soc_puppet: Pixelated Habitica avatar decked out in full Mushroom Druid wear, riding a Dusk Badger mount through a forest with a pet Base Snake (Meme Warrior)
I just now made a very overdue recs post at [community profile] queerly_beloved; I also commented on the most recent [community profile] justcreate check-in post. There may have been other things, but I am very tired and need to come up with a better system for tracking these things.
soc_puppet: Pixelated Habitica avatar decked out in full Mushroom Druid wear, riding a Dusk Badger mount through a forest with a pet Base Snake (Meme Warrior)
This week:

- Thursday Recs at [community profile] queerly_beloved is doing double duty as a thank-you note to whoever bought the community paid time
- The new theme at [community profile] summerofthe69 is up, Forced 69, while Alternate Sexy Parts 69 closed
- This month's public post at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic is up: Only one bed? More like only one BLAH

- Made the usual New Sot69 theme announcement at [community profile] followfriday
- Commented at [community profile] justcreate, which is pretty hopping these days!

I might try to get an advertising post for Kittens and Spitefic up at [site community profile] dw_community_promo before I go to sleep, as well.
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Fox Miraculous. A red-orange fox tail swishing across a lighter orange background. (Art Deco Shrimp)
This week:

The usual recs post at [community profile] queerly_beloved

The June 16th theme is up at [community profile] summerofthe69: Alternate Sexy Parts 69: From trans and genderswap to Omegaverse and Xenokink, and beyond!; it runs through June 30th. (I also took a moment to advertise it in the comments of [community profile] followfriday.) I wrote and posted a fic for the Spiderman 69 theme: Suspended (Miraculous Ladybug, Ladrien). Oh, and there's some prompts available in the comment prompt post there, one of which may or may not be by me 😉

This week, I'll be closing the Spiderman 69 theme at Summer of the 69, and opening the next theme (Greater Than 69: A 69 involving three or more people, directly or indirectly). I plan to advertise it in the comments at Follow Friday, and hopefully make an announcement post on at least one other community (such as [community profile] fandomcalendar and [site community profile] dw_community_promo).
soc_puppet: Pixelated Habitica avatar decked out in full Mushroom Druid wear, riding a Dusk Badger mount through a forest with a pet Base Snake (Meme Warrior)
This week, I did the usual recs post at [community profile] queerly_beloved.

I commented a bunch at the Welcome to Redditors post on [site community profile] dw_news. (I was quite surprised to be the first to comment, and ended up adding more later.)

I also officially opened comment prompts and the first week's theme at [community profile] summerofthe69. I'm currently thinking of extending themes out another week (for overlapping themes), if only so I won't have to end the first theme with no posts for it, but still haven't decided. It may have been a sub-optimal theme to start out the event with, as well, but it was the first one I came up with, so I may have been a bit overly-attached to it.

I also have two plunnies for it I could hypothetically churn out before starting the next theme, thus solving the problem of "there's no fills for the first week" in a different way. I thought I'd have the energy to do at least one of them tonight, or I'd have written one yesterday, and yet here I am. With luck, I'll have learned that lesson better for the future. Anyway, we'll see what I manage.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
This week, I've got a minimalist rec at [community profile] queerly_beloved; I also squeed over some super cool pride color page dividers someone was kind enough to share.

I announced Summer of the 69 over at [community profile] followfriday, as well as plugging the June public post for Kittens and Spitefic.

And I commented on [community profile] justcreate's weekend check-in post.

I really, really want to get announcement posts for Summer of the 69 up at [community profile] fandomcalendar and [site community profile] dw_community_promo before tomorrow, but I am very tired and so am not promising myself anything.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Half an hour late by my clock, but whatever.

I hosted the usual recs post over at [community profile] queerly_beloved this week.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
*crawls out of the Not Posting For Some Reason hole* Phew! Okay, I'm back for now.

This week, I recommended animals in general at [community profile] queerly_beloved. Meanwhile, last week (whoops) I did a drive-by recommendation for the video game, Garden Story, whose characters are only ever referred to with they/them pronouns.

And now, to try and get the manhole cover back on the Not Posting For Some Reason hole...
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
I did Thursday Recs at Queerly Beloved this week and last week, and have been too tired to properly link/post both times. So I'm at least making an improper post this time.

I also commented at Just Create.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
This week, I recommended Trump's indictment over at [community profile] queerly_beloved, as it definitely brings a smile to my face.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep with a ball of white yarn for a body (Crochet)
Oh hey, it's technically Thursday! I may as well get this taken care of now, so I don't put it off until the last minute tonight.

This week, I commented at [community profile] justcreate.

I also plan to rec the TTRPG bundle for Trans Rights in Florida on [community profile] queerly_beloved, but haven't gotten to that just yet. I will post a link when I do! Edit: Link is here. (I got it up on time, I just forgot to link it back to this post 😂)
soc_puppet: Miraculous Ladybug; the design from the Cat Miraculous: A green cat pawprint on a black field (Cataclysm)
This week, I made Thursday Recs hosting post at [community profile] queerly_beloved.

I also shamelessly self-recced (NSFW) at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic's March Public Post, which is bait for bondage.
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Breath" themed Dreamsheep (It's fuckin Wimdy)
Bleh. I think I have some sort of spring cold and/or early allergies, which is naturally the Worst Thing Ever. Curse you, post-nasal drip!

Recs post at [community profile] queerly_beloved.

I'm also hoping to get a new public post up at [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic, but my stuffy head is impeding the process a bit. Hopefully it's just a matter of reading a few prior posts for me to get back into the groove.

Edit: Kittens and Spitefic post is up! I'd say "restrain yourself," but you'd take it the wrong way! (Bondage. The prompt is about bondage.) NSFW.
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Whoops, missed it last week. I'm tempted to miss it again this week, because I am tired, but it's been ten days since my last update here, and I'm committed to updating at least once a (calendar) week.

At [community profile] queerly_beloved, I hosted Thursday Recs last week and today.

I also replied to a comment in [community profile] kittens_and_spitefic's February public post.

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