soc_puppet: Adorable art of the Pokémon Piplup; its flippers are clutched close to its chin, its eyes are dewy, and it is blushing, while light pink hearts and bubbles float around it. Originally a sticker for Pokémon Go. (Love Piplup)
Happy Birthday to me, yay!

Dad got me the picture book, "The Bakery Dragon", as seen on Tumblr.

Mom got me season 10 of Bob's Burgers.

My brother's family got me something that's still in the mail 😂

And Dreamwidth got me my new mood themes going live!

...Okay, they're not technically live yet exactly (they'll show up soon!), and it's a complete coincidence that [site community profile] dw_dev posted the code tour on my birthday, but I'm counting it!
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
Linking these here for organizational purposes. You may remember that I had the horrible temptation to do some sort of One Month Mood Theme challenge? Well, I'm still not doing it yet, but I did put together a bunch of calendars for anyone who might want to do it. This could hypothetically include me at some point, but doesn't necessarily have to.

There are a total of fourteen calendar pages: They only have day numbers and moods listed on them, no assigned months (or days of the week, because that was just easier for me). There is a version that starts on each day of the week for both 30-day months and 31-day months; I left off February, because no thank you. Here are the pages, should anyone want to save them or print them out or whatever. They're very minimalist, because again, easiest for me.

Sunday 30 | Sunday 31
Monday 30 | Monday 31
Tuesday 30 | Tuesday 31
Wednesday 30 | Wednesday 31
Thursday 30 | Thursday 31
Friday 30 | Friday 31
Saturday 30 | Saturday 31

Phew! I sure hope I got all of those in the right place; they didn't stay in order when I uploaded them, and I'm not going to go checking them individually at the moment, kthx.

I also made a "mood challenge" grid; it's got the same 34 moods in a 5x7 grid (last square empty), with the squares mostly empty. The idea is to print it out and do little sketches for each mood in each square, and then maybe a freebie/wild card square at the end. You can check that out here. I'm hoping to print off a few copies of it, so I can take it with me and do some mood theme-y sketching without constantly referring back to my phone for what the next mood is 😂

All of these should add yet more flexibility for mood theme creation and challenges, whee!

And now: Bed time routine.
soc_puppet: A young man with glasses and messy brown hair staring blankly (and somewhat tiredly) at the viewer, as if he has just been informed of some outlandish news that he should have somehow expected. (You have GOT to be kidding me)
An errant train of thought: "You know, if you add up the primary moods from the mood theme hierarchical tree with the secondary and tertiary moods (and one quaternary mood), you get thirty-four moods. If you do one a day, that's basically a one month project. Throw in an extra mood on, like, Saturdays or something, and boom! Mood Theme in a Month Except February. Perfect for someone looking for a new short-term creative challenge, what with NaNoWriMo going down the tubes..."

I'm reasonably sure I'll be able to resist the temptation of this idea, but like. The temptation is there.
soc_puppet: Deep sea fish wearing a monocle (Monocle Fish)
I felt the need to do a bit of visual art, and also wanted to try my hand at pixel art, so I threw together a minimal-ish mood theme with blue 8bit jellyfish. ...And then I decided, what the heck, I need more colors! And now I have a rainbow of jellyfish moods.

These aren't ready for common use yet; for various art program related reasons, I still need to clip everything down except for blue and green, and then zip and upload them. But here are the sheets where you can see the jellyfish!

J is for Jellyfish )

I'll upload the individual colors, plus one with all the colors, once they're ready ✌

Edit: Come download your jellies!

Pink Jellies | Orange Jellies
Yellow Jellies | Green Jellies
Blue Jellies | Purple Jellies
Jellyfish Mood Rainbow

Use one at a time, or mix and match for extra fun! While it's not comprehensive, I'm pretty sure you could wrangle a couple of pride flags out of these jellies 👀

Note to self: Make pride flag jellies

Images have their dimensions included in the file name, width by height; so, for example, 34x40 is 34 pixels wide by 40 pixels tall. This should help if you're uploading them as a Dreamwidth mood theme (and probably other Dreamwidth-like sites), especially as not all of them are the same dimensions, and you need to list the dimension for every parent mood image.

Edit 2: I inquired in the latest [site community profile] dw_maintenance post about what was involved in submitting a mood theme to be officially used by Dreamwidth, and apparently there's a wiki page about it! One of my dreams may be coming true shortly?!

Edit 3: The jellyfish files have been updated with new jellies! There are now a total of 35 images, one for each of the "branches" on the mood hierarchy tree, plus a bonus image (the mood "Blank").
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
These are technically the final(!) rats I had left in my Fancy Rat Mood Theme! I have now drawn rats for 132 different moods! I do still plan to go through and do a couple different variations on a few rats, but with this? The official tally is complete.

I have completed an image for every mood in a custom mood theme.

...At least, I'm pretty sure I have. I guess I'll find out for sure when I load the new moods to the official mood theme page!

On that note, who wants to see the final(!) rats? 😃?

Listless, Pessimistic, Rejected, Disappointed, Contemplative, Lonely, Melancholy, Groggy, Nervous, Distressed, Bored, Productive, Restless, Crappy, Quixotic )

So that's just about it for the moment! Just a couple of variations to do, and then I'm reasonably sure I'm done.

And now, off to input the new images into my mood theme!

Edit: Moods are up! And I don't see any checked "Inherit from" boxes in the edit page for the Fancy Rats mood theme, so I am tentatively saying that yes, I have finished all the moods, yay!
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
Fifteen rat moods left, and I have sketches for thirteen of them (including, finally, Quixotic, which has been haunting me). Two official sketches left to go before the official count is done, though I also want to do a re-do of Intimidated (I feel like it's too visually busy, even though the cat looks great), and also do some more variations on Touched.

But still.

13/15 sketched, 0/15 digitally colored.

117/132 total.

Heaven help me, I might actually complete a New Year's Resolution.


May. 23rd, 2024 12:07 am
soc_puppet: Pixelated Habitica avatar decked out in full Mushroom Druid wear, riding a Dusk Badger mount through a forest with a pet Base Snake (Meme Warrior)
Uploaded all my Part 3 rats to [community profile] moodthemeinayear, so they're now all in the same place, yay! Going forward, I think I'll start putting the names of the moods in my cut text over here when I share rats, though, so it'll be easier for me to sort through things 😅

I also did some minor organizational work and added some new tags to the community. The goal is to make it easier to scroll through and see the moods everyone shares at the community, as well as, eventually, any finished/completed mood themes. In that post, I did ask for suggestions for tags to use to indicate whether a given mood theme would be up for general use, was only for the creator's use, or if it might be okay for other people to use under certain conditions (like "You can use my mood theme, just please ask first!"); if you have any ideas, I'm all ears! Similarly, I'm interested in any other suggestions for what might be useful tags over there. I'm thinking possibly "Original Mood Theme" and "Fandom Mood Theme"?

For now, though, it's time to get ready for bed!
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep, its wool colored black and shot through with five diagonal colored lines (red, yellow, white, blue, and green, from left to right), the design from Dreamwidth user capri0mni's Disability Pride flag. The Dreamwidth logo is in red, yellow, white, blue, and green, echoing the stripes. (Disability Dreamsheep)
Part 3 has started over at [community profile] moodthemeinayear! I'm a bit discombobulated at the moment, due to shaking my schedule up significantly today (three guesses why, and none of them are "work"), but I did manage to get the weekly mood announcement post up. We've got a rough few weeks over there as we get through nine variations on "Angry", which honestly makes me glad I've been skipping around so much 😅

(Rassa-frassa ADHD emotional regulation bullshit. You know that thing where writers and artists will sometimes smush their faces into the emotion of the characters they're depicting at a given time? Yeah, that happens with my actual mood sometimes, though moreso when I'm absorbing media than creating it.)

I did take the time to draw out another four moods tonight! None of them are on schedule, since I didn't have them written down and wasn't able to get to my phone (I had a snoozing dog blocking access to the phone in my pocket), but they're still sketched out and are for some actual moods, so I'm taking the win. I'll be making a physical list of the Part 3 moods to work off of shortly, so hopefully I won't have that problem again 😛 I also digitized and colored another four. I've got one left to go of the moods I have photos of, and then I need to photograph more sketches to work off of. All in all, I'd say I was pretty productive with this mood theme tonight!

Oh, I've also finally decided what show I want to watch while working on crochet patterns: I'm planning a re-watch of Assassination Classroom. I still haven't gotten the universal remote to work (well, not on the right TV), but since all the discs will be from the same production, the volume should stay pretty consistent. I'm tentatively optimistic about beating the executive dysfunction to get to work on that! I really do need to start in earnest soon 😅
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
Just five this time: Impressed, Predatory, Geeky, Horny, Morose  )

These rats are not yet added to my masterlist of links for image blocking, but I'll get to that in a bit! For right now, I'm going to go upstairs and catch the rest of The Daily Show (and maybe have a snack).

Edit: Links have been added to the mass-image-block list! Also, I did a quick count of the moods I've finished, and I'm pretty sure I've got (wait for it) 69 finished of 132. Which, aside from being nice, means I'm more than half-way done! Woot!
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
A super quick rat mood dump; I've got others that are finished, but I wanted to share this one in particular.

Four variations on 'Touched' )
soc_puppet: A crude pencil drawing on lined paper of what's supposed to be a dog; the dog's mouth and eyes are on one side of its face, while its snout is on the other. (Art time!)
...the urge to make an XKCD mood theme? Are mood themes my fandom now?

(Also, new icon! Art courtesy of the manga, "Play it Cool, Guys", which is goofy as heck and also pretty cute. In my opinion, it's the masculine equivalent of those "cute girls doing cute things" genre.)
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
Just a small selection of rat moods this time around; the last week-ish has been a bit overwhelming!

Five moods, featuring eight rats: Thirsty, Discontent, Satisfied, Naughty, Lazy )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Art)
Ten more rat moods, with twelve more rats! A couple of the moods have guests 😉

See the ratties: Drunk, Refreshed, Sleepy, Annoyed, Tired, Anxious, Artistic, Uncomfortable, Content, Mischievous )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
I remembered a couple of weeks ago what first inspired me to make my own mood theme: The "Heartless" mood theme by RubyD! It featured the most basic, generic Heartless from the Kingdom Hearts games, of which there were far fewer at the time, and RubyD did the artwork for all of them. I remember thinking how creative some of the interpretations were! From there I got the idea to draw my own mood theme, featuring pet rats; in the end, I never got very far, and it was only after creating this community that I began to make real progress.

Wanting to see it again, I finally dug up the mood theme from where I had it saved on an external hard drive a few days ago. Turns out that RubyD hadn't made an image for every mood, as I'm sure I thought was the case at the time; between the original release and the expansion pack RubyD eventually put out, only 102 moods were covered—this was still a lot, though, and it's possibly that RubyD put out another expansion pack or two to cover all the moods in the intervening years (no idea if RubyD made it to Dreamwidth/is still around/etc). Still, it was fun to look back at them, and see some of the creative ways that RubyD approached various moods, and what inspired me in the first place!

Rats Again

Feb. 8th, 2024 11:17 pm
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
I should really make myself a rat art icon. Logically, I could just use any of the mood theme images I've made already, since they also have to be 100x100 pixels or smaller, but I want something special, you know?

Rat art here! Sick, Exanimate, Cold, Stressed, Silly, Surprised, Optimistic, Exhausted, Relaxed )

I am also officially turning my custom mood theme on at this point ♥ I wanted to wait until [community profile] moodthemeinayear got through Part 1, which covers the minimum moods needed for a custom mood theme, so I would feel more in sync with the community, and we finally made it on Monday! If you want to block the images for my mood theme, I've got all the links (I think) listed in this post, and will be adding links as I go. (I may have missed one! If so, and you have the time/willingness to check, please let me know which it is so I can include it properly!)
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)
A whopping twelve rat moods!

I'm also planning to make a pinned post with both A) All of the image links for anyone who needs to block them, and B) All of the images themselves, so I can look at them to cheer myself up. "Look at how cute they are!" I will say to myself. "Look at these cute things I made to make myself happy, and other people also like them! What a good thing doing art is."

Anyway, on to the rats! Rat moods: Complacent, Hopeful, High, Mellow, Indifferent, Loved, Grateful, Full, Relieved, Good, Recumbend, Jubilant )
soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)

I blame the metric fuckton of snow that was dumped on the Midwest over the past couple of days (with more to be added over the next couple of days).

Anyway! More rat moods: Nerdy, Indescribable, Happy, Excited, Energetic, Working )

With these, I officially have all the basic/"root" moods complete! I have an image for every single mood in Dreamwidth's mood drop-down menu. Sure, a lot of them are "inherited" from previous moods ("Happy" covers a lot of ground, for example, as does "Sad"), but everything's covered! I've got everything uploaded and assigned to moods, so I could make the switch to my custom mood theme whenever I want.

But I gotta check. I know not everyone likes rats (or mice, which these could be mistaken for). If there's anyone who would prefer not to see these images at all, I can make a post listing links to all of the images for anyone who wants to run them through an image blocker. Is that something that anyone would be interested in? Lurkers, your voice counts here, too!

Edit: If you want to see all the (current) rats at once, click this link 👍

soc_puppet: Words "Creative Process" in purple (Creative Process)

Yay, I figured out the best way for me to translate physical space sketches to digital mood theme images!

Cut for cartoony drawings of adorable rats (including one in a coffee mug) (moods: Angry, Awake, Confused, Scared, Thoughtful, Busy) )

I think they work pretty well, though not perfectly. I may go through and tune up Confused later, but for now I'm fairly pleased with the results!

Edit: Now with three more! )

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