soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Blood" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Blood)
Welp, looks like it's time to call the doctor about my current birth control pills, because I'm back to absurd levels of spotting/smudging! It's not quite as bad as the first one I tried—yet—but I don't know if I want to wait and see if it gets that far. I think the next method on the list of things to try to combat my adenomyosis (read as: Off-brand Endo) is an IUD rather than a new pill, which at least I wouldn't have to worry about taking at the same time every day (thank God), but may also have some hellacious cramps to start out with.

I also need to call my mechanic, because my car is smelling a lot like gasoline, which seems like it might be a bad thing. Hopefully it's nothing too expensive or time consuming...
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Finally had my official ultrasound follow-up appointment with my doctor today. Endo turns out to have not been exactly the right diagnosis, but what I actually seem to have is only a bit to the left of endo. Or maybe it could be considered a specific sub-type? IDK.

More details under the cut (content warning for medical/uterus stuff): Anyway, it's called adenomyosis )
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Blood" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Blood)
So apparently the Covid vaccine can cause an extra heavy period. I'll have to keep that in mind when I get vaccinated with regards to my current endo treatment.


Mar. 30th, 2021 02:03 pm
soc_puppet: [Homestuck] God tier "Blood" themed Dreamsheep (Sheep of Blood)
Just heard back from my doctor about my test results. Surprise! It's not PCOS, it's endometriosis! Time for me to do some more reading on the subject, I think.

(I'm also not anemic from all that bleeding, so that was either the power of suggestion or a byproduct of stress/grief. I'd buy either at this point.)
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
When my doctor asked me at my appointment on Monday whether my recent health troubles had made me feel anemic, I honestly hadn't thought about it, so I guessed "no". I'm now thinking the answer should almost certainly have been "yes" instead.

The good news is, I've stocked up somewhat on Gatorade and now know what to watch for, and between the blood sample the doctor's office took on Monday and the ultrasound tomorrow, we should have a better idea what's going on.

The bad news is all the doughnuts I bought yesterday when I went to pick up Gatorade and a few other things are now gone.

Guess I'll just have to make myself something sweet for when I feel like I need a stronger chemical pick-me-up and then hide it from my parents.
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Had my actual BC follow-up appointment today. It was a doozy! Cut for the continued adventures of Socchan's uterus )
soc_puppet: Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time] drinks red from a dreamsheep (Dreamsheep Drinking Game)
Content warning for period stuff: Seriously?! )
soc_puppet: Dreamsheep as Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time (Default)
Finally checked the info sheet that came with my new hormonal birth control pills. Body stuff under the cut )

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