The Beginning After The End Wiki
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Dawsid Greysunders was the King of Darv, the kingdom inhabited by dwarves and the husband of Glaudera Greysunders.

He was approached by Agrona Vritra who offered him wealth, power ad immortality if he joined him, in exchange for Arthur Leywin and his bond, Sylvie. Dawsid agrees, bringng Blaine Glayder in on the deal. The plan is ultimately foiled by Aldir who kills Dawsid and his wife, as well as taking control over the dwarven lances.[3]


Dawsid is an elderly man with short stature and a sturdy frame. He has dark, baggy eyes accompanied by his thick bushy brows. He has a long, braided beard that ends at his upper torso, complimented by his long mustache tied in sections. Dawsid wears a light, leather armor covering his barrel-shaped chest draped with a cloak bearing the symbol of Darv.[4] Despite his muscle-toned body, his hands appear soft and uncalloused, suggesting that he barely does any heavy-lifting.[5]


Dawsid is not as eloquent as the other royals, but his words have an impact on others. In the general public, he appears commanding and benevolent, worthy of the public's respect,[4] but Dawsid is corrupt, willing to sacrifice his people for personal gain of riches and power promised to him by the Vritra. According to Olfred, Dawsid is greedy and selfish.[6] He is materialistic, often relishing in his lavish lifestyle of fermented fruits that cost an entire house and his fingers adorned by extravagant rings. Dawsid has an inferiority complex towards humans, believing that humans look down upon the dwarves for specializing in forging weapons. Dawsid is also lustful and cruel, cheating on his wife with a peasant girl and killing the girl and her husband to hide his secret.[1]


Dawsid used to slay a wide variety of mana beasts when he was younger. He broke through the orange core stage when he was in his prime. Dawsid became the King of Darv and married Glaudera Greysunders as his queen. During his marriage, he once raped a peasant girl, and the girl's husband attacked Dawsid, leaving Dawsid with a crippled mana core. He then killed the girl and her husband to hide his secret. As he got older, his once robust body grew weak to the point he could not wield his war hammer anymore.

Abilities & Skills[]

As the King of Darv and a member of the Council of Dicathen, Dawsid has the highest authority within his Kingdom and over his citizens. Dawsid also possesses an abundance of wealth that he splurges on lavish goods and exquisite cuisine. As a descendant of the Royal Greysunders bloodline, he is also able to bestow the position of and have power over two Lances.

Augmenter: In his prime, Dawsid was a distinguished orange core mage, able to swing his war hammer with strength and ferocity to slay a variety of mana beasts. After his mana core was left crippled and old age caught up to him, he could no longer efficiently use mana and wield his war hammer.

Full Cleave: Full Cleave was a war hammer that Dawsid personally forged. After his core was left crippled, Dawsid was no longer able to wield his mighty hammer anymore, as it was reduced to a mere decoration on a wall.


  • (To the people) "Our appearances may be different and our cultures may clash, but remember this… we are all born in this continent of Dicathen. I for one am proud of that and hope that future generations will feel the same way. What about you?"[7]
  • (To Blaine) “It’s not considered betraying if this continent was already bound for annihilation. Blaine, you and I both know what is going to happen to Dicathen, regardless of whether we try to save it or not. We have to look beyond that and try to salvage what’s important to us.”[8]
  • (To Aldir) [Last Words] "N-now please. Let me go."[1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • In the novel, Dawsid is described as having a brown beard,[5] while the webcomic depicted him with a white beard.[4]
  • In the novel, Dawsid is implied to have raped the woman he was cheating on his wife with, this however was omitted from the webcomic.



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