ch1 8
ch1 8
ch1 8
When two or more measurements with different degrees of accuracy are added, the result is only as accurate as the least
accurate measurement. Suppose that two resistances are added in series as in
Neglecting the resistance of the milliammeter, the value of the unknown resistor is R x = 20 k .
(b) The voltmeter resistance equals
Since the voltmeter is in parallel with the unknown resistance, we can write
(c) %
Example 1-8
Repeat Example 1-7 if the milliammeter reads 800 mA and the voltmeter reads 40 V on its 150-V scale.
Errors caused by the loading effect of the voltmeter can be avoided by using it intelligently. For example, a low-resistance
voltmeter should not be used to measure voltages in a vacuum tube amplifier. In this particular measurement, a high-input
impedance voltmeter (such as a VTVM or TVM) is required.
A large number of gross errors can be attributed to carelessness or bad habits, such as improper reading of an instrument,
recording the result differently from the actual reading taken, or adjusting the instrument incorrectly. Consider the case in
which a multirange voltmeter uses a single set of scale markings with different number designations for the various voltage
ranges. It is easy to use a scale which does not correspond to the setting of the range selector of the voltmeter. A gross error
may also occur when the instrument is not set to zero before the measurement is taken; then all the readings are off.
Errors like these cannot be treated mathematically. They can be avoided only by taking care in reading and recording the
measurement data. Good practice requires making more than one reading of the same quantity, preferably by a different
observer. Never place complete dependence on one reading but take at least three separate readings, preferably under conditions
in which instruments arc switched ofT-on.
1. What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
2. List four sources of possible errors in instruments.
3. What are the three general classes of errors?
4. Define
(a) instrumental error, (b) limiting error,
(c) calibration error, (d) environmental error,
(e) random error, (f) probable error.
1. A 0-1-mA milliammeter has 100 divisions which can easily be read to the nearest division. What is the resolution of the
2. A digital voltmeter has a read-out range from 0 to 9,999 counts. Determine the resolution of the instrument in volts when the
full-scale reading is 9.999 V.
3. State the number of significant figures in each of the following:
(a) 542, (b) 0.65,
(c) 27.25, (d) 0.00005,
(e) 40 X 106, (f) 20,000.
4. Four capacitors are placed in parallel. The capacitor values are 36.3 /j,F, 3.85 jLtF, 34.002 fiF, and 850 nF, with an
uncertainty of one digit in the last place. What is the total capacitance? Give only the significant figures in the answer.
5. A voltage drop of 112.5 V is measured across a resistor passing a current of 1.62 A. Calculate the power dissipation of the
resistor. Give only significant figures in the answer.
6. What voltage would a 20,000-H/V meter on a 0-1-V scale show in the circuit of Fig. PI-6?
Figure P 1-6
7. The voltage across a resistor is 200 V, with a probable error of ± 2 per cent, and the resistance is 42 O with a probable error
of ± 1.5 per cent. Calculate (a) the power dissipated in the resistor, (b) the percentage error in the answer.
8. The following values were obtained from the measurements of the value of a resistor: 147.2 H, 147.4 ft, 147.9 a, 148.1 H,
147.1 a, 147.5 H, 147.6 H, 147.4 a, 147.6 ft, and 147.5 O. Calculate (a) the arithmetic mean, (b) the average deviation, (c) the
standard deviation, (d) the probable error of the average of the ten readings.
9. Six determinations of a quantity, as entered on the data sheet and presented to you for analysis, are 12.35, 12.71, 12.48,
10.24, 12.63, and 12.58. Examine the data and on the basis of your conclusions calculate (a) the arithmetic mean, (b) the
standard deviation, (d) the probable error in per cent of the average of the readings.
10. Two resistors have the following ratings:
Rl = 36 ft ± 5% and ^2 = 75 H ± 5%
Calculate (a) the magnitude of error in each resistor, (b) the limiting error in ohms and in per cent when the resistors are
connected in series, (c) the limiting error in ohms and in per cent when the resistors are connected in parallel.
11. The resistance of an unknown resistor is determined by the Wheatstone bridge method. The solution for the unknown
resistance is stated as Rx = R1R2/R3,
where R1= 500 H ± 1%
R2 = 615 H ± 1%
R, = 100 O ± 0.5%
Calculate (a) the nominal value of the unknown resistor, (b) the limiting error in ohms of the unknown resistor, (c) the limiting
error in per cent of the unknown resistor.
12. A resistor is measured by the voltmeter-ammeter method. The voltmeter reading is 123.4 V on the 250-V scale and the
ammeter reading is 283.5 mA on the 500-mA scale. Both meters are guaranteed to be accurate within ± 1 per cent of full-scale
reading. Calculate (a) the indicated value of the resistance, (b) the limits within which you can guarantee the result.
13. In a dc circuit, the voltage across a component is 64.3 V and the current is 2.53 A. Both current and voltage are given with
an uncertainty of one unit in the last place. Calculate the power dissipation to the appropriate number of significant figures.
14. A power transformer was tested to determine losses and efficiency. The input power was measured as 3,650 W and the
delivered output power was 3,385 W, with each reading in doubt by ± 10 W. Calculate (a) the percentage uncertainty in the
losses of the transformer, (b) the percentage uncertainty in the efficiency of the transformer, as determined by the difference in
input and output power readings.
15. The power factor and phase angle in a circuit carrying a sinusoidal current are determined by measurements of current,
voltage, and power. The current is read as 2.50 A on a 5-A ammeter, the voltage as 115 V on a 250-V voltmeter, and the power
as 220 W on a 500-W wattmeter. The ammeter and voltmeter are guaranteed accurate to within ±0.5 per cent of full-scale
indication and the wattmeter to within ± 1 per cent of full-scale reading. Calculate (a) the percentage accuracy to which the
power factor can be guaranteed, (b) the possible error in the phase angle.
In 1790 the French government issued a directive to the French Academy of Sciences to study and to submit proposals for a
single system of weights and measures to replace all other existing systems. The French scientists decided, us a first principle,
that a universal system of weights and measures should not depend on man-made reference standards, but instead be based on
permanent measures provided by nature. As the unit of length, therefore, they chose the meter, defined as the ten-millionth part
of the distance from the pole to the equator along the meridian passing through Paris. As the unit of mass they chose the mass
of a cubic centimeter of distilled water at 4°C and normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg) and gave it the name gram. As
the third unit, the unit of time, they decided to retain the traditional second, defining it as 1/86,400 of the mean solar day.
As a second principle, they decided that all other units should be derived from the aforementioned three fundamental units of
length, mass, and time. Next—the third principle—they proposed that all multiples and submultiples of basic units be in the
decimal system, and they devised the system of prefixes in use today. Table 2-1 lists the decimal multiples and submultiples.
The proposals of the French Academy were approved and introduced as the metric system of units in France in 1795. The
metric system aroused considerable interest elsewhere and finally, in 1875, 17 countries signed the so-called Metre Convention,
making the metric system of units the legal system. Britain and the United States, although signatories of the convention,
recognized its legality only in international transactions but did not accept the metric system for their own domestic use.
Britain, in the meantime, had been working on a system of electrical units, and the British Association for the Advancement of
Science decided on the centimeter and the gram as the fundamental units of length and mass.
From this developed the centimeter-gram-second or CGS absolute system of units, used by physicists all over the world.
Complications arose when the CGS system was extended to electric and magnetic measurements because of the need to
introduce at least one more unit in the system. In fact, two parallel systems were established. In the CGS electrostatic system,
the unit of electric charge was derived from the centimeter, gram, and second by assigning the value 1 to the permittivity of free
space in Coulomb's law for the force between electric charges. In the CGS electromagnetic system, the basic units are the same
and the unit of magnetic pole strength is derived from them by assigning the value 1 to the permeability of free space in the
inverse square formula for the force between magnetic poles.
A more comprehensive system was adopted in 1954 and designated in 1960 by international agreement as the System
International (SI). In the SI system, six basic units are used, namely, the meter, kilogram, second, and ampere of the MKSA
system and, in addition, the Kelvin and the candela as the units of temperature and luminous intensity, respectively. The SI
units are replacing other systems in science and technology; they have been adopted as the legal units in France, and will
become obligatory in other metric countries. The six basic SI quantities and units of measurement, with their unit symbols,
are listed in Table 2-2.