Hagglunds CA
Hagglunds CA
Hagglunds CA
Hägglunds CA
2 Product catalog Hägglunds CA motor | The drive behind your success
A Hägglunds hydraulic direct drive is a drive system beyond the ordinary. In far
less space than other drives – and with far less weight and complexity – it delivers
flexible, reliable power.
With a Hägglunds drive, your machine has unlimited access THE JOURNEY
to high torque. Yet it’s also protected from torque stresses.
You get the power and stamina to do more, but with less A Hägglunds solution is a total solution – of which the drive
strain, less wear and less maintenance hassle. system itself is only one part. It’s a complete answer to
Put simply, you get a drive that goes the distance. And your needs, built as much on knowledge, experience and
behind it is a company that goes the distance with you. commitment as it is on drive technology.
A Hägglunds direct drive system comprises a hydraulic motor’s rotation is determined by the fast-acting hydraulic
motor and a flexibly placed drive unit, overseen by a pumps in the drive unit, while the control and monitoring
control and monitoring system. This simple configuration system provides information and advanced functionality.
withstands the challenges of virtually any application or Supporting these components is a wide range of valves and
environment. accessories, creating even greater flexibility in installation
Mounted directly on the driven shaft, the compact motor and operation.
supplies reliable power. The force and direction of the
Hägglunds CA in short
Bosch Rexroth’s hydraulic industrial motor Hägglunds CA is Oil main lines are connected to ports A and C in the con
of the radial piston type with a rotating cylinder block/ nection housing and drain lines to one of the D -ports in the
hollow shaft and a stationary housing. The cylinder block is motor housing.
mounted in fixed roller bearings in the housing. An even The motor is connected to the shaft of the driven machine
number of pistens are radially located in bores inside the through the hollow shaft or spline of the cylinder block.
cylinder block, and the distributor directs the incoming and
outgoing oil to and from the working pistens. Each piston is The symmetrical design of the motor has made it possible
working against a cam roller. to design it as a dual displacement motor. This means that
two different displacements and speeds can be obtained
When the hydraulic pressure is acting on the pistens, the for a given flow. To get the 2-speed function, a motor pre
cam rollers are pushed against the slope on the cam ring pared for two speeds has to be ordered together with a
that is rigidly connected to the housing, thereby producing 2-speed valve.
a torque. The cam rollers transfer the reaction force to the
pistons which are guided in the cylinder block. Rotation Quality
therefore occurs, and the torque available is proportional to To assure our quality we maintain a Quality Assurance
the pressure in the system. System, certified to standard ISO 9001.
1 1. Cam ring
2. Cam roller
2 3. Piston
4. Shrink disc
5. Cylinder block / hollow shaft
3 8
6. Cylinder block / spline
7. Housing cover
8. Cylindrical roller bearing
9. Connection housing
11 10. Distributor
11. Combined axial and radial bearing
Ordering code
In order to identify Hägglunds equipment exactly, the following ordering code is used. These ordering codes should be
stated in full in all correspondence e.g. when ordering spare parts.
01 Motor series
Compact CA CA
03 Frame size
CA 50 50
CA 70 70
CA 100 100
CA 140 140
CA 210 210
07 Displacement shift
Single speed motor 0
Two speed motor, rotation clockwise (As viewed from shaft end and inlet to A port) R
Two speed motor, rotation counter clockwise (As viewed from shaft end and inlet to A port) L
08 Type of seal
NBR (Nitrile) ● N
FPM (Viton) ● V
10 Increased robustness
No ● 0
Yes ● C
11 Modification
12 Design
Standard 00
Special index 01-99
Configuration options
The Hägglunds CA motors are available with spline hollow The standard seal, NBR (Nitrile) is the preferred alternative
shaft or shrink disc coupling. in applications with moderate ambient temperatures and
moderate case oil temperatures.
BRAKE The FPM (Viton) seal is the preferred alternative at higher
case oil temperatures and at speed above 280 rpm. Viton
It is possible to mount a brake on the back of the motor. seal is also preferred for certain hydraulic fluids, for more
For more information regarding available brake types, details, see RE15414 (Hydraulic fluid quick reference).
see data sheet RE15305.
This configuration is also required if the motor is a front
motor in a tandem combination. The motor is then mounted The through hole kit enables a through hole of 110 mm in
with the back motor and a tandem kit. diameter through the motor and e.g. enables flushing of the
driven machine or the possibility to draw cables through
DISPLACEMENT SHIFT the motor to the machine.
Motor data
* Speed above 280 rpm requires viton seals. Max permitted continues case pressure is 2 bar/29 psi.
** The motors are designed according to DNV-rules. Test pressure 420 bar/6000 psi. Peak/transient pressure 420 bar/6000 psi maximum, allowed to occur 10000 times.
US motor data
Motor type Full displacement Max. pressure** Displacement shift Ratio
Displacement Specific torque Max. speed* Displacement Specific torque Max. speed
CA 140 100 383.2 5 085 275 5 000 191.6 2 543 275 1:2
CA 140 120 460.3 6 102 245 5 000 230.1 3 050 245 1:2
CA 210 160 613.2 8 136 150 5 000 306.7 4 068 150 1:2
CA 210 180 690.4 9 154 135 5 000 345.2 4 577 135 1:2
* Speed above 280 rpm requires viton seals. Max permitted continues case pressure is 2 bar/29 psi.
** The motors are designed according to DNV-rules. Test pressure 420 bar/6 000 psi. Peak/transient pressure 420 bar/6 000 psi maximum, allowed to
occur 10 000 times.
Note: For more detailed information about dimensions, see data sheet Hägglunds CA (RE15305)
Rotating part
Rotating part
A C D dw C D dw
Note: For more detailed information about dimensions, see data sheet Hägglunds CA (RE15305)
Installation examples
The tough radial piston hydraulic motors are weight and space saving and
offers versatile mounting possibilities
▲▲ Torque arm mounted motor with splines. ▲▲ Flange mounted motor with splines
▲▲ Torque arm mounted motor with shrink disc coupling ▲▲ Flange mounted motor with through shaft for high radial load
and through hole for cooling of driven machine
▲▲ Bracket mounted capstan drive. ▲▲ Bracket mounted motor with ▲▲ Direct mounted winch drum drive
stub shaft. with brake.
Application examples
▶▶ Easy mounting - no alignment problems
▶▶ Space saving - close mounting of motor to the driven
▶▶ Reduction of external force on driven shaft with double
ended torque arm type DTC.
Cross over valve Hägglunds COCB 700/1000 Counter balance valve Hägglunds VCBCA 480
The cross over valve COCB is designed The counter balance valve is
for use with Hägglunds CA, CB and designed for use with Hägglunds
CBM motors and provides cross line Compact motors CA and CB and
relief and cavitation protection. provides a counter balance function
on one or both motor lines depend
Features: ing on the configuration.
▶▶ Compact and robust design The valve can be mounted directly onto the motors
▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors
▶▶ Oil exchange system for closed loop (COCB 1000-3) Features:
▶▶ Protects the motor from high pressure peaks ▶▶ Maximum flow 480 l/min
▶▶ Provides cavitation protection ▶▶ Compact and robust design
▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors
For more information see datasheet RE15376 ▶▶ Counter balance function with low pilot pressure
▶▶ Pilot pressure independent of load pressure
Free circulation valve with free-wheeling
Hägglunds VFCCA 1000 For more information see datasheet RE15378
The free-circulation valve with free-
wheeling function is designed for use Counter balance valve Hägglunds VCBCA 1000
with Hägglunds CA, CB and CBm The counter balance valve is
motors and provides a means of designed for use with Hägglunds
putting the motor safely into free CA, CB and CBm motors and pro
circulation mode. The valve is also vides a counter balance function on
suitable for free-wheeling mode by the motor high pressure line.
disengaging the pistons and allowing the cylinder block to The valve is normally mounted on an
freely rotate on its bearings. adapter which is included with the
The valve is normally mounted on the motor via an adapter. valve.
Features: Features:
▶▶ Compact and robust design ▶▶ Compact and robust design
▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors ▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors
▶▶ Free circulation function with minimal pressure drop ▶▶ Counter balance function with low pilot pressure
▶▶ Free circulation shift allowed up to 40 rpm ▶▶ Pilot pressure independent of load pressure
▶▶ Free-wheeling function
▶▶ Shifting from drive operation into free-wheeling allowed For more information see datasheet RE15379
up to 10 rpm
For more information see datasheet RE15381
Four-way valve Hägglunds V4WCA 1000 Constant tension valve Hägglunds CTCA 1000
The valve is designed for use with The constant tension valve CTCA is
Hägglunds CA, CB and CBM motors and designed for use with
provides four way directional and flow Hägglunds CA, CB, and CBM motors.
control of the motor. Features:
▶▶ Compact and robust design
Features: ▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds
▶▶ Compact and robust design motors
▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors ▶▶ Possible for remote control of con
▶▶ Four way directional and flow control of motor stant tension pressure
▶▶ Proportionally controlled flow of the motor ▶▶ Multi-functional
▶▶ Counter balance function on motor pressure line ▶▶ Constant tension function via high performance
For more information see datasheet RE15382 ▶▶ Dynamic braking with hot oil exchange
▶▶ Free circulation function with minimal pressure drop
Free-wheeling valve Hägglunds VFWCB 600 ▶▶ Provided with an ant i-cavitation check valve
All Hägglunds motors in the com-
pact series can be operated in Quick stop valve hägglunds VQCB 800
freewheeling mode by retracting The hydraulic quick stop valve VQCB
the pistons and allowing the is designed to stop a roll mill rolls
cylinder block to freely rotate on without stopping the electric motor
its bearings. The valve is designed for use with Compact and without any need of a mechanical
motors CA, CB and CBM and provides free-wheeling of the brake. The stop is done by blocking
motor by means of disconnecting the motor from the main the oil flow from the Hägglunds
lines and connecting both motor ports to T which has to be hydraulic motor.
drained to tank
Features: ▶▶ Compact and robust design
▶▶ Compact and robust design ▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors
▶▶ Multifunctional ▶▶ Fast response time
▶▶ Mounted directly on Hägglunds motors
▶▶ Detent function on pilot valve For more information see datasheet RE15375
▶▶ Possible for remote control
A complete Hägglunds direct drive system from Bosch Rexroth comprises the
drive unit with electric motor, pump and tank, the control system, the hydraulic
motor with accessories and the piping system.
A Hägglunds hydraulic motor from Bosch Rexroth is at the The rate and direction of the oil flow are steered by the
center of a complete direct drive system. The full solution angle of the pump swash plate, controlled via a signal from
also comprises a drive unit with electric motor, pump and the control system. The hydraulic motor’s speed is propor
tank, as well as a piping system and control system. The tional to the swash plate angle. If the swash plate passes
complete direct drive system is a closed hydraulic loop that over-center, the flow is reversed and so is the direction of
provides highly dynamic drive characteristics. the hydraulic motor. Both the hydraulic motor and the
pump have a very low moment of inertia, which makes it
The hydraulic motor supplies the needed torque to the possible to change speed, stop or reverse direction quickly.
machine and the load sets the pressure level in the system.
The motor rotates at the required speed, determined by the The pump is driven in turn by an electric motor, running
oil flow from a hydraulic swash plate pump in the drive unit. efficiently at fixed speed. The electric motor is started in an
The motor is connected to the pump by means of piping unloaded, neutral condition to limit the load on the electri
and/or hoses in a closed-loop hydraulic system. The drive cal power grid. After start, the system ramps up the flow to
unit is constructed as a sound-insulated cabinet, with the required direction and flow rate.
cooler and control system mounted on the outside for easy
access. A proportion of the return flow in the system is exchanged
for oil conditioning by means of cooling and filtering. The
At the hydraulic motor the oil is distributed through the filtration philosophy in a Hägglunds drive system is a clean
valve plate to the pistons in the cylinder block, 50% of them tank, which means that all return and drain flow to tank is
with high pressure and 50% with charge pressure. The oil filtered. The health status in the hydraulic circuit is moni
pressure forces the piston assemblies outwards radially tored by the control system, which sets the flow needs and
against the cam ring. This produces a balanced and smooth is the communication link to the factory system.
rotation with extremely high torque that drives the machine.
Because the speed of rotation is controlled by the flow of
oil from the pump, it is possible to start the machine with
full torque.
◀◀ Electric motor
▼▼ Torque arm
◀◀ Control unit
▲▲ Piping
▲▲ Hydraulic pump
▶▶ The hydraulic motor needs only a few additional compo ▶▶ Mounted directly on the driven shaft, the motor provides
nents to form a complete direct drive system. Yet there compact installation and supplies reliable power to the
are unlimited combinations and configurations to pro machine.
duce any solution within the Hägglunds direct drive ▶▶ The motor can be separated from the drive unit, which
performance range. Perfect load sharing characteristics enables freedom of application. The drive unit can be
enable multi-motor and/or multi-pump combinations to positioned away from both motor and machine, without
suit the application. foundation requirements.
▶▶ Users can simply adjust the torque, speed and hence ▶▶ The motor, like the rest of the direct drive system, is
power provided by the motor by varying the pressure fully function-tested before delivery and requires only a
and flow. Load sensing and power limiting enable func short commissioning time. Installation can usually be
tionality unavailable from other solutions, and there are undertaken during a normal shutdown period so that no
system features such as extremely fast pump compensa production losses are experienced.
tors to provide rapid response and reduce stresses and ▶▶ Our control system, Hägglunds Spider, monitors the
strains on the machine. health of the motor and provides all the necessary start/
▶▶ The enclosed motor is ideal for work in harsh environ stop logic and machine control techniques. It is
ments such as dusty mining sites, ship decks, explosive mounted, wired and fully programmed on the drive unit
zones at chemical plants and climates with wide tem prior to delivery.
perature variations.
Solutions for safe productivity mixtures are particular areas of focus. However, Bosch
Rexroth can offer proven performance and reliable explo
Where gas, steam, solvent mist or dust pose an explosion sion protection in a much wider range of applications all
hazard, Hägglunds direct drive systems provide vital protec over the world.
tion – not only of equipment, but also of life and limb. Yet
these rugged drives from Bosch Rexroth do more than Component approvals
comply with legislated standards. Their ultra-reliable com
ponent performance ensures productivity throughout the Hägglunds hydraulic motors of the CA, CB, CBp adn CBm
machine life cycle. series are possible to use in explosive areas. The hydaulic
Hägglunds direct drive systems comprise a wide range of motors are limited to gas (zone 1, category 2G and temper
components and solutions that meet national and interna ature class T4), dust (zone 21, category 2D and maximum
tional directives for explosion protection. In particular, they surface temperature 135°C) and mining (category M2). This
are approved for use in explosive areas according to the approval is also valid for some of the hydraulic motor acces
ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU. sories, including the non-electric valves and torque arms.
A Hägglunds direct drive system consists of a Hägglunds Other motor accessories, such as brakes and speed encod
hydraulic motor and a Hägglunds hydraulic drive unit. ers, have approvals of their own.
Because the main components of the drive system can be The Hägglunds DUe drive unit has options for usage in
separated and have individual approvals, there is high explosive areas, up to zone 1 and temperature class T4.
flexibility in the design and placement of the installation. Extended classification within the gas area is possible on
request, as well as explosion-proof classification for geo
Explosion protection for your industry graphical regions outside Europe. The drive unit’s modular
assembly provides high flexibility for adapting to customer
Each industry has its own special requirements, both for function requirements, despite the limitations set by the
safety and performance. Bosch Rexroth’s global expertise is ATEX directive.
coordinated accordingly, so that we can offer you tailor- The Hägglunds standard control system can be used if
made solutions for your specific applications. located outside the explosive zone, as long as the interface
Explosive atmospheres involving zone 1 and zone 2 gas/air signals are handled via energy-limiting barriers.
Hägglunds Original Service from Bosch Rexroth is the only Everything needed to service, repair, modernize or upgrade
true choice for service of your Hägglunds drive system. Ever Hägglunds drive systems is at their fingertips, including
since Hägglunds Drives became part of Bosch Rexroth, genuine Hägglunds spare parts direct from the factory.
Rexroth has been the source for Hägglunds service, Häg
glunds spare parts and Hägglunds drive system repairs. SERVING YOU GLOBALLY AND LOCALLY
Only at Bosch Rexroth will you find the knowledge and
insights that come from a half-century of servicing Häg As a truly global company, Bosch Rexroth can maximize
glunds drive systems. uptime and ensure drive system performance anywhere
in the world. Hägglunds Original Service is available locally
WHY CHOOSE HÄGGLUNDS ORIGINAL SERVICE? wherever you are, with everything from commissioning and
repairs to preventive maintenance, field service and
High-performance drive systems need high-quality service. beyond.
Bosch Rexroth is home to certified Hägglunds service
specialists, whose expert training is specific to Hägglunds A FULL RANGE OF SERVICES
drive systems. Not only do they service Hägglunds motors,
they take a complete drive system approach to securing As the source of Hägglunds drive systems, only Bosch
your uptime. Rexroth can bring you the full range of Hägglunds service
Hägglunds service experts are supported by dedicated options, based on the latest knowledge and technology.
workshops with specialized tools and the latest technology.
Hägglunds Original Service | Product catalog Hägglunds CA motor 29
Hägglunds field service combined with discounts and extended warranty options,
From inspections to preventive maintenance, Rexroth field gets Hägglunds parts to you quickly and reliably. Strategi
service engineers are ready to meet your needs on site cally located parts inventories, found at Rexroth service
– wherever you happen to be. Our local Hägglunds service centers worldwide, ensure it.
specialists have a complete understanding of your Hägg Beyond Hägglunds parts themselves, we can offer inven-
lunds drive system, as well as your situation. With their tory management, dedicated spares and kits, and stock-
unique training and equipment, they resolve your drive ing of emergency units.
issues quickly and completely.
Examples of our field service include start-up support, Extended Hägglunds services
condition-based maintenance, fitness checks and emer- Rexroth can also provide a wide range of other services
gency support. related to the Hägglunds drives and drive systems, incl:
You and your drive system can both do more with Bosch Rexroth expertise.
By selecting a Hägglunds drive solution, you’ve already chosen wisely. And with
Hägglunds Inside Intelligence, your choice becomes that much smarter.
Hägglunds Inside Intelligence is a modern suite of products time advice and condition monitoring, as well as predictive
and services that connect you and your drive with Bosch maintenance and other forms of proactive support, we help
Rexroth expertise. Through smart technology within your you increase your drive utilization and lower your cost of
drive system – combined with mobile devices and interac ownership.
tive solutions – it puts our half-century of experience right
in your hands. Hägglunds CM and Hägglunds CMp with ODiN, for instance,
What matters isn’t the technology, but the productivity and enable condition monitoring by establishing a link between
peace of mind you achieve. Through instant analysis, real- your drive system and Bosch Rexroth expertise. Hägglunds
CM provides entry-level monitoring and logging, while
Hägglunds CMp with ODiN offers a machine health index,
including historical data, trending and deeper analytics. The
latter’s secure and encrypted data communication lets us
– or your own skilled engineers – look within your drive to
optimize performance and initiate condition-based mainte
The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for
a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the
obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of
wear and aging.