance of
metals increases while that of semiconductor
decreases with the rise in temperature. Plot
Resistance versus Temperature for Cu and for Silicon.
Q. 26. Three charges Q , Q and Q are placed on the
vertices of an equilateral triangle of side L. Find the
net force experienced by the charge Q and the net
force experienced by the charge Q.
Q. 27. Cell A has an emf EA and internal resistance rA
while cell B has emf EB and internal resistance rB.
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