The Beginning After The End Wiki
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Varay Aurae, also known by her codename Zero,[1] is one of the six Lances of Dicathen, representing the Kingdom of Sapin. She is considered the strongest among Lances, as well as the de facto leader.

Warning! The following information are novel spoilers that have not been covered in The Beginning After The End Webcomic. Click on "Expand" if you wish to read.

She partcipates in the war until it is lost, where she is defeated by Cadell and Nico at Etistin Bay then Arthur and Sylvie are presumed dead. Despite this, she did not give up and still fought against the Vritra.

Later, she goes to the Djinn sanctuary to fight Taci who is sent by Kezess Indrath because they were furious after learning the truth of Elenoir's destruction and she loses an arm. After Arthur returns from Alacrya, they retake Darv. In the battle for Vildorial, she fought against Melzri and Viessa, almost losing, but Arthur returns after killing the Wraith squad and intimidates the two scythes into retreating. Afterwards, he helps her with Bairon and Mica to break the seal placed on their cores so she can go up against the scythes if they had to.

When the second invasion of Dicathen began, she fought Mawar and Echeron. She was able to kill Echeron, and to reach integration stage, as she caused a massive ice nova.[2]


Within the novel, she is described as having white hair. In the war she cut her long white hair short and there is a scar above her right brow. In the webcomic, she is shown with white hair and gray eyes. Later on, she loses an arm, and replaces it with an ice conjured one.


She is an ice queen, according to Arthur. she and Kathyln have the same personality but she makes Kathlyn seem like an actress in a theater. She does not let her emotions gets in the way of her duty. She is loyal to the Council of Dicathen as she imprisoned Arthur without hesitation despite most of the council being corrupted. However, it was not out malice but rather duty from her part. She is clumsy in social situations as she had a hard time inspiring Mica and Aya to continue fighting. She is also capable of acknowledging someone's strength as shown during her spar with Arthur. She is highly competitive shown through her excitment when sparring with Arthur. However, she is still capable of showing emotions, like when she is with Kathyln or slightly smiling when sparring with Arthur. Despite her coldness, she deeply cares about her subordinates and comrades as she was affected by Aya's death, the Elven Kingdom's destruction, and Arthur's apparent death but embraced him once she finds out he is alive after the fight with Taci. She has no tolerance for insubordination as shown when she stopped Bairon from attacking Arthur or when she stopped Arthur from arguing about the battle plan in Etistin Bay despite Arthur's feelings being correct as it turned out to be a distraction.


  • (To Viessa) "Rich of you to accuse us of cowardice. Where have you been during this war? Safe at home, hiding beneath the Vritra Clan's skirts"[3]
  • (To Echeron) "I offer you death in return, Alacryan, but it will not be clean."[2]


  1. The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 6Chapter 165
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 474
  3. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 388

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