The Beginning After The End Wiki
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Uto of Vechor is a Vritra Blooded Alacryan who serves as a retainer of the Vritra Clan, serving directly under the Scythe, Dragoth. He is the secondary antagonist of Season 4, due to infiltrating and corrupting the mana beasts in the Beast Glades and brutally murdering Alea Triscan.


Uto stands well over two meters with a hunched posture. He has long, thin arms that dangle by his sides as though his arms had popped out of their sockets. He wears thick dark bandages underneath a shabby black mantle that perches on his shoulders and a tattered hood with his messy bangs peeking out from it. Underneath his hood are two obsidian horns with the left one having a chip in it that he received from his fight with Alea Triscan. His fingers are long, with nails sharpened like spears; his toes have recieved this treatment as well, giving him claw-like feet. His ears are long ad pointy, much like that of an elf.

Battle Form[]

After having his bandages destroyed by Arthur Leywin during their battle in Ashber Town, his body was revealed to have little studs of metal all over his torso and limbs which each cast their own little shadow around his entire body. The shadows from the countless piercings then spread around to cover his entire body aside from his horns. TurtleMe stated that Uto the strongest Retainer in Alacrya, maybe, after Cylrit in long battle.[2]


Arthur correctly sums up Uto as an arrogant sadomasochist. He relishes in carnage and death, finding it to be entertaining. Uto is always shown with a sinister smile on his face. He was excited for the upcoming war between the nations, ecstatic over the prospect of bloodshed and believed it to be futile for the Dicathen’s to stop the efforts. When he is even slightly harmed in anyway however, Uto is shown to be crueler and more vicious than he first let on, especially when it is by someone he believes is beneath him.


  • (To Arthur Leywin) “Like Cylrit said, we just didn’t want to send an innocent messenger to get captured and tortured for information. Because that’s what I’d do.”
  • (To Arthur Leywin) “Why wait? I love slicing through children’s flesh the most.”
  • (To Virion Eralith) “I hope to meet you and your granddaughter, Elf King. I’ll make sure to enjoy myself thoroughly as you helplessly watch.”
  • (To Arthur Leywin) "Fight? Why do you think that a lesser like you is worth my time at all?"
  • (To Olfred Warend) "Do you think I give a lesser's ass about what your traitorous master thinks is the best course of action?"
  • (To Arthur Leywin) "Well that's disappointing. Here I was, so excited that you'd be hell-bent on using every ounce of your being to seek vengeance for your comrade, companion, or even possibly lover-scratch that, you're a little too young for her, unless she's into that kind of..."
  • (To Arthur Leywin) "I swear to Vitra that if I get out, you'll wish you died that day."

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