The Beginning After The End Wiki
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Alacrya is one of the three continents of the world, populated by Alacryans and the Vritras. The landmass oddly resemble a side-view of a horned skull with its mouth open and a large curved bump protruding from the northern end.[1]

People on this continent are called Alacryans, and their culture differs greatly from the Dicathens. Under the active leadership of Vritras, Alacrya is more advanced than Dicathen. They are capable of controlling mana beasts and can even construct unstable teleportation gates. Their magic system also differs greatly from the Dicathen's. However, since many of the people can utilize mana, discrimination is prominent among Alacryans.

Unlike Dicathen, Alacrya doesn't have any dungeons left. It is said by the Alacryans themselves that the Vritra, led by Agrona, vanquished all of the dungeons with the excuse of keeping the inhabitants safe.[2]

Political Structure[]

Agrona Vritra is known as the High Sovereign, reigning over all the continent and resides in a towering spire, known as Taegrin Caelum, situated neatly in the middle of the Central Dominion.[3]

Aside from the High Sovereign, there are five Named Sovereigns, each one of them responsible for the protection of and to watch over their respective dominions. All sovereigns are asura, albleit less powerful than Agrona. They are intertwined in the lesser affairs of their dominion, acting like a king and only answering to the High Sovereign.

Known Sovereigns:[]


The continent is divided into 5 dominions:[3]

  • Truacia, the northern dominion.
    • Cities: Saluamatu, Itri, Onaeka.
  • Sehz-Clar, the southern dominion.
    • Cities: Fiachra, Rosaere, Sandaerene, Aedelgard.
  • Etril, the eastern dominion.
  • Vechor, the western dominion.
  • Central Dominion, the central region of Alacrya. Unlike the other dominions, it has remained unnamed since the founding of Alacrya.


It is stated by Chief Mason, from Maerin Town in the Dominion of Etril, that a journey from the city, located in the southern part of the Dominion, to the Central Dominion would take around five months on foot, or about sixty days in a carriage. [1]

Monetary System[]

By using runic technology, the Alacryans were able to make Runecards, which are physical cards linked to the Alacrya Bank that allow a person to not carry physical money around.[4]

Magic in Alacrya[]

...The awakening is the ceremony that unlocks the children their first mark so that they can become a mage...

The Beginning After The End Novel

The order of runes based on strength from weakest to strongest: Mark, Crest, Emblem and Regalia.

A single rune only allows the person to use one spell. More of these runes can be gained, although the conditions aren't clear. Dicathen mages are more versatile, capable of numerous spells of their element. Alacryan mages have much fewer spells, but the fact that they spend their lives honing only those few spells makes these spells that much more potent. Additionally, Alacryan mages are divided into categories based on the spells they wield:

  • Striker - a mage that fights on the offensive.
  • Shield - a mage that focuses solely on protecting the striker.
  • Sentry - a mage specializing in sensing and detection.
  • Caster - a mage specializing in long range spell; they are similar to Conjurers.
  • Instiller - a mage that specializes in enhancing objects with their mana.[2]

With the Shield's protection, the Striker is often able to pursue a very aggressive strategy where they charge head-on at their opponent without needing to dodge or block.

This ‘rune-based system’ was largely a mystery to the Alacryans as well. Because of the awakening process that all children went through in order to become a mage, the Alacryans thought that magic was given to them by the Vritra themselves, or ‘the sovereigns’.[5]


All Alacryan children participate in bestowment cermonies in order to obtain their first rune. Not everyone suceeds, however, and never recieve a mark, labeling them as unads (unadorned). These cermonies are held at schools and other places of notion throughout Alacrya. A mage may participate in additional bestowals in the hopes of recieving new runes.

  • The Obsidian Vault is a special vault locaed in Taegrin Caelum, and is where wraiths, scythes, retainers and other prominent mages are bestowed with additional powerful runes, often emblems or regalias. It is a large vault that consist of several chambers. The walls, ceiling and sairs are shaped out of pure, black obsidian that shine with purple reflecrions, hence its name.[6]

Proportion of mages[]

In consequence of the unique process of awakening, the ratio of mages to non mages in Alacrya is 1 out of 5, while in Dicathen that proportion is of 1 out of 100.[7]

  • Nonmages, or "unads", which seems to be the widely-accept slang for unadorned, are widely discriminated against since they aren't "blessed" by the sovereigns.[5]

Decay Deviant Elements[]

Aside from the standard deviant elements (see magic and objects), the mages of Alacrya have a set of special decay deviant elements. These can only be used by those with awakened vritra blood. They are also called decay-type mana arts.

Earth Blood Iron Nico[8], Cadell, Uto, Ifiok[9], Dragoth[10],Perhata[11], Oludari[12], Agrona[13].
Fire Soulfire Nico[14], Cadell, Caera, Blaise[9], Melzri[15], Oludari[12], Perhata[11], Echeron[16].
Fire Black Lightning Perhata[11], Ulrike[9].
Water Acid Jagrette, Richmal[9].
Water Black Ice Varg[17]
Wind Erosion Cadell, Mawar(Citation needed), Kagiso.
Wind Void Wind Cadell, Seris, Melzri[15], Viessa[18], Dragoth[19].
Unkown Poison Bilal, Raest[20].
Unkown Shadow Haleigh[21], Valeska[9], Mawar[16].
Unkown Black Fog Cylrit


The Alacryans use the word "Blood" to refer to their family. The reason behind this custom is because Agrona and the Vritra Clan spread their blood among the lessers. How rich the blood of someone is with Vritra lineage is something very important.[3]

The Named Bloods are nobles, which are descendants of Ascenders that made themselves famous because of several successful ascents and by the riches they earned. Although important, they are socially one tier below to the so called Highbloods, that are considered the true nobility because of their lineage often tracing back to an actual Vritra.[3]

In exception of the people from the Dominion of Sehz-Clar, it is considered proper to loot a comrade's corpse in order to return their possessions to their blood. Also, leaving a soldier in the place of their death is considered an honor, especially within the Relictombs. [22]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 8 - Chapter 283
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 8 - Chapter 287
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 8 - Chapter 291
  4. The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 8 - Chapter 288
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 8- Chapter 268
  6. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 399
  7. The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 6 - Chapter 194
  8. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 7 - Chapter 250
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 389
  10. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 418
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 454
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 450
  13. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 479
  14. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 7 - Chapter 251
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 391
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 474
  17. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 453
  18. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 388
  19. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 10 - Chapter 424
  20. The Begining after the End Novel: Volume 11 - Chapter 452
  21. The Beginning after the End Novel: Volume 8.5 - Chapter 13
  22. The Beginning After The End Novel: Volume 8 - Chapter 272